
41 lines
1.2 KiB

"advisory": {
"date": "2012-03-29",
"description": "Dan Prince reported a vulnerability in OpenStack Compute (Nova) API servers. By PUTing or POSTing extremely long server names to the OpenStack API, any authenticated user may grow nova-api log files significantly, potentially resulting in disk space exhaustion and denial of service to the affected nova-api nodes. only setups running the OpenStack API are affected. ",
"id": "2012-003",
"title": "Long server names grow nova-api log files significantly",
"url": "https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg09311.html"
"affects": [
"product": "nova",
"version": "TODO"
"bugs": [
"notes": "",
"reporters": [
"company": "Red Hat",
"name": "Dan Prince"
"reviews": [
"schema_version": 1,
"vulnerabilities": [
"cve": "CVE-2012-1585",
"cvss": {
"base_score": "4.0",
"scoring_vector": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:N/I:N/A:P"
"cwe": "TODO",
"impact": "moderate"