Add NUMANetworkFixture for gabbits

Adds an APIFixture representing compute hosts with characteristics such

* A root compute node provider with no resources (VCPU/MEMORY_MB in NUMA
  providers, DISK_GB provided by a sharing provider).
* NUMA nodes, providing VCPU and MEMORY_MB resources (with interesting
  min_unit and step_size values), both decorated with the HW_NUMA_ROOT
  trait, one decorated with a CUSTOM trait.
* Each NUMA node is associated with some devices.
* Two network agents, themselves devoid of resources, parenting
  different kinds of network devices.

* A more "normal" compute node provider with VCPU/MEMORY_MB/DISK_GB
* Some NIC subtree roots, themselves devoid of resources, decorated with
  the HW_NIC_ROOT trait, parenting PF providers, on different physical
  networks, with VF resources.

* A sharing DISK_GB provider associated with both compute nodes. (It is
  the only thing that can provide DISK_GB to the first compute, but the
  second compute also has DISK_GB of its own.)

This will be used by subsequent patches to create test cases including
things like subtree affinity, resourceless request groups / providers,
can_split, etc.

Also includes a couple of tweaks to the base test helpers to make the
fixture easier to set up.

Change-Id: I65dbbff1d58a486941f085e89c8e32fc071b6d4b
Story: #2005575
This commit is contained in:
Eric Fried 2019-05-06 17:12:33 -05:00 committed by Chris Dent
parent 81937773f5
commit 88b6c816a8
3 changed files with 228 additions and 12 deletions

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from placement.objects import allocation as alloc_obj
from placement.objects import consumer as consumer_obj
from placement.objects import inventory as inv_obj
from placement.objects import project as project_obj
from placement.objects import resource_class as rc_obj
from placement.objects import resource_provider as rp_obj
from placement.objects import trait as trait_obj
from placement.objects import user as user_obj
@ -57,7 +58,15 @@ def create_provider(context, name, *aggs, **kwargs):
return rp
def ensure_rc(context, name):
rc_obj.ResourceClass.get_by_name(context, name)
except exception.NotFound:
rc_obj.ResourceClass(context, name=name).create()
def add_inventory(rp, rc, total, **kwargs):
ensure_rc(rp._context, rc)
kwargs.setdefault('max_unit', total)
inv = inv_obj.Inventory(rp._context, resource_provider=rp,
resource_class=rc, total=total, **kwargs)
@ -102,6 +111,14 @@ def set_allocation(ctx, rp, consumer, rc_used_dict):
return alloc
def create_user_and_project(ctx, prefix='fake'):
user = user_obj.User(ctx, external_id='%s-user' % prefix)
proj = project_obj.Project(ctx, external_id='%s-project' % prefix)
return user, proj
class PlacementDbBaseTestCase(base.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
@ -109,11 +126,7 @@ class PlacementDbBaseTestCase(base.TestCase):
# we use context in some places and ctx in other. We should only use
# context, but let's paper over that for now.
self.ctx = self.context
self.user_obj = user_obj.User(self.ctx, external_id='fake-user')
self.project_obj = project_obj.Project(
self.ctx, external_id='fake-project')
self.user_obj, self.project_obj = create_user_and_project(self.ctx)
# For debugging purposes, populated by _create_provider and used by
# _validate_allocation_requests to make failure results more readable.
self.rp_uuid_to_name = {}

@ -461,13 +461,17 @@ class ResourceProviderTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
an exception.
rp = self._create_provider('compute-host')
tb.add_inventory, rp, 'UNKNOWN', 1024,
inv = inv_obj.Inventory(
rp._context, resource_provider=rp,
exception.ResourceClassNotFound, rp.add_inventory, inv)
def test_set_inventory_fail_in_use(self):
"""Test attempting to set inventory which would result in removing an

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import os
from gabbi import fixture
import os_resource_classes as orc
import os_traits as ot
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import fixture as config_fixture
from oslo_log.fixture import logging_error
@ -360,6 +361,204 @@ class NUMAAggregateFixture(APIFixture):
tb.set_traits(ss, 'MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE')
class NUMANetworkFixture(APIFixture):
"""An APIFixture representing compute hosts with characteristics such as:
* A root compute node provider with no resources (VCPU/MEMORY_MB in NUMA
providers, DISK_GB provided by a sharing provider).
* NUMA nodes, providing VCPU and MEMORY_MB resources (with interesting
min_unit and step_size values), decorated with the HW_NUMA_ROOT trait.
* Each NUMA node is associated with some devices.
* Two network agents, themselves devoid of resources, parenting different
kinds of network devices.
* A more "normal" compute node provider with VCPU/MEMORY_MB/DISK_GB
* Some NIC subtree roots, themselves devoid of resources, decorated with
the HW_NIC_ROOT trait, parenting PF providers, on different physical
networks, with VF resources.
| sharing storage (ss1) |
| DISK_GB:2000 |............(to cn2)......>>
| agg: [aggA] |
| compute node (cn1) |
| (no inventory) |
| agg: [aggA] |
| | | |
+---------+--------+ +---------+--------+ | |
| numa0 | | numa1 | | +-----------+------+
| HW_NUMA_ROOT | | HW_NUMA_ROOT, FOO| | | ovs_agent |
| VCPU: 4 (2 used) | | VCPU: 4 | | | VNIC_TYPE_NORMAL |
| MEMORY_MB: 2048 | | MEMORY_MB: 2048 | | +-----------+------+
| min_unit: 512 | | min_unit: 256 | | |
| step_size: 256 | | max_unit: 1024 | | |
+---+----------+---+ +---+----------+---+ +---+--------------+ |
| | | | | sriov_agent | |
+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ | VNIC_TYPE_DIRECT | |
|fpga0 | |pgpu0 | |fpga1_0| |fpga1_1| +---+--------------+ |
|FPGA:1 | |VGPU:8 | |FPGA:1 | |FPGA:1 | | |
+-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | +----+------+
+-----+------+ |br_int |
| | |PHYSNET1 |
|esn1 ||esn2 |+-----------+
| compute node (cn2) |
| VCPU: 8 (3 used) |
| MEMORY_MB: 2048 |
>>....(from ss1)........| min_unit: 1024 |
| step_size: 128 |
| DISK_GB: 1000 |
| agg: [aggA] |
| | |
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
|nic1 | |nic2 | |nic3 |
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
| | |
+----+----+ +---------+---+-----+---------+ |
| | | | | | |
+--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+
|pf1_1| |pf1_2| |pf2_1| |pf2_2| |pf2_3| |pf2_4| |pf3_1|
|NET1 | |NET2 | |NET1 | |NET2 | |NET1 | |NET2 | |NET1 |
|VF:4 | |VF:4 | |VF:2 | |VF:2 | |VF:2 | |VF:2 | |VF:8 |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
def start_fixture(self):
super(NUMANetworkFixture, self).start_fixture()
aggA_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['AGGA_UUID'] = aggA_uuid
ss1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'ss1', aggA_uuid)
tb.set_traits(ss1, ot.MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE)
tb.add_inventory(ss1, orc.DISK_GB, 2000)
os.environ['SS1_UUID'] = ss1.uuid
# CN1
cn1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn1', aggA_uuid)
tb.set_traits(cn1, ot.COMPUTE_VOLUME_MULTI_ATTACH)
os.environ['CN1_UUID'] = cn1.uuid
numas = []
for i in (0, 1):
numa = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'numa%d' % i, parent=cn1.uuid)
traits = [ot.HW_NUMA_ROOT]
if i == 1:
tb.set_traits(numa, *traits)
tb.add_inventory(numa, orc.VCPU, 4)
os.environ['NUMA%d_UUID' % i] = numa.uuid
numas[0], orc.MEMORY_MB, 2048, min_unit=512, step_size=256)
numas[1], orc.MEMORY_MB, 2048, min_unit=256, max_unit=1024)
user, proj = tb.create_user_and_project(self.context, prefix='numafx')
consumer = tb.ensure_consumer(self.context, user, proj)
tb.set_allocation(self.context, numas[0], consumer, {orc.VCPU: 2})
fpga = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'fpga0', parent=numas[0].uuid)
# TODO(efried): Use standard FPGA resource class
tb.add_inventory(fpga, 'CUSTOM_FPGA', 1)
os.environ['FPGA0_UUID'] = fpga.uuid
pgpu = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'pgpu0', parent=numas[0].uuid)
tb.add_inventory(pgpu, orc.VGPU, 8)
os.environ['PGPU0_UUID'] = pgpu.uuid
for i in (0, 1):
fpga = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'fpga1_%d' % i, parent=numas[1].uuid)
# TODO(efried): Use standard FPGA resource class
tb.add_inventory(fpga, 'CUSTOM_FPGA', 1)
os.environ['FPGA1_%d_UUID' % i] = fpga.uuid
agent = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'sriov_agent', parent=cn1.uuid)
tb.set_traits(agent, 'CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE_DIRECT')
os.environ['SRIOV_AGENT_UUID'] = agent.uuid
for i in (1, 2):
dev = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'esn%d' % i, parent=agent.uuid)
tb.set_traits(dev, 'CUSTOM_PHYSNET%d' % i)
tb.add_inventory(dev, orc.NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC, 10000 * i)
os.environ['ESN%d_UUID' % i] = dev.uuid
agent = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'ovs_agent', parent=cn1.uuid)
tb.set_traits(agent, 'CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE_NORMAL')
os.environ['OVS_AGENT_UUID'] = agent.uuid
dev = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'br_int', parent=agent.uuid)
tb.set_traits(dev, 'CUSTOM_PHYSNET0')
tb.add_inventory(dev, orc.NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC, 1000)
os.environ['BR_INT_UUID'] = dev.uuid
# CN2
cn2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn2', aggA_uuid)
tb.add_inventory(cn2, orc.VCPU, 8)
tb.set_allocation(self.context, cn2, consumer, {orc.VCPU: 3})
cn2, orc.MEMORY_MB, 2048, min_unit=1024, step_size=128)
tb.add_inventory(cn2, orc.DISK_GB, 1000)
os.environ['CN2_UUID'] = cn2.uuid
nics = []
for i in (1, 2, 3):
nic = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'nic%d' % i, parent=cn2.uuid)
# TODO(efried): Use standard HW_NIC_ROOT trait
tb.set_traits(nic, 'CUSTOM_HW_NIC_ROOT')
os.environ['NIC%d_UUID'] = nic.uuid
# PFs for NIC1
for i in (1, 2):
suf = '1_%d' % i
pf = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'pf%s' % suf, parent=nics[0].uuid)
tb.set_traits(pf, 'CUSTOM_PHYSNET%d' % i)
# TODO(efried): Use standard generic VF resource class?
tb.add_inventory(pf, 'CUSTOM_VF', 4)
os.environ['PF%s_UUID' % suf] = pf.uuid
# PFs for NIC2
for i in (0, 1, 2, 3):
suf = '2_%d' % (i + 1)
pf = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'pf%s' % suf, parent=nics[1].uuid)
tb.set_traits(pf, 'CUSTOM_PHYSNET%d' % ((i % 2) + 1))
# TODO(efried): Use standard generic VF resource class?
tb.add_inventory(pf, 'CUSTOM_VF', 2)
os.environ['PF%s_UUID' % suf] = pf.uuid
# PF for NIC3
suf = '3_1'
pf = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'pf%s' % suf, parent=nics[2].uuid)
tb.set_traits(pf, 'CUSTOM_PHYSNET1')
# TODO(efried): Use standard generic VF resource class?
tb.add_inventory(pf, 'CUSTOM_VF', 8)
os.environ['PF%s_UUID' % suf] = pf.uuid
class NonSharedStorageFixture(APIFixture):
"""An APIFixture that has three compute nodes with local storage that do
not use shared storage.