Dina Belova 347f6a7ba9 Clean thread local profiler object after usage
Currently profiler is initiated in the osprofiler wsgi
middleware, but is not cleaned up after this. This leaded to the
fact, that there is profiler object initiated if the thread
is reused, even if there was no hmac_key passed via next API
request to the traced service. For most of OpenStack projects this
was not influencing the fucntionality, as all requests were processed
in separated greenlets, but in Keystone there is reusable thread
pool. This leaded to the situation, when DB calls were continued
to be traced even if the original request was finished for a while

Change-Id: Ie84e1b28ac61c03b2619530e5d619855c5072207
2016-03-24 07:52:50 +00:00

131 lines
4.2 KiB

# Copyright 2014 Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import six
import webob.dec
from osprofiler import _utils as utils
from osprofiler import profiler
# Trace keys that are required or optional, any other
# keys that are present will cause the trace to be rejected...
_REQUIRED_KEYS = ("base_id", "hmac_key")
_OPTIONAL_KEYS = ("parent_id",)
#: Http header that will contain the needed traces data.
X_TRACE_INFO = "X-Trace-Info"
#: Http header that will contain the traces data hmac (that will be validated).
def get_trace_id_headers():
"""Adds the trace id headers (and any hmac) into provided dictionary."""
p = profiler.get()
if p and p.hmac_key:
data = {"base_id": p.get_base_id(), "parent_id": p.get_id()}
pack = utils.signed_pack(data, p.hmac_key)
return {
X_TRACE_INFO: pack[0],
X_TRACE_HMAC: pack[1]
return {}
def disable():
"""Disable middleware.
This is the alternative way to disable middleware. It will be used to be
able to disable middleware via oslo.config.
global _ENABLED
_ENABLED = False
def enable(hmac_keys=None):
"""Enable middleware."""
_HMAC_KEYS = utils.split(hmac_keys or "")
class WsgiMiddleware(object):
"""WSGI Middleware that enables tracing for an application."""
def __init__(self, application, hmac_keys=None, enabled=False):
"""Initialize middleware with api-paste.ini arguments.
:application: wsgi app
:hmac_keys: Only trace header that was signed with one of these
hmac keys will be processed. This limitation is
essential, because it allows to profile OpenStack
by only those who knows this key which helps
avoid DDOS.
:enabled: This middleware can be turned off fully if enabled is False.
self.application = application
self.name = "wsgi"
self.enabled = enabled
self.hmac_keys = utils.split(hmac_keys or "")
def factory(cls, global_conf, **local_conf):
def filter_(app):
return cls(app, **local_conf)
return filter_
def _trace_is_valid(self, trace_info):
if not isinstance(trace_info, dict):
return False
trace_keys = set(six.iterkeys(trace_info))
if not all(k in trace_keys for k in _REQUIRED_KEYS):
return False
if trace_keys.difference(_REQUIRED_KEYS + _OPTIONAL_KEYS):
return False
return True
def __call__(self, request):
if (_ENABLED is not None and not _ENABLED or
_ENABLED is None and not self.enabled):
return request.get_response(self.application)
trace_info = utils.signed_unpack(request.headers.get(X_TRACE_INFO),
_HMAC_KEYS or self.hmac_keys)
if not self._trace_is_valid(trace_info):
return request.get_response(self.application)
info = {
"request": {
"path": request.path,
"query": request.query_string,
"method": request.method,
"scheme": request.scheme
with profiler.Trace(self.name, info=info):
return request.get_response(self.application)