diff --git a/etc/placement/config-generator.conf b/etc/placement/config-generator.conf
index dd7bf32a0..67cd782ec 100644
--- a/etc/placement/config-generator.conf
+++ b/etc/placement/config-generator.conf
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ namespace = placement.conf
 namespace = keystonemiddleware.auth_token
 namespace = oslo.log
 namespace = oslo.middleware.cors
+namespace = oslo.policy
 namespace = osprofiler
 # FIXME(mriedem): There are likely other missing 3rd party oslo library
-# options that should show up in the placement.conf docs, like oslo.policy.
+# options that should show up in the placement.conf docs, like oslo.concurrency
diff --git a/placement/conf/__init__.py b/placement/conf/__init__.py
index 8a6711983..5e04d974b 100644
--- a/placement/conf/__init__.py
+++ b/placement/conf/__init__.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 from oslo_middleware import cors
+from oslo_policy import opts as policy_opts
 from placement.conf import api
 from placement.conf import base
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ def register_opts(conf):
+    policy_opts.set_defaults(conf)
     # The CORS middleware does not present a register_opts method, instead
     # it shares a list of available opts.
     conf.register_opts(cors.CORS_OPTS, 'cors')
diff --git a/placement/conf/placement.py b/placement/conf/placement.py
index 44580ce8c..e3e275253 100644
--- a/placement/conf/placement.py
+++ b/placement/conf/placement.py
@@ -40,6 +40,17 @@ is determined.
         # This default matches what is in
         # etc/nova/policy-generator.conf
+        deprecated_for_removal=True,
+        deprecated_since='2.0.0',
+        deprecated_reason="""
+This option was necessary when placement was part of nova but can now be
+replaced with the more standard usage of ``[oslo_policy]/policy_file`` which
+has the same semantics but a different default value. If you have a custom
+policy.yaml file and were not setting this option but just relying on the
+default value, you need to configure placement to use
+``[oslo_policy]/policy_file`` with policy.yaml specifically since otherwise
+that option defaults to policy.json.
         help='The file that defines placement policies. This can be an '
              'absolute path or relative to the configuration file.'),
diff --git a/placement/policy.py b/placement/policy.py
index 4696f78e6..58645d5c4 100644
--- a/placement/policy.py
+++ b/placement/policy.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 from oslo_config import cfg
 from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_policy import opts as policy_opts
 from oslo_policy import policy
 from oslo_utils import excutils
@@ -36,13 +37,43 @@ def init(conf):
     """Init an Enforcer class. Sets the _ENFORCER global."""
     global _ENFORCER
     if not _ENFORCER:
-        # NOTE(mriedem): We have to explicitly pass in the
-        # [placement]/policy_file path because otherwise oslo_policy defaults
-        # to read the policy file from config option [oslo_policy]/policy_file
-        # which is used by nova. In other words, to have separate policy files
-        # for placement and nova, we have to use separate policy_file options.
-        _enforcer = policy.Enforcer(
-            conf, policy_file=conf.placement.policy_file)
+        # TODO(mriedem): This compat code can be removed when the
+        # [placement]/policy_file config option is removed.
+        # First check to see if [oslo_policy]/policy_file exists since that's
+        # what we want people using. That option defaults to policy.json while
+        # [placement]/policy_file defaults to policy.yaml so if
+        # [oslo_policy]/policy_file does not exist it means either someone with
+        # custom policy has not migrated or they are using defaults in code.
+        if conf.find_file(conf.oslo_policy.policy_file):
+            # [oslo_policy]/policy_file exists so use it.
+            policy_file = conf.oslo_policy.policy_file
+            # Do a sanity check to see if [placement]/policy_file exists but
+            # with a different name because if so we could be loading up the
+            # wrong file. For example, maybe someone's packaging or deployment
+            # tooling creates an empty policy.json but placement.conf is
+            # actually configured to use [placement]/policy_file=policy.yaml
+            # with custom rules.
+            if (conf.placement.policy_file != conf.oslo_policy.policy_file and
+                    conf.find_file(conf.placement.policy_file)):
+                LOG.error('Found [oslo_policy]/policy_file and '
+                          '[placement]/policy_file and not sure which to use. '
+                          'Using [oslo_policy]/policy_file since '
+                          '[placement]/policy_file is deprecated but you need '
+                          'to clean up your configuration file to stop using '
+                          '[placement]/policy_file.')
+        else:
+            # Check to see if a custom [placement]/policy_file is being used
+            # and if so, log a warning to migrate to [oslo_policy]/policy_file.
+            if conf.find_file(conf.placement.policy_file):
+                LOG.warning('[placement]/policy_file is deprecated. Use '
+                            '[oslo_policy]/policy_file instead.')
+            # For backward compatibility use [placement]/policy_file. Even if
+            # the file does not exist we can specify this since we will load up
+            # default rules from code. Once we remove the compat code we can
+            # just stop passing the policy_file kwarg to Enforcer.
+            policy_file = conf.placement.policy_file
+        _enforcer = policy.Enforcer(conf, policy_file=policy_file)
         _ENFORCER = _enforcer
@@ -53,6 +84,7 @@ def get_enforcer():
     # files from overrides on disk and defaults in code. We can just pass an
     # empty list and let oslo do the config lifting for us.
     cfg.CONF([], project='placement')
+    policy_opts.set_defaults(cfg.CONF)
     return _get_enforcer(cfg.CONF)
diff --git a/placement/tests/unit/policy_fixture.py b/placement/tests/unit/policy_fixture.py
index 394365cf4..00dab91fe 100644
--- a/placement/tests/unit/policy_fixture.py
+++ b/placement/tests/unit/policy_fixture.py
@@ -29,9 +29,8 @@ class PolicyFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
     """Load the default placement policy for tests."""
     def setUp(self):
         super(PolicyFixture, self).setUp()
-        policy_file = paths.state_path_def(
-            'etc/placement/placement-policy.yaml')
-        self.conf_fixture.config(group='placement', policy_file=policy_file)
+        policy_file = paths.state_path_def('etc/placement/policy.yaml')
+        self.conf_fixture.config(group='oslo_policy', policy_file=policy_file)
diff --git a/placement/tests/unit/test_policy.py b/placement/tests/unit/test_policy.py
index 6dcf30101..0386f2f17 100644
--- a/placement/tests/unit/test_policy.py
+++ b/placement/tests/unit/test_policy.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import mock
 import os
 import fixtures
@@ -43,15 +44,22 @@ class PlacementPolicyTestCase(base.ContextTestCase):
     def test_modified_policy_reloads(self):
-        """Creates a temporary placement-policy.yaml file and tests
+        """Creates a temporary policy.yaml file and tests
         authorizations against a fake rule between updates to the physical
         policy file.
         tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
-        tmpfilename = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'placement-policy.yaml')
+        tmpfilename = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'policy.yaml')
-            group='placement', policy_file=tmpfilename)
+            group='oslo_policy', policy_file=tmpfilename)
+        # We have to create the file before initializing the policy enforcer
+        # otherwise it falls back to using CONF.placement.policy_file. This
+        # can be removed when the deprecated CONF.placement.policy_file option
+        # is removed.
+        with open(tmpfilename, "w") as policyfile:
+            policyfile.write('# The policy file is empty.')
         action = 'placement:test'
@@ -82,3 +90,122 @@ class PlacementPolicyTestCase(base.ContextTestCase):
                 self.ctxt, 'placement', self.target, do_raise=False))
+    @mock.patch('placement.policy.LOG.warning')
+    def test_default_fallback_placement_policy_file_no_exist(self, mock_warn):
+        """Tests that by default the policy enforcer will fallback to the
+        [placement]/policy_file when [oslo_policy]/policy_file does not
+        exist. In this case the placement policy file does not exist so no
+        warning about using it should be logged.
+        """
+        # Make sure oslo_policy and placement use different policy_file
+        # defaults (the former uses policy.json, the latter uses policy.yaml).
+        config = self.conf_fixture.conf
+        self.assertNotEqual(config.oslo_policy.policy_file,
+                            config.placement.policy_file)
+        enforcer = policy._get_enforcer(config)
+        self.assertEqual(config.placement.policy_file, enforcer.policy_file)
+        # There should not be a warning logged since the policy file does not
+        # actually exist.
+        mock_warn.assert_not_called()
+    @mock.patch('placement.policy.LOG.warning')
+    def test_default_fallback_placement_policy_file(self, mock_warn):
+        """Tests that by default the policy enforcer will fallback to the
+        [placement]/policy_file when [oslo_policy]/policy_file does not
+        exist. In this case the plcaement policy file exists, like in the case
+        of using it to define custom rules, so a warning is logged.
+        """
+        tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
+        tmpfilename = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'policy.yaml')
+        self.conf_fixture.config(group='placement', policy_file=tmpfilename)
+        # We have to create the file before initializing the policy enforcer
+        # otherwise it falls back to using CONF.placement.policy_file. This
+        # can be removed when the deprecated CONF.placement.policy_file option
+        # is removed.
+        with open(tmpfilename, "w") as policyfile:
+            policyfile.write('# I would normally have custom rules in here.')
+        config = self.conf_fixture.conf
+        enforcer = policy._get_enforcer(config)
+        self.assertEqual(config.placement.policy_file, enforcer.policy_file)
+        # There should not be a warning logged since the policy file does not
+        # actually exist.
+        mock_warn.assert_called_once_with(
+            '[placement]/policy_file is deprecated. Use '
+            '[oslo_policy]/policy_file instead.')
+    @mock.patch('placement.policy.LOG.error')
+    def test_init_from_oslo_policy_file_exists_same_policy_file_name(
+            self, mock_log_error):
+        """Tests a scenario where the [oslo_policy]/policy_file exists and
+        is the same name as the [placement]/policy_file so no error is logged
+        since we'll use the file from oslo_policy config.
+        """
+        # Configure [oslo_policy]/policy_file and [placement]/policy_file with
+        # the same name.
+        tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
+        tmpfilename = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'policy.yaml')
+        self.conf_fixture.config(group='oslo_policy', policy_file=tmpfilename)
+        self.conf_fixture.config(group='placement', policy_file=tmpfilename)
+        # Create the [oslo_policy]/policy_file.
+        with open(tmpfilename, "w") as policyfile:
+            policyfile.write('# Assume upgrade with existing custom policy.')
+        config = self.conf_fixture.conf
+        policy._get_enforcer(config)
+        # Checking what the Enforcer is using for a policy file does not really
+        # matter too much since they are pointing at the same file, just make
+        # sure we did not log an error.
+        mock_log_error.assert_not_called()
+    @mock.patch('placement.policy.LOG.error')
+    def test_init_from_oslo_file_exists_different_name_no_placement_file(
+            self, mock_log_error):
+        """Tests a scenario where the [oslo_policy]/policy_file exists and
+        has a different name from the [placement]/policy_file but the
+        [placement]/policy_file does not exist so no error is logged.
+        """
+        # Configure [oslo_policy]/policy_file and [placement]/policy_file with
+        # different names.
+        tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
+        tmpfilename = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'policy.yaml')
+        self.conf_fixture.config(group='oslo_policy', policy_file=tmpfilename)
+        self.conf_fixture.config(group='placement', policy_file='policy.json')
+        # Create the [oslo_policy]/policy_file.
+        with open(tmpfilename, "w") as policyfile:
+            policyfile.write('# Assume upgrade with existing custom policy.')
+        config = self.conf_fixture.conf
+        enforcer = policy._get_enforcer(config)
+        self.assertEqual(config.oslo_policy.policy_file, enforcer.policy_file)
+        # Though the policy file names are different, the placement version
+        # does not exist while the oslo policy one does so no error is logged.
+        mock_log_error.assert_not_called()
+    @mock.patch('placement.policy.LOG.error')
+    def test_init_from_oslo_file_exists_different_name_placement_file_exists(
+            self, mock_log_error):
+        """Tests a scenario where the [oslo_policy]/policy_file exists and
+        has a different name from the [placement]/policy_file and the
+        [placement]/policy_file exists so an error is logged.
+        """
+        # Configure [oslo_policy]/policy_file and [placement]/policy_file with
+        # different names.
+        tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
+        oslo_name = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'policy.yaml')
+        self.conf_fixture.config(group='oslo_policy', policy_file=oslo_name)
+        placement_name = os.path.join(tempdir.path, 'placement-policy.yaml')
+        self.conf_fixture.config(group='placement', policy_file=placement_name)
+        # Create the [oslo_policy]/policy_file.
+        with open(oslo_name, "w") as oslo_policy_file:
+            oslo_policy_file.write('# New oslo policy config.')
+        # Create the [placement]/policy_file.
+        with open(placement_name, "w") as placement_policy_file:
+            placement_policy_file.write('# Old placement policy file.')
+        config = self.conf_fixture.conf
+        enforcer = policy._get_enforcer(config)
+        self.assertEqual(config.oslo_policy.policy_file, enforcer.policy_file)
+        # An error should be logged since we're going to use the oslo policy
+        # file but there is a placement policy file with a different name that
+        # also exists.
+        mock_log_error.assert_called_once()
+        self.assertIn('you need to clean up your configuration file',
+                      mock_log_error.call_args[0][0])
diff --git a/placement/wsgi.py b/placement/wsgi.py
index 655b79eb2..2e02b05bc 100644
--- a/placement/wsgi.py
+++ b/placement/wsgi.py
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import os.path
 from oslo_config import cfg
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 from oslo_middleware import cors
-from oslo_policy import opts as policy_opts
 from oslo_utils import importutils
 import pbr.version
@@ -79,10 +78,6 @@ def _parse_args(config, argv, default_config_files):
-    # This is needed so we can check [oslo_policy]/enforce_scope in the
-    # deploy module.
-    policy_opts.set_defaults(config)
     config(argv[1:], project='placement',
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/deprecate-placement-policy-file-1777dc2e92d8363c.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/deprecate-placement-policy-file-1777dc2e92d8363c.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd499a892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/deprecate-placement-policy-file-1777dc2e92d8363c.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  - |
+    The ``[placement]/policy_file`` configuration option is deprecated and its
+    usage is being replaced with the more standard
+    ``[oslo_policy]/policy_file`` option. If you do not override policy with
+    custom rules you will have nothing to do. If you do override the placement
+    default policy then you will need to update your configuration to use the
+    ``[oslo_policy]/policy_file`` option. By default, the
+    ``[oslo_policy]/policy_file`` option will be used if the file it points at
+    exists.