delete consumers which no longer have allocations

We made the decision [1] to delete consumer records when those consumers
no longer had any allocations referring to them (as opposed to keeping
those consumer records around and incrementing the consumer generation
for them).

This patch adds a small check within the larger
AllocationList.create_all() and AllocationList.delete_all() DB
transactions that deletes consumer records when no allocation records
remain that reference that consumer. This patch does not, however,
attempt to clean up any "orphaned" consumer records that may have been
created in previous calls to PUT|POST /allocations that removed the last
remaining allocations for a consumer.


Change-Id: Ic2b82146d28be64b363b0b8e2e8d180b515bc0a0
Closes-bug: #1780799
This commit is contained in:
Jay Pipes 2018-07-09 12:41:05 -04:00
parent 43fb084b4a
commit 580a3b1da6
3 changed files with 123 additions and 0 deletions

@ -62,6 +62,29 @@ def create_incomplete_consumers(ctx, batch_size):
return res.rowcount, res.rowcount
def delete_consumers_if_no_allocations(ctx, consumer_uuids):
"""Looks to see if any of the supplied consumers has any allocations and if
not, deletes the consumer record entirely.
:param ctx: `nova.api.openstack.placement.context.RequestContext` that
contains an oslo_db Session
:param consumer_uuids: UUIDs of the consumers to check and maybe delete
# Delete consumers that are not referenced in the allocations table
cons_to_allocs_join = sa.outerjoin(
CONSUMER_TBL.c.uuid == _ALLOC_TBL.c.consumer_id)
subq =[CONSUMER_TBL.c.uuid]).select_from(cons_to_allocs_join)
subq = subq.where(sa.and_(
no_alloc_consumers = [r[0] for r in ctx.session.execute(subq).fetchall()]
del_stmt = CONSUMER_TBL.delete()
del_stmt = del_stmt.where(CONSUMER_TBL.c.uuid.in_(no_alloc_consumers))
def _get_consumer_by_uuid(ctx, uuid):
# The SQL for this looks like the following:

@ -1981,6 +1981,15 @@ class AllocationList(base.ObjectListBase, base.VersionedObject):
rp.generation = _increment_provider_generation(context, rp)
for consumer in visited_consumers.values():
# If any consumers involved in this transaction ended up having no
# allocations, delete the consumer records. Exclude consumers that had
# *some resource* in the allocation list with a total > 0 since clearly
# those consumers have allocations...
cons_with_allocs = set(a.consumer.uuid for a in allocs if a.used > 0)
all_cons = set(c.uuid for c in visited_consumers.values())
consumers_to_check = all_cons - cons_with_allocs
context, consumers_to_check)
def get_all_by_resource_provider(cls, context, rp):
@ -2076,6 +2085,8 @@ class AllocationList(base.ObjectListBase, base.VersionedObject):
# that fact and do an efficient batch delete
consumer_uuid = self.objects[0].consumer.uuid
_delete_allocations_for_consumer(self._context, consumer_uuid)
self._context, [consumer_uuid])
def __repr__(self):
strings = [repr(x) for x in self.objects]

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from nova.api.openstack.placement.objects import project as project_obj
from nova.api.openstack.placement.objects import resource_provider as rp_obj
from nova.api.openstack.placement.objects import user as user_obj
from nova import context
from nova import rc_fields as fields
from nova import test
from nova.tests import fixtures
from nova.tests.functional.api.openstack.placement.db import test_base as tb
@ -190,3 +191,91 @@ class CreateIncompleteConsumersTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
res = consumer_obj.create_incomplete_consumers(self.ctx, 10)
self.assertEqual((0, 0), res)
class DeleteConsumerIfNoAllocsTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
def test_delete_consumer_if_no_allocs(self):
"""AllocationList.create_all() should attempt to delete consumers that
no longer have any allocations. Due to the REST API not having any way
to query for consumers directly (only via the GET
/allocations/{consumer_uuid} endpoint which returns an empty dict even
when no consumer record exists for the {consumer_uuid}) we need to do
this functional test using only the object layer.
# We will use two consumers in this test, only one of which will get
# all of its allocations deleted in a transaction (and we expect that
# consumer record to be deleted)
c1 = consumer_obj.Consumer(
self.ctx, uuid=uuids.consumer1, user=self.user_obj,
c2 = consumer_obj.Consumer(
self.ctx, uuid=uuids.consumer2, user=self.user_obj,
# Create some inventory that we will allocate
cn1 = self._create_provider('cn1')
tb.add_inventory(cn1, fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 8)
tb.add_inventory(cn1, fields.ResourceClass.MEMORY_MB, 2048)
tb.add_inventory(cn1, fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB, 2000)
# Now allocate some of that inventory to two different consumers
allocs = [
self.ctx, consumer=c1, resource_provider=cn1,
resource_class=fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, used=1),
self.ctx, consumer=c1, resource_provider=cn1,
resource_class=fields.ResourceClass.MEMORY_MB, used=512),
self.ctx, consumer=c2, resource_provider=cn1,
resource_class=fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, used=1),
self.ctx, consumer=c2, resource_provider=cn1,
resource_class=fields.ResourceClass.MEMORY_MB, used=512),
alloc_list = rp_obj.AllocationList(self.ctx, objects=allocs)
# Validate that we have consumer records for both consumers
for c_uuid in (uuids.consumer1, uuids.consumer2):
c_obj = consumer_obj.Consumer.get_by_uuid(self.ctx, c_uuid)
# OK, now "remove" the allocation for consumer2 by setting the used
# value for both allocated resources to 0 and re-running the
# AllocationList.create_all(). This should end up deleting the consumer
# record for consumer2
allocs = [
self.ctx, consumer=c2, resource_provider=cn1,
resource_class=fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, used=0),
self.ctx, consumer=c2, resource_provider=cn1,
resource_class=fields.ResourceClass.MEMORY_MB, used=0),
alloc_list = rp_obj.AllocationList(self.ctx, objects=allocs)
# consumer1 should still exist...
c_obj = consumer_obj.Consumer.get_by_uuid(self.ctx, uuids.consumer1)
# but not consumer2...
exception.NotFound, consumer_obj.Consumer.get_by_uuid,
self.ctx, uuids.consumer2)
# DELETE /allocations/{consumer_uuid} is the other place where we
# delete all allocations for a consumer. Let's delete all for consumer1
# and check that the consumer record is deleted
alloc_list = rp_obj.AllocationList.get_all_by_consumer_id(
self.ctx, uuids.consumer1)
# consumer1 should no longer exist in the DB since we just deleted all
# of its allocations
exception.NotFound, consumer_obj.Consumer.get_by_uuid,
self.ctx, uuids.consumer1)