# Copyright (c) 2014 OpenStack Foundation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Guidelines for writing new hacking checks

 - Use only for OVN Octavia provider specific tests. OpenStack
   general tests should be submitted to the common 'hacking' module.
 - Pick numbers in the range N3xx. Find the current test with
   the highest allocated number and then pick the next value.
 - Keep the test method code in the source file ordered based
   on the N3xx value.
 - List the new rule in the top level HACKING.rst file
 - Add test cases for each new rule to


import re

from hacking import core

unittest_imports_dot = re.compile(r"\bimport[\s]+unittest\b")
unittest_imports_from = re.compile(r"\bfrom[\s]+unittest\b")
filter_match = re.compile(r".*filter\(lambda ")

tests_imports_dot = re.compile(r"\bimport[\s]+ovn_octavia_provider.tests\b")
tests_imports_from1 = re.compile(r"\bfrom[\s]+ovn_octavia_provider.tests\b")
tests_imports_from2 = re.compile(
no_line_continuation_backslash_re = re.compile(r'.*(\\)\n')

import_mock = re.compile(r"\bimport[\s]+mock\b")
import_from_mock = re.compile(r"\bfrom[\s]+mock[\s]+import\b")

def check_assert_called_once_with(logical_line, filename):
    """Try to detect unintended calls of nonexistent mock methods like:



    if 'ovn_octavia_provider/tests/' in filename:
        if '.assert_called_once_with(' in logical_line:
        uncased_line = logical_line.lower().replace('_', '')

        check_calls = ['.assertcalledonce', '.calledoncewith']
        if any(x for x in check_calls if x in uncased_line):
            msg = ("N322: Possible use of no-op mock method. "
                   "please use assert_called_once_with.")
            yield (0, msg)

        if '.asserthascalled' in uncased_line:
            msg = ("N322: Possible use of no-op mock method. "
                   "please use assert_has_calls.")
            yield (0, msg)

def check_asserttruefalse(logical_line, filename):
    """N328 - Don't use assertEqual(True/False, observed)."""

    if 'ovn_octavia_provider/tests/' in filename:
        if re.search(r"assertEqual\(\s*True,[^,]*(,[^,]*)?", logical_line):
            msg = ("N328: Use assertTrue(observed) instead of "
                   "assertEqual(True, observed)")
            yield (0, msg)
        if re.search(r"assertEqual\([^,]*,\s*True(,[^,]*)?", logical_line):
            msg = ("N328: Use assertTrue(observed) instead of "
                   "assertEqual(True, observed)")
            yield (0, msg)
        if re.search(r"assertEqual\(\s*False,[^,]*(,[^,]*)?", logical_line):
            msg = ("N328: Use assertFalse(observed) instead of "
                   "assertEqual(False, observed)")
            yield (0, msg)
        if re.search(r"assertEqual\([^,]*,\s*False(,[^,]*)?", logical_line):
            msg = ("N328: Use assertFalse(observed) instead of "
                   "assertEqual(False, observed)")
            yield (0, msg)

def check_assertempty(logical_line, filename):
    """Enforce using assertEqual parameter ordering in case of empty objects.


    if 'ovn_octavia_provider/tests/' in filename:
        msg = ("N330: Use assertEqual(*empty*, observed) instead of "
               "assertEqual(observed, *empty*). *empty* contains "
               "{}, [], (), set(), '', \"\"")
        empties = r"(\[\s*\]|\{\s*\}|\(\s*\)|set\(\s*\)|'\s*'|\"\s*\")"
        reg = r"assertEqual\(([^,]*,\s*)+?%s\)\s*$" % empties
        if re.search(reg, logical_line):
            yield (0, msg)

def check_assertisinstance(logical_line, filename):
    """N331 - Enforce using assertIsInstance."""

    if 'ovn_octavia_provider/tests/' in filename:
        if re.search(r"assertTrue\(\s*isinstance\(\s*[^,]*,\s*[^,]*\)\)",
            msg = ("N331: Use assertIsInstance(observed, type) instead "
                   "of assertTrue(isinstance(observed, type))")
            yield (0, msg)

def check_assertequal_for_httpcode(logical_line, filename):
    """N332 - Enforce correct oredering for httpcode in assertEqual."""

    msg = ("N332: Use assertEqual(expected_http_code, observed_http_code) "
           "instead of assertEqual(observed_http_code, expected_http_code)")
    if 'ovn_octavia_provider/tests/' in filename:
        if re.search(r"assertEqual\(\s*[^,]*,[^,]*HTTP[^\.]*\.code\s*\)",
            yield (0, msg)

def check_no_imports_from_tests(logical_line, filename):
    """N343 - Production code must not import from ovn_octavia_provider.tests.*


    msg = ("N343 Production code must not import from "

    if 'ovn_octavia_provider/tests/' in filename:

    for regex in tests_imports_dot, tests_imports_from1, tests_imports_from2:
        if re.match(regex, logical_line):
            yield(0, msg)

def check_python3_no_filter(logical_line):
    """N344 - Use list comprehension instead of filter(lambda)."""

    msg = ("N344: Use list comprehension instead of "
           "filter(lambda obj: test(obj), data) on python3.")

    if filter_match.match(logical_line):
        yield(0, msg)

def check_no_import_mock(logical_line, filename, noqa):
    """N347 - Test code must not import mock library."""
    msg = ("N347: Test code must not import mock library")

    if noqa:

    if 'ovn_octavia_provider/tests/' not in filename:

    for regex in import_mock, import_from_mock:
        if re.match(regex, logical_line):
            yield(0, msg)