date: 2013-03-14 id: OSSA-2013-007 title: 'Backend credentials leak in Glance v1 API' description: 'Stuart McLaren from HP reported a vulnerability in the information potentially returned to the user in Glance v1 API. If an authenticated user requests, through the v1 API, an image that is already cached, the headers returned may disclose the Glance operator''s backend credentials for that endpoint. Only setups accepting the Glance v1 API and using either the single-tenant Swift store or S3 store are affected.' reference: affected-products: - product: glance version: All versions vulnerabilities: - cve-id: CVE-2013-1840 impact-assessment: source: 'Red Hat Product Security' rating: moderate assessment: type: CVSS2 score: 3.5 detail: AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:P/I:N/A:N classification: source: 'Red Hat Product Security' type: CWE detail: TODO reporters: - name: 'Stuart McLaren' affiliation: HP reported: - CVE-2013-1840 issues: links: - type: launchpad reviews: grizzly: - folsom: - essex: - type: gerrit