Enhance doc of _get_trees_with_traits

The documentation of the research_context._get_trees_with_traits
function was not complete. So this patch adds characterisation tests for
this function and documents the behavior of the call.
The behavior might seem to be broken at first as it returns RPs that
are actually forbidden by forbidden traits. Still a later call in the
call chain does a proper trait filtering with a comment that this
later filtering should be moved to _get_trees_with_traits. So this is
probably not a bug just a limitation of the current
_get_trees_with_traits call.

Change-Id: I3216b951ac755a09326357809748823426f20acd
This commit is contained in:
Balazs Gibizer 2022-01-21 13:46:52 +01:00
parent 2d2a8ce7c9
commit 849c9afd2e
2 changed files with 210 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -747,6 +747,24 @@ def _get_trees_with_traits(ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits):
(provider ID, root provider ID) of providers which belong to a tree that
can satisfy trait requirements.
This returns trees that still have the possibility to be a match according
to the required and forbidden traits. It returns every rp from
the tree that is in rp_ids, even if some of those rps are providing
forbidden traits.
This filters out a whole tree if either:
* every RPs of the tree from rp_ids having a forbidden trait (see
test_get_trees_with_traits_forbidden_1 and _2)
* there is a required trait that none of the RPs of the tree from rp_ids
provide (see test_get_trees_with_traits) or there is an RP providing
the required trait but that also provides a forbidden trait
(see test_get_trees_with_traits_forbidden_3)
The returned tree still might not be a valid tree as this function
returns a tree even if some providers need to be ignored due to forbidden
traits. So if those RPs are needed from resource perspective then the tree
will be filtered out later by
:param ctx: Session context to use
:param rp_ids: a set of resource provider IDs
:param required_traits: A map, keyed by trait string name, of required

View File

@ -889,6 +889,105 @@ class ProviderTreeDBHelperTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
def test_get_trees_with_traits_forbidden_1(self):
"""Using the following tree
cn1 = self._create_provider('cn1')
cn1_c1 = self._create_provider('cn1_c1', parent=cn1.uuid)
tb.set_traits(cn1, 'CUSTOM_FOO')
custom_foo = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(self.ctx, 'CUSTOM_FOO')
required_traits = {
forbidden_traits = {
custom_foo.name: custom_foo.id,
rp_ids = {cn1.id, cn1_c1.id} # both RP from the tree
rp_tuples_with_trait = res_ctx._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
# tree is returned as the forbidden trait did not filter out all the
# rps from the tree. The tree might still be a match to the request
# via cn1_c1
{(cn1.id, cn1.id), (cn1_c1.id, cn1.id)},
# simulate that cn1_c1 already filtered out by other filters
rp_ids = {cn1.id}
rp_tuples_with_trait = res_ctx._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
# the tree is not returned any more as the only considered rp is cn1
# but that has a forbidden trait
self.assertEqual(set(), rp_tuples_with_trait)
def test_get_trees_with_traits_forbidden_2(self):
"""Using the following tree
cn1 = self._create_provider('cn1')
cn1_c1 = self._create_provider('cn1_c1', parent=cn1.uuid)
tb.set_traits(cn1, 'CUSTOM_FOO')
custom_foo = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(self.ctx, 'CUSTOM_FOO')
tb.set_traits(cn1_c1, 'CUSTOM_FOO')
required_traits = {
forbidden_traits = {
custom_foo.name: custom_foo.id,
rp_ids = {cn1.id, cn1_c1.id}
rp_tuples_with_trait = res_ctx._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
# now both rp from the tree is filtered out by the forbidden trait
# so the tree is filtered out
self.assertEqual(set(), rp_tuples_with_trait)
def test_get_trees_with_traits_forbidden_3(self):
"""Using the following tree
cn1 = self._create_provider('cn1')
cn1_c1 = self._create_provider('cn1_c1', parent=cn1.uuid)
tb.set_traits(cn1, 'CUSTOM_FOO', 'CUSTOM_BAR')
custom_foo = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(self.ctx, 'CUSTOM_FOO')
custom_bar = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(self.ctx, 'CUSTOM_BAR')
required_traits = {
custom_bar.name: custom_bar.id
forbidden_traits = {
custom_foo.name: custom_foo.id,
rp_ids = {cn1.id, cn1_c1.id}
rp_tuples_with_trait = res_ctx._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
# only cn1 could provide the required trait but cn1 also has the
# forbidden trait. The rest of the tree does not provide the required
# trait so this tree cannot be a match for the request
self.assertEqual(set(), rp_tuples_with_trait)
# simulate that cn1_c1 already filtered out by other filters
rp_ids = {cn1.id}
rp_tuples_with_trait = res_ctx._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
# only cn1 could provide the required trait but cn1 also has the
# forbidden trait. There is no other rps in the tree to be considered.
self.assertEqual(set(), rp_tuples_with_trait)
def test_get_roots_with_traits(self):
_, avx2_t, ssd_t, geneve_t, ssl_t = self._make_trees_with_traits()
@ -2818,6 +2917,99 @@ class AllocationCandidatesTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
self._validate_provider_summary_resources({}, alloc_cands)
self._validate_provider_summary_traits({}, alloc_cands)
def test_forbidden_trait_in_unnamed_group_with_split_rcs_on_nested_tree(
"""Using the following trees:
cn1 VCPU=2
cn2 VCPU=2
cn2_c1 SRIOV_NET_VF=2
cn1 = self._create_provider('cn1')
tb.add_inventory(cn1, orc.VCPU, 2)
cn1_c1 = self._create_provider('cn1_c1', parent=cn1.uuid)
tb.add_inventory(cn1_c1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 2)
tb.set_traits(cn1_c1, 'CUSTOM_FOO')
cn2 = self._create_provider('cn2')
tb.add_inventory(cn2, orc.VCPU, 2)
cn2_c1 = self._create_provider('cn2_c1', parent=cn2.uuid)
tb.add_inventory(cn2_c1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 2)
alloc_cands = self._get_allocation_candidates(
{'': placement_lib.RequestGroup(
orc.VCPU: 1,
orc.SRIOV_NET_VF: 1,
# the tree rooted at CN1 is expected to be filtered out due to
# forbidden trait on CN1_C1
# CN2 tree is the same as CN1 but without the forbidden trait so that
# is a match
expected = [
[('cn2', 'VCPU', 1), ('cn2_c1', 'SRIOV_NET_VF', 1)]
self._validate_allocation_requests(expected, alloc_cands)
def test_forbidden_trait_in_unnamed_group_in_nested_tree(self):
"""Using the following trees:
cn1 VCPU=2
cn2 VCPU=2
cn2_c1 SRIOV_NET_VF=2
cn1 = self._create_provider('cn1')
tb.add_inventory(cn1, orc.VCPU, 2)
cn1_c1 = self._create_provider('cn1_c1', parent=cn1.uuid)
tb.add_inventory(cn1_c1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 2)
tb.set_traits(cn1_c1, 'CUSTOM_FOO')
cn2 = self._create_provider('cn2')
tb.add_inventory(cn2, orc.VCPU, 2)
cn2_c1 = self._create_provider('cn2_c1', parent=cn2.uuid)
tb.add_inventory(cn2_c1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 2)
alloc_cands = self._get_allocation_candidates(
{'': placement_lib.RequestGroup(
orc.VCPU: 1,
# both CN1 and CN2 are returned. CN1 has the forbidden trait
# in its tree but there is no RC requested from that RP providing the
# forbidden trait. The general rule is
# "traits on resource providers never span other resource providers."
# See
# https://docs.openstack.org/placement/latest/user/provider-tree.html#filtering-by-traits
expected = [
[('cn1', 'VCPU', 1)], [('cn2', 'VCPU', 1)]
self._validate_allocation_requests(expected, alloc_cands)
def test_simple_tree_with_shared_provider(self):
"""Tests that we properly winnow allocation requests when including
shared and nested providers