Ilya Shakhat cdb6e83ed1 Extend messaging driver to support reporting
Messaging driver is extended to read profiling events
from RabbitMQ and generate report. This simplifies
usage of profiling in DevStack since Ceilometer is not
needed anymore.

The typical workflow is following:
1. User issues a command with profiling enabled:
   openstack --os-profile SECRET KEY <command>

2. User retrieves the trace:
   osprofiler trace show --connection messaging://
      --transport-url rabbit://<rabbituser>:<rabbitpassword>@<devstack>:5672/
      --json <trace-id>

Change-Id: I950896d6d9156f09e378bdfcf272aef5da4ece74
2017-10-27 12:34:38 +02:00

199 lines
7.4 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import functools
import signal
import time
from oslo_utils import importutils
from osprofiler.drivers import base
class Messaging(base.Driver):
def __init__(self, connection_str, project=None, service=None, host=None,
context=None, conf=None, transport_url=None,
idle_timeout=1, **kwargs):
"""Driver that uses messaging as transport for notifications
:param connection_str: OSProfiler driver connection string,
equals to messaging://
:param project: project name that will be included into notification
:param service: service name that will be included into notification
:param host: host name that will be included into notification
:param context: oslo.messaging context
:param conf: oslo.config CONF object
:param transport_url: oslo.messaging transport, e.g.
:param idle_timeout: how long to wait for new notifications after
the last one seen in the trace; this parameter is useful to
collect full trace of asynchronous commands, e.g. when user
runs `osprofiler` right after `openstack server create`
:param kwargs: black hole for any other parameters
self.oslo_messaging = importutils.try_import("oslo_messaging")
if not self.oslo_messaging:
raise ValueError("Oslo.messaging library is required for "
"messaging driver")
super(Messaging, self).__init__(connection_str, project=project,
service=service, host=host)
self.context = context
if not conf:
oslo_config = importutils.try_import("oslo_config")
if not oslo_config:
raise ValueError("Oslo.config library is required for "
"messaging driver")
conf = oslo_config.cfg.CONF
transport_kwargs = {}
if transport_url:
transport_kwargs["url"] = transport_url
self.transport = self.oslo_messaging.get_notification_transport(
conf, **transport_kwargs)
self.client = self.oslo_messaging.Notifier(
self.transport, publisher_id=self.host, driver="messaging",
topics=["profiler"], retry=0)
self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
def get_name(cls):
return "messaging"
def notify(self, info, context=None):
"""Send notifications to backend via oslo.messaging notifier API.
:param info: Contains information about trace element.
In payload dict there are always 3 ids:
"base_id" - uuid that is common for all notifications
related to one trace. Used to simplify
retrieving of all trace elements from
"parent_id" - uuid of parent element in trace
"trace_id" - uuid of current element in trace
With parent_id and trace_id it's quite simple to build
tree of trace elements, which simplify analyze of trace.
:param context: request context that is mostly used to specify
current active user and tenant.
info["project"] = self.project
info["service"] = self.service
self.client.info(context or self.context,
"profiler.%s" % info["service"],
def get_report(self, base_id):
notification_endpoint = NotifyEndpoint(self.oslo_messaging, base_id)
endpoints = [notification_endpoint]
targets = [self.oslo_messaging.Target(topic="profiler")]
server = self.oslo_messaging.notify.get_notification_listener(
self.transport, targets, endpoints, executor="threading")
state = dict(running=False)
sfn = functools.partial(signal_handler, state=state)
# modify signal handlers to handle interruption gracefully
old_sigterm_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sfn)
old_sigint_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sfn)
except self.oslo_messaging.server.ServerListenError:
# failed to start the server
except SignalExit:
print("Execution interrupted while trying to connect to "
"messaging server. No data was collected.")
return {}
# connected to server, now read the data
# run until the trace is complete
state["running"] = True
while state["running"]:
last_read_time = notification_endpoint.get_last_read_time()
wait = self.idle_timeout - (time.time() - last_read_time)
if wait < 0:
state["running"] = False
except SignalExit:
print("Execution interrupted. Terminating")
# restore original signal handlers
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, old_sigterm_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, old_sigint_handler)
events = notification_endpoint.get_messages()
if not events:
print("No events are collected for Trace UUID %s. Please note "
"that osprofiler has read ALL events from profiler topic, "
"but has not found any for specified Trace UUID." % base_id)
for n in events:
trace_id = n["trace_id"]
parent_id = n["parent_id"]
name = n["name"]
project = n["project"]
service = n["service"]
host = n["info"]["host"]
timestamp = n["timestamp"]
self._append_results(trace_id, parent_id, name, project, service,
host, timestamp, n)
return self._parse_results()
class NotifyEndpoint(object):
def __init__(self, oslo_messaging, base_id):
self.received_messages = []
self.last_read_time = time.time()
self.filter_rule = oslo_messaging.NotificationFilter(
payload={"base_id": base_id})
def info(self, ctxt, publisher_id, event_type, payload, metadata):
self.last_read_time = time.time()
def get_messages(self):
return self.received_messages
def get_last_read_time(self):
return self.last_read_time # time when the latest event was received
class SignalExit(BaseException):
def signal_handler(signum, frame, state):
state["running"] = False
raise SignalExit()