
345 lines
13 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import itertools
import json
import tenacity
import yaml
from paunch.utils import common
class ComposeV1Builder(object):
def __init__(self, config_id, config, runner, labels=None, log=None):
self.config_id = config_id
self.config = config
self.labels = labels
self.runner = runner
# Leverage pre-configured logger
self.log = log or common.configure_logging(__name__)
def apply(self):
stdout = []
stderr = []
pull_returncode = self.pull_missing_images(stdout, stderr)
if pull_returncode != 0:
return stdout, stderr, pull_returncode
deploy_status_code = 0
key_fltr = lambda k: self.config[k].get('start_order', 0)
container_names = self.runner.container_names(self.config_id)
# Cleanup containers missing from the config.
# Also applying new containers configs is an opportunity for
# renames to their preferred names.
changed = self.delete_missing(container_names)
changed |= self.runner.rename_containers()
if changed:
# If anything has been changed, refresh the container_names
container_names = self.runner.container_names(self.config_id)
desired_names = set([cn[-1] for cn in container_names])
for container in sorted(self.config, key=key_fltr):
# Before creating the container, figure out if it needs to be
# removed because of its configuration has changed.
# If anything has been deleted, refresh the container_names/desired
if self.delete_updated(container, container_names):
container_names = self.runner.container_names(self.config_id)
desired_names = set([cn[-1] for cn in container_names])
self.log.debug("Running container: %s" % container)
action = self.config[container].get('action', 'run')
exit_codes = self.config[container].get('exit_codes', [0])
if action == 'run':
if container in desired_names:
'Skipping existing container: %s' % container)
c_name = self.runner.discover_container_name(
container, self.config_id) or container
cmd = [
self.label_arguments(cmd, container)
self.docker_run_args(cmd, container)
elif action == 'exec':
cmd = [self.runner.docker_cmd, 'exec']
self.docker_exec_args(cmd, container)
(cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr, returncode) = self.runner.execute(
cmd, self.log)
if cmd_stdout:
if cmd_stderr:
if returncode not in exit_codes:
self.log.error("Error running %s. [%s]\n" % (cmd, returncode))
self.log.error("stdout: %s" % cmd_stdout)
self.log.error("stderr: %s" % cmd_stderr)
deploy_status_code = returncode
self.log.debug('Completed $ %s' % ' '.join(cmd))"stdout: %s" % cmd_stdout)"stderr: %s" % cmd_stderr)
return stdout, stderr, deploy_status_code
def delete_missing(self, container_names):
deleted = False
for cn in container_names:
container = cn[0]
# if the desired name is not in the config, delete it
if cn[-1] not in self.config:
self.log.debug("Deleting container (removed): "
"%s" % container)
deleted = True
return deleted
def delete_updated(self, container, container_names):
# If a container is not deployed, there is nothing to delete
if (container not in
return False
ex_data_str = self.runner.inspect(
container, '{{index .Config.Labels "config_data"}}')
if not ex_data_str:
self.log.debug("Deleting container (no_config_data): "
"%s" % container)
return True
ex_data = yaml.safe_load(str(ex_data_str))
except Exception:
ex_data = None
new_data = self.config[container]
if new_data != ex_data:
self.log.debug("Deleting container (changed config_data): %s"
% container)
return True
return False
def label_arguments(self, cmd, container):
if self.labels:
for i, v in self.labels.items():
cmd.extend(['--label', '%s=%s' % (i, v)])
'config_id=%s' % self.config_id,
'container_name=%s' % container,
'managed_by=%s' % self.runner.managed_by,
'config_data=%s' % json.dumps(self.config.get(container))
def docker_run_args(self, cmd, container):
cconfig = self.config[container]
if cconfig.get('detach', True):
if 'env_file' in cconfig:
env_file = cconfig['env_file']
if not isinstance(env_file, list):
env_file = [env_file]
for f in env_file:
if f:
cmd.append('--env-file=%s' % f)
for v in cconfig.get('environment', []):
if v:
cmd.append('--env=%s' % v)
if cconfig.get('remove', False):
if cconfig.get('interactive', False):
if cconfig.get('tty', False):
if 'net' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--net=%s' % cconfig['net'])
if 'ipc' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--ipc=%s' % cconfig['ipc'])
if 'pid' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--pid=%s' % cconfig['pid'])
if 'uts' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--uts=%s' % cconfig['uts'])
for u in cconfig.get('ulimit', []):
if u:
cmd.append('--ulimit=%s' % u)
if 'healthcheck' in cconfig:
hconfig = cconfig['healthcheck']
if 'test' in hconfig:
cmd.append('--health-cmd=%s' % hconfig['test'])
if 'interval' in hconfig:
cmd.append('--health-interval=%s' % hconfig['interval'])
if 'timeout' in hconfig:
cmd.append('--health-timeout=%s' % hconfig['timeout'])
if 'retries' in hconfig:
cmd.append('--health-retries=%s' % hconfig['retries'])
if 'privileged' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--privileged=%s' % str(cconfig['privileged']).lower())
if 'restart' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--restart=%s' % cconfig['restart'])
if 'user' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--user=%s' % cconfig['user'])
for v in cconfig.get('volumes', []):
if v:
cmd.append('--volume=%s' % v)
for v in cconfig.get('volumes_from', []):
if v:
cmd.append('--volumes-from=%s' % v)
if 'log_tag' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--log-opt=tag=%s' % cconfig['log_tag'])
if 'cpu_shares' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--cpu-shares=%s' % cconfig['cpu_shares'])
if 'security_opt' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--security-opt=%s' % cconfig['security_opt'])
if 'cpuset_cpus' in cconfig:
# 'all' is a special value to directly configure all CPUs
# that are available. Without specifying --cpuset-cpus, we'll
# let the container engine to figure out what CPUs are online.
if cconfig['cpuset_cpus'] != 'all':
cmd.append('--cpuset-cpus=%s' % cconfig['cpuset_cpus'])
cmd.append('--cpuset-cpus=%s' % common.get_cpus_allowed_list())
if 'mem_limit' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--memory=%s' % cconfig['mem_limit'])
if 'memswap_limit' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--memory-swap=%s' % cconfig['memswap_limit'])
if 'mem_swappiness' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--memory-swappiness=%s' % cconfig['mem_swappiness'])
cmd.append(cconfig.get('image', ''))
return self.validate_volumes(cconfig.get('volumes', []))
def docker_exec_args(self, cmd, container):
cconfig = self.config[container]
if 'privileged' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--privileged=%s' % str(cconfig['privileged']).lower())
if 'user' in cconfig:
cmd.append('--user=%s' % cconfig['user'])
# TODO(sbaker): support the dict layout for this property
for v in cconfig.get('environment', []):
if v:
cmd.append('--env=%s' % v)
command = self.command_argument(cconfig.get('command'))
# for exec, the first argument is the container name,
# make sure the correct one is used
if command:
command[0] = self.runner.discover_container_name(
command[0], self.config_id)
def pull_missing_images(self, stdout, stderr):
images = set()
for container in self.config:
cconfig = self.config[container]
image = cconfig.get('image')
if image:
returncode = 0
for image in sorted(images):
# only pull if the image does not exist locally
if self.runner.inspect(image, format='exists', type='image'):
(cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr) = self._pull(image)
except PullException as e:
returncode = e.rc
cmd_stdout = e.stdout
cmd_stderr = e.stderr
self.log.error("Error pulling %s. [%s]\n" %
(image, returncode))
self.log.error("stdout: %s" % e.stdout)
self.log.error("stderr: %s" % e.stderr)
self.log.debug('Pulled %s' % image)"stdout: %s" % cmd_stdout)"stderr: %s" % cmd_stderr)
if cmd_stdout:
if cmd_stderr:
return returncode
@tenacity.retry( # Retry up to 4 times with jittered exponential backoff
wait=tenacity.wait_random_exponential(multiplier=1, max=10),
def _pull(self, image):
cmd = [self.runner.docker_cmd, 'pull', image]
(stdout, stderr, rc) = self.runner.execute(cmd, self.log)
if rc != 0:
raise PullException(stdout, stderr, rc)
return stdout, stderr
def command_argument(command):
if not command:
return []
if not isinstance(command, list):
return command.split()
return command
def validate_volumes(self, volumes):
"""Validate volume sources
Validates that the source volume either exists on the filesystem
or is a valid container volume. Since docker will error if the
source volume filesystem path doesn't exist, we want to catch the
error before docker.
:param: volumes: list of volume mounts in the format of "src:path"
valid = True
for volume in volumes:
if not volume:
# ignore when volume is ''
src_path = volume.split(':', 1)[0]
check = self.runner.validate_volume_source(src_path)
if not check:
self.log.error("%s is not a valid volume source" % src_path)
valid = False
return valid
class PullException(Exception):
def __init__(self, stdout, stderr, rc):
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
self.rc = rc