Tovin Seven 619b7e1ee0 Integrate OSprofiler in Panko
* Add osprofiler wsgi middleware. This middleware is used for 2 things:
  1) It checks that person who wants to trace is trusted and knows
     secret HMAC key.
  2) It starts tracing in case of proper trace headers
     and adds first wsgi trace point, with info about HTTP request

* Traces HTTP API calls
* Traces DB (SQLAlchemy) calls



1. Install devstack with panko as usual

2. Install osprofiler

    pip install osprofiler

3. Add these line to /etc/panko/panko.conf

   enabled = true
   hmac_keys = SECRET_KEY
   connection_string = redis://localhost:6379 # example when using redis

4. Pass HMAC_KEYS to client commands
    - panko client with `--profile <HMAC_KEYS>`
    - openstack client with `--os-profiler <HMAC_KEYS>`

Output will look like this:

To display trace use the command:

  osprofiler trace show --html <TRACE_ID>

5. Use osprofiler to get the trace

    osprofiler trace show \
        --connection-string redis://localhost:6379 \
        --out out.html \
        --html <TRACE_ID>

6. Open that html file with browser and view the result

Change-Id: Ic934acbe1340a3e00361f2709f34725e0e4aa3ba
2019-04-12 02:18:28 +00:00
api_paste.ini Integrate OSprofiler in Panko 2019-04-12 02:18:28 +00:00
panko-config-generator.conf Add http_proxy_to_wsgi to panko config-generator 2016-10-17 17:22:18 +00:00
panko-policy-generator.conf Move default policies into code 2017-11-08 04:35:54 +00:00