diff --git a/nova/db/api.py b/nova/db/api.py
index 148887635..05d81d8b2 100644
--- a/nova/db/api.py
+++ b/nova/db/api.py
@@ -261,11 +261,13 @@ def floating_ip_disassociate(context, address):
     return IMPL.floating_ip_disassociate(context, address)
-def floating_ip_fixed_ip_associate(context, floating_address, fixed_address):
+def floating_ip_fixed_ip_associate(context, floating_address,
+                                   fixed_address, host):
     """Associate an floating ip to a fixed_ip by address."""
     return IMPL.floating_ip_fixed_ip_associate(context,
-                                               fixed_address)
+                                               fixed_address,
+                                               host)
 def floating_ip_get_all(context):
@@ -324,13 +326,15 @@ def migration_get_by_instance_and_status(context, instance_uuid, status):
-def fixed_ip_associate(context, address, instance_id, network_id=None):
+def fixed_ip_associate(context, address, instance_id, network_id=None,
+                       reserved=False):
     """Associate fixed ip to instance.
     Raises if fixed ip is not available.
-    return IMPL.fixed_ip_associate(context, address, instance_id, network_id)
+    return IMPL.fixed_ip_associate(context, address, instance_id, network_id,
+                                   reserved)
 def fixed_ip_associate_pool(context, network_id, instance_id=None, host=None):
@@ -365,7 +369,7 @@ def fixed_ip_get_all(context):
 def fixed_ip_get_all_by_instance_host(context, host):
     """Get all allocated fixed ips filtered by instance host."""
-    return IMPL.fixed_ip_get_all_instance_by_host(context, host)
+    return IMPL.fixed_ip_get_all_by_instance_host(context, host)
 def fixed_ip_get_by_address(context, address):
@@ -420,6 +424,11 @@ def virtual_interface_get_by_address(context, address):
     return IMPL.virtual_interface_get_by_address(context, address)
+def virtual_interface_get_by_uuid(context, vif_uuid):
+    """Gets a virtual interface from the table filtering on vif uuid."""
+    return IMPL.virtual_interface_get_by_uuid(context, vif_uuid)
 def virtual_interface_get_by_fixed_ip(context, fixed_ip_id):
     """Gets the virtual interface fixed_ip is associated with."""
     return IMPL.virtual_interface_get_by_fixed_ip(context, fixed_ip_id)
@@ -715,6 +724,11 @@ def network_get_by_bridge(context, bridge):
     return IMPL.network_get_by_bridge(context, bridge)
+def network_get_by_uuid(context, uuid):
+    """Get a network by uuid or raise if it does not exist."""
+    return IMPL.network_get_by_uuid(context, uuid)
 def network_get_by_cidr(context, cidr):
     """Get a network by cidr or raise if it does not exist"""
     return IMPL.network_get_by_cidr(context, cidr)
diff --git a/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py b/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py
index 6c3c2d038..5889f5fc3 100644
--- a/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py
+++ b/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py
@@ -529,7 +529,8 @@ def floating_ip_count_by_project(context, project_id):
-def floating_ip_fixed_ip_associate(context, floating_address, fixed_address):
+def floating_ip_fixed_ip_associate(context, floating_address,
+                                   fixed_address, host):
     session = get_session()
     with session.begin():
         # TODO(devcamcar): How to ensure floating_id belongs to user?
@@ -540,6 +541,7 @@ def floating_ip_fixed_ip_associate(context, floating_address, fixed_address):
         floating_ip_ref.fixed_ip = fixed_ip_ref
+        floating_ip_ref.host = host
@@ -583,6 +585,7 @@ def floating_ip_disassociate(context, address):
             fixed_ip_address = None
         floating_ip_ref.fixed_ip = None
+        floating_ip_ref.host = None
     return fixed_ip_address
@@ -669,14 +672,19 @@ def floating_ip_update(context, address, values):
-def fixed_ip_associate(context, address, instance_id, network_id=None):
+def fixed_ip_associate(context, address, instance_id, network_id=None,
+                       reserved=False):
+    """Keyword arguments:
+    reserved -- should be a boolean value(True or False), exact value will be
+    used to filter on the fixed ip address
+    """
     session = get_session()
     with session.begin():
         network_or_none = or_(models.FixedIp.network_id == network_id,
                               models.FixedIp.network_id == None)
         fixed_ip_ref = session.query(models.FixedIp).\
-                               filter_by(reserved=False).\
+                               filter_by(reserved=reserved).\
@@ -944,6 +952,22 @@ def virtual_interface_get_by_address(context, address):
     return vif_ref
+def virtual_interface_get_by_uuid(context, vif_uuid):
+    """Gets a virtual interface from the table.
+    :param vif_uuid: the uuid of the interface you're looking to get
+    """
+    session = get_session()
+    vif_ref = session.query(models.VirtualInterface).\
+                      filter_by(uuid=vif_uuid).\
+                      options(joinedload('network')).\
+                      options(joinedload('instance')).\
+                      options(joinedload('fixed_ips')).\
+                      first()
+    return vif_ref
 def virtual_interface_get_by_fixed_ip(context, fixed_ip_id):
     """Gets the virtual interface fixed_ip is associated with.
@@ -1857,6 +1881,19 @@ def network_get_by_bridge(context, bridge):
     return result
+def network_get_by_uuid(context, uuid):
+    session = get_session()
+    result = session.query(models.Network).\
+                 filter_by(uuid=uuid).\
+                 filter_by(deleted=False).\
+                 first()
+    if not result:
+        raise exception.NetworkNotFoundForUUID(uuid=uuid)
+    return result
 def network_get_by_cidr(context, cidr):
     session = get_session()
diff --git a/nova/utils.py b/nova/utils.py
index 21e6221b2..81157a4cd 100644
--- a/nova/utils.py
+++ b/nova/utils.py
@@ -901,3 +901,12 @@ def monkey_patch():
                 func = import_class("%s.%s" % (module, key))
                 setattr(sys.modules[module], key,\
                     decorator("%s.%s" % (module, key), func))
+def convert_to_list_dict(lst, label):
+    """Convert a value or list into a list of dicts"""
+    if not lst:
+        return None
+    if not isinstance(lst, list):
+        lst = [lst]
+    return [{label: x} for x in lst]