Move metadata filtering logic to
Metadata filtering logic in it's current form is tightly coupled with compute code. To make this filtering logic usable for filtering metadata of other resources, it is being moved to file. The filtering metadata logic is going to be used for filtering volume and volume snapshot metadata in the EC2 API, at the very least. There were no unit tests present at all to test the filtering logic. Those have been added too, and in the process of writing unit tests, a bug was found: a single character value of a resource metadata (e.g. 'c') matches when a filter is specified which contains that character as a part of input matching string (e.g. all resources which has a metadata value = 'taco') The bug has also been fixed, and accompanying testcase added Closes-Bug: 1364758 Closes-Bug: 1365887 Change-Id: Ie9dbb50b79c042e49ef7eaba831280e175cc1e7f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1162,3 +1162,101 @@ else:
for x, y in zip(first, second):
result |= ord(x) ^ ord(y)
return result == 0
def filter_and_format_resource_metadata(resource_type, resource_list,
search_filts, metadata_type=None):
"""Get all metadata for a list of resources after filtering.
Search_filts is a list of dictionaries, where the values in the dictionary
can be string or regex string, or a list of strings/regex strings.
Let's call a dict a 'filter block' and an item in the dict
a 'filter'. A tag is returned if it matches ALL the filters in
a filter block. If more than one values are specified for a
filter, a tag is returned if it matches ATLEAST ONE value of the filter. If
more than one filter blocks are specified, the tag should match ALL the
filter blocks.
For example:
search_filts = [{'key': ['key1', 'key2'], 'value': 'val1'},
{'value': 'val2'}]
The filter translates to 'match any tag for which':
((key=key1 AND value=val1) OR (key=key2 AND value=val1)) AND
This example filter will never match a tag.
:param resource_type: The resource type as a string, e.g. 'instance'
:param resource_list: List of resource objects
:param search_filts: Filters to filter metadata to be returned. Can be
dict (e.g. {'key': 'env', 'value': 'prod'}, or a list of dicts
(e.g. [{'key': 'env'}, {'value': 'beta'}]. Note that the values
of the dict can be regular expressions.
:param metadata_type: Provided to search for a specific metadata type
(e.g. 'system_metadata')
:returns: List of dicts where each dict is of the form {'key':
'somekey', 'value': 'somevalue', 'instance_id':
'some-instance-uuid-aaa'} if resource_type is 'instance'.
if isinstance(search_filts, dict):
search_filts = [search_filts]
def _get_id(resource):
if resource_type == 'instance':
return resource.get('uuid')
def _match_any(pattern_list, string):
if isinstance(pattern_list, str):
pattern_list = [pattern_list]
return any([re.match(pattern, string)
for pattern in pattern_list])
def _filter_metadata(resource, search_filt, input_metadata):
ids = search_filt.get('resource_id', [])
keys_filter = search_filt.get('key', [])
values_filter = search_filt.get('value', [])
output_metadata = {}
if ids and _get_id(resource) not in ids:
return {}
for k, v in six.iteritems(input_metadata):
# Both keys and value defined -- AND
if (keys_filter and values_filter and
not _match_any(keys_filter, k) and
not _match_any(values_filter, v)):
# Only keys or value is defined
elif ((keys_filter and not _match_any(keys_filter, k)) or
(values_filter and not _match_any(values_filter, v))):
output_metadata[k] = v
return output_metadata
formatted_metadata_list = []
for res in resource_list:
if resource_type == 'instance':
# NOTE(rushiagr): metadata_type should be 'metadata' or
# 'system_metadata' if resource_type is instance. Defaulting to
# 'metadata' if not specified.
if metadata_type is None:
metadata_type = 'metadata'
metadata = res.get(metadata_type, {})
for filt in search_filts:
# By chaining the input to the output, the filters are
# ANDed together
metadata = _filter_metadata(res, filt, metadata)
for (k, v) in metadata.items():
formatted_metadata_list.append({'key': k, 'value': v,
'%s_id' % resource_type: _get_id(res)})
return formatted_metadata_list
Reference in New Issue
Block a user