Merge "Move metadata filtering logic to"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2015-01-07 18:10:22 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 42f33e5581

@ -1143,3 +1143,101 @@ else:
for x, y in zip(first, second):
result |= ord(x) ^ ord(y)
return result == 0
def filter_and_format_resource_metadata(resource_type, resource_list,
search_filts, metadata_type=None):
"""Get all metadata for a list of resources after filtering.
Search_filts is a list of dictionaries, where the values in the dictionary
can be string or regex string, or a list of strings/regex strings.
Let's call a dict a 'filter block' and an item in the dict
a 'filter'. A tag is returned if it matches ALL the filters in
a filter block. If more than one values are specified for a
filter, a tag is returned if it matches ATLEAST ONE value of the filter. If
more than one filter blocks are specified, the tag should match ALL the
filter blocks.
For example:
search_filts = [{'key': ['key1', 'key2'], 'value': 'val1'},
{'value': 'val2'}]
The filter translates to 'match any tag for which':
((key=key1 AND value=val1) OR (key=key2 AND value=val1)) AND
This example filter will never match a tag.
:param resource_type: The resource type as a string, e.g. 'instance'
:param resource_list: List of resource objects
:param search_filts: Filters to filter metadata to be returned. Can be
dict (e.g. {'key': 'env', 'value': 'prod'}, or a list of dicts
(e.g. [{'key': 'env'}, {'value': 'beta'}]. Note that the values
of the dict can be regular expressions.
:param metadata_type: Provided to search for a specific metadata type
(e.g. 'system_metadata')
:returns: List of dicts where each dict is of the form {'key':
'somekey', 'value': 'somevalue', 'instance_id':
'some-instance-uuid-aaa'} if resource_type is 'instance'.
if isinstance(search_filts, dict):
search_filts = [search_filts]
def _get_id(resource):
if resource_type == 'instance':
return resource.get('uuid')
def _match_any(pattern_list, string):
if isinstance(pattern_list, str):
pattern_list = [pattern_list]
return any([re.match(pattern, string)
for pattern in pattern_list])
def _filter_metadata(resource, search_filt, input_metadata):
ids = search_filt.get('resource_id', [])
keys_filter = search_filt.get('key', [])
values_filter = search_filt.get('value', [])
output_metadata = {}
if ids and _get_id(resource) not in ids:
return {}
for k, v in six.iteritems(input_metadata):
# Both keys and value defined -- AND
if (keys_filter and values_filter and
not _match_any(keys_filter, k) and
not _match_any(values_filter, v)):
# Only keys or value is defined
elif ((keys_filter and not _match_any(keys_filter, k)) or
(values_filter and not _match_any(values_filter, v))):
output_metadata[k] = v
return output_metadata
formatted_metadata_list = []
for res in resource_list:
if resource_type == 'instance':
# NOTE(rushiagr): metadata_type should be 'metadata' or
# 'system_metadata' if resource_type is instance. Defaulting to
# 'metadata' if not specified.
if metadata_type is None:
metadata_type = 'metadata'
metadata = res.get(metadata_type, {})
for filt in search_filts:
# By chaining the input to the output, the filters are
# ANDed together
metadata = _filter_metadata(res, filt, metadata)
for (k, v) in metadata.items():
formatted_metadata_list.append({'key': k, 'value': v,
'%s_id' % resource_type: _get_id(res)})
return formatted_metadata_list