# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from keystoneauth1 import loading as ks_loading from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from ovn_octavia_provider.i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) ovn_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('ovn_nb_connection', default='tcp:', help=_('The connection string for the OVN_Northbound OVSDB.\n' 'Use tcp:IP:PORT for TCP connection.\n' 'Use ssl:IP:PORT for SSL connection. The ' 'ovn_nb_private_key, ovn_nb_certificate and ' 'ovn_nb_ca_cert are mandatory.\n' 'Use unix:FILE for unix domain socket connection.')), cfg.StrOpt('ovn_nb_private_key', default='', help=_('The PEM file with private key for SSL connection to ' 'OVN-NB-DB')), cfg.StrOpt('ovn_nb_certificate', default='', help=_('The PEM file with certificate that certifies the ' 'private key specified in ovn_nb_private_key')), cfg.StrOpt('ovn_nb_ca_cert', default='', help=_('The PEM file with CA certificate that OVN should use to' ' verify certificates presented to it by SSL peers')), cfg.IntOpt('ovsdb_connection_timeout', default=180, help=_('Timeout in seconds for the OVSDB ' 'connection transaction')), cfg.IntOpt('ovsdb_retry_max_interval', default=180, help=_('Max interval in seconds between ' 'each retry to get the OVN NB and SB IDLs')), cfg.IntOpt('ovsdb_probe_interval', min=0, default=60000, help=_('The probe interval in for the OVSDB session in ' 'milliseconds. If this is zero, it disables the ' 'connection keepalive feature. If non-zero the value ' 'will be forced to at least 1000 milliseconds. Defaults ' 'to 60 seconds.')), ] neutron_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('service_name', help=_('The name of the neutron service in the ' 'keystone catalog')), cfg.StrOpt('endpoint', help=_('A new endpoint to override the endpoint ' 'in the keystone catalog.')), cfg.StrOpt('region_name', help=_('Region in Identity service catalog to use for ' 'communication with the OpenStack services.')), cfg.StrOpt('endpoint_type', default='publicURL', help=_('Endpoint interface in identity service to use')), cfg.StrOpt('ca_certificates_file', help=_('CA certificates file path')), cfg.BoolOpt('insecure', default=False, help=_('Disable certificate validation on SSL connections ')), ] def register_opts(): cfg.CONF.register_opts(ovn_opts, group='ovn') cfg.CONF.register_opts(neutron_opts, group='neutron') ks_loading.register_auth_conf_options(cfg.CONF, 'service_auth') ks_loading.register_session_conf_options(cfg.CONF, 'service_auth') def list_opts(): return [ ('ovn', ovn_opts), ('neutron', neutron_opts), ] def get_ovn_nb_connection(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_nb_connection def get_ovn_nb_private_key(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_nb_private_key def get_ovn_nb_certificate(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_nb_certificate def get_ovn_nb_ca_cert(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_nb_ca_cert def get_ovn_ovsdb_timeout(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovsdb_connection_timeout def get_ovn_ovsdb_retry_max_interval(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovsdb_retry_max_interval def get_ovn_ovsdb_probe_interval(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovsdb_probe_interval