diff --git a/placement-api-ref/source/index.rst b/placement-api-ref/source/index.rst
index c76696e86..a56001169 100644
--- a/placement-api-ref/source/index.rst
+++ b/placement-api-ref/source/index.rst
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ This is a reference for the Openstack Placement API. To learn more about
 Openstack Placement API concepts, please refer to the
 `Placement Introduction <https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/user/placement.html>`_.
+The Placement API uses JSON for data exchange.  As such, the ``Content-Type``
+header for APIs sending data payloads in the request body (i.e. ``PUT`` and
+``POST``) must be set to ``application/json`` unless otherwise noted.
 .. rest_expand_all::
 .. include:: root.inc
diff --git a/placement-api-ref/source/root.inc b/placement-api-ref/source/root.inc
index edf9e6347..23911106d 100644
--- a/placement-api-ref/source/root.inc
+++ b/placement-api-ref/source/root.inc
@@ -1,6 +1,23 @@
+API Versions
+In order to bring new features to users over time, the Placement API
+supports microversioning.  Microversions allow use of certain features on a
+per-request basis via the ``OpenStack-API-Version`` header.  For example, to
+request microversion 1.10, specify the header::
+  Openstack-API-Version: placement 1.10
+For more details about Microversions, please reference:
+.. note:: The maximum microversion supported by each release varies.
+  Please reference:
+  `REST API Version History
+  <https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/user/placement.html#rest-api-version-history>`__
+  for API microversion history details.
 List Versions