# # Copyright 2012 New Dream Network, LLC (DreamHost) # Copyright 2013 eNovance # Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc # # Authors: Doug Hellmann # Julien Danjou # Eoghan Glynn # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """MongoDB storage backend""" import copy import datetime import uuid import bson.code import bson.objectid from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import timeutils import pymongo import six import ceilometer from ceilometer import storage from ceilometer.storage import base from ceilometer.storage import models from ceilometer.storage.mongo import utils as pymongo_utils from ceilometer.storage import pymongo_base from ceilometer import utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES = { 'resources': {'query': {'simple': True, 'metadata': True}}, 'statistics': {'groupby': True, 'query': {'simple': True, 'metadata': True}, 'aggregation': {'standard': True, 'selectable': {'max': True, 'min': True, 'sum': True, 'avg': True, 'count': True, 'stddev': True, 'cardinality': True}}} } class Connection(pymongo_base.Connection): """Put the data into a MongoDB database Collections:: - meter - the raw incoming data - resource - the metadata for resources - { _id: uuid of resource, metadata: metadata dictionaries user_id: uuid project_id: uuid meter: [ array of {counter_name: string, counter_type: string, counter_unit: string} ] } """ CAPABILITIES = utils.update_nested(pymongo_base.Connection.CAPABILITIES, AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES) CONNECTION_POOL = pymongo_utils.ConnectionPool() STANDARD_AGGREGATES = dict([(a.name, a) for a in [ pymongo_utils.SUM_AGGREGATION, pymongo_utils.AVG_AGGREGATION, pymongo_utils.MIN_AGGREGATION, pymongo_utils.MAX_AGGREGATION, pymongo_utils.COUNT_AGGREGATION, ]]) AGGREGATES = dict([(a.name, a) for a in [ pymongo_utils.SUM_AGGREGATION, pymongo_utils.AVG_AGGREGATION, pymongo_utils.MIN_AGGREGATION, pymongo_utils.MAX_AGGREGATION, pymongo_utils.COUNT_AGGREGATION, pymongo_utils.STDDEV_AGGREGATION, pymongo_utils.CARDINALITY_AGGREGATION, ]]) SORT_OPERATION_MAPPING = {'desc': (pymongo.DESCENDING, '$lt'), 'asc': (pymongo.ASCENDING, '$gt')} MAP_RESOURCES = bson.code.Code(""" function () { emit(this.resource_id, {user_id: this.user_id, project_id: this.project_id, source: this.source, first_timestamp: this.timestamp, last_timestamp: this.timestamp, metadata: this.resource_metadata}) }""") REDUCE_RESOURCES = bson.code.Code(""" function (key, values) { var merge = {user_id: values[0].user_id, project_id: values[0].project_id, source: values[0].source, first_timestamp: values[0].first_timestamp, last_timestamp: values[0].last_timestamp, metadata: values[0].metadata} values.forEach(function(value) { if (merge.first_timestamp - value.first_timestamp > 0) { merge.first_timestamp = value.first_timestamp; merge.user_id = value.user_id; merge.project_id = value.project_id; merge.source = value.source; } else if (merge.last_timestamp - value.last_timestamp <= 0) { merge.last_timestamp = value.last_timestamp; merge.metadata = value.metadata; } }); return merge; }""") _GENESIS = datetime.datetime(year=datetime.MINYEAR, month=1, day=1) _APOCALYPSE = datetime.datetime(year=datetime.MAXYEAR, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) def __init__(self, url): # NOTE(jd) Use our own connection pooling on top of the Pymongo one. # We need that otherwise we overflow the MongoDB instance with new # connection since we instantiate a Pymongo client each time someone # requires a new storage connection. self.conn = self.CONNECTION_POOL.connect(url) self.version = self.conn.server_info()['versionArray'] # Require MongoDB 2.4 to use $setOnInsert if self.version < pymongo_utils.MINIMUM_COMPATIBLE_MONGODB_VERSION: raise storage.StorageBadVersion( "Need at least MongoDB %s" % pymongo_utils.MINIMUM_COMPATIBLE_MONGODB_VERSION) connection_options = pymongo.uri_parser.parse_uri(url) self.db = getattr(self.conn, connection_options['database']) if connection_options.get('username'): self.db.authenticate(connection_options['username'], connection_options['password']) # NOTE(jd) Upgrading is just about creating index, so let's do this # on connection to be sure at least the TTL is correctly updated if # needed. self.upgrade() @staticmethod def update_ttl(ttl, ttl_index_name, index_field, coll): """Update or create time_to_live indexes. :param ttl: time to live in seconds. :param ttl_index_name: name of the index we want to update or create. :param index_field: field with the index that we need to update. :param coll: collection which indexes need to be updated. """ indexes = coll.index_information() if ttl <= 0: if ttl_index_name in indexes: coll.drop_index(ttl_index_name) return if ttl_index_name in indexes: return coll.database.command( 'collMod', coll.name, index={'keyPattern': {index_field: pymongo.ASCENDING}, 'expireAfterSeconds': ttl}) coll.create_index([(index_field, pymongo.ASCENDING)], expireAfterSeconds=ttl, name=ttl_index_name) def upgrade(self): # Establish indexes # # We need variations for user_id vs. project_id because of the # way the indexes are stored in b-trees. The user_id and # project_id values are usually mutually exclusive in the # queries, so the database won't take advantage of an index # including both. # create collection if not present if 'resource' not in self.db.conn.collection_names(): self.db.conn.create_collection('resource') if 'meter' not in self.db.conn.collection_names(): self.db.conn.create_collection('meter') name_qualifier = dict(user_id='', project_id='project_') background = dict(user_id=False, project_id=True) for primary in ['user_id', 'project_id']: name = 'meter_%sidx' % name_qualifier[primary] self.db.meter.create_index([ ('resource_id', pymongo.ASCENDING), (primary, pymongo.ASCENDING), ('counter_name', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('timestamp', pymongo.ASCENDING), ], name=name, background=background[primary]) self.db.meter.create_index([('timestamp', pymongo.DESCENDING)], name='timestamp_idx') # NOTE(ityaptin) This index covers get_resource requests sorting # and MongoDB uses part of this compound index for different # queries based on any of user_id, project_id, last_sample_timestamp # fields self.db.resource.create_index([('user_id', pymongo.DESCENDING), ('project_id', pymongo.DESCENDING), ('last_sample_timestamp', pymongo.DESCENDING)], name='resource_user_project_timestamp',) self.db.resource.create_index([('last_sample_timestamp', pymongo.DESCENDING)], name='last_sample_timestamp_idx') # update or create time_to_live index ttl = cfg.CONF.database.metering_time_to_live self.update_ttl(ttl, 'meter_ttl', 'timestamp', self.db.meter) self.update_ttl(ttl, 'resource_ttl', 'last_sample_timestamp', self.db.resource) def clear(self): self.conn.drop_database(self.db.name) # Connection will be reopened automatically if needed self.conn.close() def record_metering_data(self, data): """Write the data to the backend storage system. :param data: a dictionary such as returned by ceilometer.meter.meter_message_from_counter """ # Record the updated resource metadata - we use $setOnInsert to # unconditionally insert sample timestamps and resource metadata # (in the update case, this must be conditional on the sample not # being out-of-order) data = copy.deepcopy(data) data['resource_metadata'] = pymongo_utils.improve_keys( data.pop('resource_metadata')) resource = self.db.resource.find_one_and_update( {'_id': data['resource_id']}, {'$set': {'project_id': data['project_id'], 'user_id': data['user_id'], 'source': data['source'], }, '$setOnInsert': {'metadata': data['resource_metadata'], 'first_sample_timestamp': data['timestamp'], 'last_sample_timestamp': data['timestamp'], }, '$addToSet': {'meter': {'counter_name': data['counter_name'], 'counter_type': data['counter_type'], 'counter_unit': data['counter_unit'], }, }, }, upsert=True, return_document=pymongo.ReturnDocument.AFTER, ) # only update last sample timestamp if actually later (the usual # in-order case) last_sample_timestamp = resource.get('last_sample_timestamp') if (last_sample_timestamp is None or last_sample_timestamp <= data['timestamp']): self.db.resource.update_one( {'_id': data['resource_id']}, {'$set': {'metadata': data['resource_metadata'], 'last_sample_timestamp': data['timestamp']}} ) # only update first sample timestamp if actually earlier (the unusual # out-of-order case) # NOTE: a null first sample timestamp is not updated as this indicates # a pre-existing resource document dating from before we started # recording these timestamps in the resource collection first_sample_timestamp = resource.get('first_sample_timestamp') if (first_sample_timestamp is not None and first_sample_timestamp > data['timestamp']): self.db.resource.update_one( {'_id': data['resource_id']}, {'$set': {'first_sample_timestamp': data['timestamp']}} ) # Record the raw data for the meter. Use a copy so we do not # modify a data structure owned by our caller (the driver adds # a new key '_id'). record = copy.copy(data) record['recorded_at'] = timeutils.utcnow() self.db.meter.insert_one(record) def clear_expired_metering_data(self, ttl): """Clear expired data from the backend storage system. Clearing occurs with native MongoDB time-to-live feature. """ LOG.debug("Clearing expired metering data is based on native " "MongoDB time to live feature and going in background.") @classmethod def _build_sort_instructions(cls, sort_keys=None, sort_dir='desc'): """Returns a sort_instruction and paging operator. Sort instructions are used in the query to determine what attributes to sort on and what direction to use. :param q: The query dict passed in. :param sort_keys: array of attributes by which results be sorted. :param sort_dir: direction in which results be sorted (asc, desc). :return: sort instructions and paging operator """ sort_keys = sort_keys or [] sort_instructions = [] _sort_dir, operation = cls.SORT_OPERATION_MAPPING.get( sort_dir, cls.SORT_OPERATION_MAPPING['desc']) for _sort_key in sort_keys: _instruction = (_sort_key, _sort_dir) sort_instructions.append(_instruction) return sort_instructions, operation def _get_time_constrained_resources(self, query, start_timestamp, start_timestamp_op, end_timestamp, end_timestamp_op, metaquery, resource, limit): """Return an iterable of models.Resource instances Items are constrained by sample timestamp. :param query: project/user/source query :param start_timestamp: modified timestamp start range. :param start_timestamp_op: start time operator, like gt, ge. :param end_timestamp: modified timestamp end range. :param end_timestamp_op: end time operator, like lt, le. :param metaquery: dict with metadata to match on. :param resource: resource filter. """ if resource is not None: query['resource_id'] = resource # Add resource_ prefix so it matches the field in the db query.update(dict(('resource_' + k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(metaquery))) # FIXME(dhellmann): This may not perform very well, # but doing any better will require changing the database # schema and that will need more thought than I have time # to put into it today. # Look for resources matching the above criteria and with # samples in the time range we care about, then change the # resource query to return just those resources by id. ts_range = pymongo_utils.make_timestamp_range(start_timestamp, end_timestamp, start_timestamp_op, end_timestamp_op) if ts_range: query['timestamp'] = ts_range sort_keys = base._handle_sort_key('resource') sort_instructions = self._build_sort_instructions(sort_keys)[0] # use a unique collection name for the results collection, # as result post-sorting (as oppposed to reduce pre-sorting) # is not possible on an inline M-R out = 'resource_list_%s' % uuid.uuid4() self.db.meter.map_reduce(self.MAP_RESOURCES, self.REDUCE_RESOURCES, out=out, sort={'resource_id': 1}, query=query) try: if limit is not None: results = self.db[out].find(sort=sort_instructions, limit=limit) else: results = self.db[out].find(sort=sort_instructions) for r in results: resource = r['value'] yield models.Resource( resource_id=r['_id'], user_id=resource['user_id'], project_id=resource['project_id'], first_sample_timestamp=resource['first_timestamp'], last_sample_timestamp=resource['last_timestamp'], source=resource['source'], metadata=pymongo_utils.unquote_keys(resource['metadata'])) finally: self.db[out].drop() def _get_floating_resources(self, query, metaquery, resource, limit): """Return an iterable of models.Resource instances Items are unconstrained by timestamp. :param query: project/user/source query :param metaquery: dict with metadata to match on. :param resource: resource filter. """ if resource is not None: query['_id'] = resource query.update(dict((k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(metaquery))) keys = base._handle_sort_key('resource') sort_keys = ['last_sample_timestamp' if i == 'timestamp' else i for i in keys] sort_instructions = self._build_sort_instructions(sort_keys)[0] if limit is not None: results = self.db.resource.find(query, sort=sort_instructions, limit=limit) else: results = self.db.resource.find(query, sort=sort_instructions) for r in results: yield models.Resource( resource_id=r['_id'], user_id=r['user_id'], project_id=r['project_id'], first_sample_timestamp=r.get('first_sample_timestamp', self._GENESIS), last_sample_timestamp=r.get('last_sample_timestamp', self._APOCALYPSE), source=r['source'], metadata=pymongo_utils.unquote_keys(r['metadata'])) def get_resources(self, user=None, project=None, source=None, start_timestamp=None, start_timestamp_op=None, end_timestamp=None, end_timestamp_op=None, metaquery=None, resource=None, limit=None): """Return an iterable of models.Resource instances :param user: Optional ID for user that owns the resource. :param project: Optional ID for project that owns the resource. :param source: Optional source filter. :param start_timestamp: Optional modified timestamp start range. :param start_timestamp_op: Optional start time operator, like gt, ge. :param end_timestamp: Optional modified timestamp end range. :param end_timestamp_op: Optional end time operator, like lt, le. :param metaquery: Optional dict with metadata to match on. :param resource: Optional resource filter. :param limit: Maximum number of results to return. """ if limit == 0: return metaquery = pymongo_utils.improve_keys(metaquery, metaquery=True) or {} query = {} if user is not None: query['user_id'] = user if project is not None: query['project_id'] = project if source is not None: query['source'] = source if start_timestamp or end_timestamp: return self._get_time_constrained_resources(query, start_timestamp, start_timestamp_op, end_timestamp, end_timestamp_op, metaquery, resource, limit) else: return self._get_floating_resources(query, metaquery, resource, limit) @staticmethod def _make_period_dict(period, first_ts): """Create a period field for _id of grouped fields. :param period: Period duration in seconds :param first_ts: First timestamp for first period :return: """ if period >= 0: period_unique_dict = { "period_start": { "$divide": [ {"$subtract": [ {"$subtract": ["$timestamp", first_ts]}, {"$mod": [{"$subtract": ["$timestamp", first_ts]}, period * 1000] } ]}, period * 1000 ] } } else: # Note(ityaptin) Hack for older MongoDB versions (2.4.+ and older). # Since 2.6+ we could use $literal operator period_unique_dict = {"$period_start": {"$add": [0, 0]}} return period_unique_dict def get_meter_statistics(self, sample_filter, period=None, groupby=None, aggregate=None): """Return an iterable of models.Statistics instance. Items are containing meter statistics described by the query parameters. The filter must have a meter value set. """ if (groupby and set(groupby) - set(['user_id', 'project_id', 'resource_id', 'source', 'resource_metadata.instance_type'])): raise ceilometer.NotImplementedError( "Unable to group by these fields") q = pymongo_utils.make_query_from_filter(sample_filter) group_stage = {} project_stage = { "unit": "$_id.unit", "name": "$_id.name", "first_timestamp": "$first_timestamp", "last_timestamp": "$last_timestamp", "period_start": "$_id.period_start", } # Add timestamps to $group stage group_stage.update({"first_timestamp": {"$min": "$timestamp"}, "last_timestamp": {"$max": "$timestamp"}}) # Define a _id field for grouped documents unique_group_field = {"name": "$counter_name", "unit": "$counter_unit"} # Define a first timestamp for periods if sample_filter.start_timestamp: first_timestamp = sample_filter.start_timestamp else: first_timestamp_cursor = self.db.meter.find( limit=1, sort=[('timestamp', pymongo.ASCENDING)]) if first_timestamp_cursor.count(): first_timestamp = first_timestamp_cursor[0]['timestamp'] else: first_timestamp = utils.EPOCH_TIME # Add a start_period field to unique identifier of grouped documents if period: period_dict = self._make_period_dict(period, first_timestamp) unique_group_field.update(period_dict) # Add a groupby fields to unique identifier of grouped documents if groupby: unique_group_field.update(dict((field.replace(".", "/"), "$%s" % field) for field in groupby)) group_stage.update({"_id": unique_group_field}) self._compile_aggregate_stages(aggregate, group_stage, project_stage) # Aggregation stages list. It's work one by one and uses documents # from previous stages. aggregation_query = [{'$match': q}, {"$sort": {"timestamp": 1}}, {"$group": group_stage}, {"$sort": {"_id.period_start": 1}}, {"$project": project_stage}] # results is dict in pymongo<=2.6.3 and CommandCursor in >=3.0 results = self.db.meter.aggregate(aggregation_query, **self._make_aggregation_params()) return [self._stats_result_to_model(point, groupby, aggregate, period, first_timestamp) for point in self._get_results(results)] def _stats_result_aggregates(self, result, aggregate): stats_args = {} for attr in Connection.STANDARD_AGGREGATES.keys(): if attr in result: stats_args[attr] = result[attr] if aggregate: stats_args['aggregate'] = {} for agr in aggregate: stats_args['aggregate'].update( Connection.AGGREGATES[agr.func].finalize( result, agr.param, self.version)) return stats_args def _stats_result_to_model(self, result, groupby, aggregate, period, first_timestamp): if period is None: period = 0 first_timestamp = pymongo_utils.from_unix_timestamp(first_timestamp) stats_args = self._stats_result_aggregates(result, aggregate) stats_args['unit'] = result['unit'] stats_args['duration'] = (result["last_timestamp"] - result["first_timestamp"]).total_seconds() stats_args['duration_start'] = result['first_timestamp'] stats_args['duration_end'] = result['last_timestamp'] stats_args['period'] = period start = result.get("period_start", 0) * period stats_args['period_start'] = (first_timestamp + datetime.timedelta(seconds=start)) stats_args['period_end'] = (first_timestamp + datetime.timedelta(seconds=start + period) if period else result['last_timestamp']) stats_args['groupby'] = ( dict((g, result['_id'].get(g.replace(".", "/"))) for g in groupby) if groupby else None) return models.Statistics(**stats_args) def _compile_aggregate_stages(self, aggregate, group_stage, project_stage): if not aggregate: for aggregation in Connection.STANDARD_AGGREGATES.values(): group_stage.update( aggregation.group(version_array=self.version) ) project_stage.update( aggregation.project( version_array=self.version ) ) else: for description in aggregate: aggregation = Connection.AGGREGATES.get(description.func) if aggregation: if not aggregation.validate(description.param): raise storage.StorageBadAggregate( 'Bad aggregate: %s.%s' % (description.func, description.param)) group_stage.update( aggregation.group(description.param, version_array=self.version) ) project_stage.update( aggregation.project(description.param, version_array=self.version) ) @staticmethod def _get_results(results): if isinstance(results, dict): return results.get('result', []) else: return results def _make_aggregation_params(self): if self.version >= pymongo_utils.COMPLETE_AGGREGATE_COMPATIBLE_VERSION: return {"allowDiskUse": True} return {}