Create ProviderTreeDBHelperTestCase

AllocationCandidatesTestCase includes tests using get_by_requests().
However, it also includes two tests for specific functions,
test_get_trees_matching_all() and test_get_trees_with_traits().

This patch separates the two tests creating a new test class,

Change-Id: I83fc00a96353b985aa2aa60fb146329dd2f4e767
This commit is contained in:
Tetsuro Nakamura 2019-03-15 14:24:54 +00:00
parent 56e25635ff
commit c9f5c48bed

@ -287,6 +287,436 @@ class ProviderDBHelperTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
run(['CUSTOM_BAR'], [])
class ProviderTreeDBHelperTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
def _get_rp_ids_matching_names(self, names):
"""Utility function to look up resource provider IDs from a set of
supplied provider names directly from the API DB.
names = map(six.text_type, names)
sel =[])
sel = sel.where(
with self.placement_db.get_engine().connect() as conn:
rp_ids = set([r[0] for r in conn.execute(sel)])
return rp_ids
# TODO(tetsuro): refactor and split this function into smaller pieces
def test_get_trees_matching_all(self):
"""Creates a few provider trees having different inventories and
allocations and tests the get_trees_matching_all_resources() utility
function to ensure that only the root provider IDs of matching provider
trees are returned.
# NOTE(jaypipes): get_trees_matching_all() expects a dict of resource
# class internal identifiers, not string names
resources = {
orc.STANDARDS.index(orc.VCPU): 2,
orc.STANDARDS.index(orc.MEMORY_MB): 256,
orc.STANDARDS.index(orc.SRIOV_NET_VF): 1,
req_traits = {}
forbidden_traits = {}
member_of = []
sharing = {}
tree_root_id = None
# Before we even set up any providers, verify that the short-circuits
# work to return empty lists
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
self.assertEqual([], trees)
# We are setting up 3 trees of providers that look like this:
# compute node (cn)
# / \
# / \
# numa cell 0 numa cell 1
# | |
# | |
# pf 0 pf 1
cn_names = []
for x in ('1', '2', '3'):
name = 'cn' + x
cn_name = name
cn = self._create_provider(name)
tb.add_inventory(cn, orc.VCPU, 16)
tb.add_inventory(cn, orc.MEMORY_MB, 32768)
name = 'cn' + x + '_numa0'
numa_cell0 = self._create_provider(name, parent=cn.uuid)
name = 'cn' + x + '_numa1'
numa_cell1 = self._create_provider(name, parent=cn.uuid)
name = 'cn' + x + '_numa0_pf0'
pf0 = self._create_provider(name, parent=numa_cell0.uuid)
tb.add_inventory(pf0, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
name = 'cn' + x + '_numa1_pf1'
pf1 = self._create_provider(name, parent=numa_cell1.uuid)
tb.add_inventory(pf1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
# Mark only the second PF on the third compute node as having
# GENEVE offload enabled
if x == '3':
tb.set_traits(pf1, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
# Doesn't really make a whole lot of logical sense, but allows
# us to test situations where the same trait is associated with
# multiple providers in the same tree and one of the providers
# has inventory we will use...
tb.set_traits(cn, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
# trees is an instance of `RPCandidateList`.
# extract root provider ids from here.
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(cn_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# let's validate providers in tree as well
provider_ids = trees.rps
provider_names = cn_names + ['cn1_numa0_pf0', 'cn1_numa1_pf1',
'cn2_numa0_pf0', 'cn2_numa1_pf1',
'cn3_numa0_pf0', 'cn3_numa1_pf1']
expect_provider_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_provider_ids, provider_ids)
# Let's see if the tree_root_id filter works
tree_root_id = self.get_provider_id_by_name('cn1')
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
self.assertEqual(1, len(tree_root_ids))
# let's validate providers in tree as well
provider_ids = trees.rps
provider_names = ['cn1', 'cn1_numa0_pf0', 'cn1_numa1_pf1']
expect_provider_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_provider_ids, provider_ids)
tree_root_id = None
# OK, now consume all the VFs in the second compute node and verify
# only the first and third computes are returned as root providers from
# get_trees_matching_all()
cn2_pf0 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn2_pf0, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
cn2_pf1 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn2_pf1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
self.assertEqual(2, len(tree_root_ids))
# cn2 had all its VFs consumed, so we should only get cn1 and cn3's IDs
# as the root provider IDs.
cn_names = ['cn1', 'cn3']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(cn_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, set(tree_root_ids))
# let's validate providers in tree as well
provider_ids = trees.rps
provider_names = cn_names + ['cn1_numa0_pf0', 'cn1_numa1_pf1',
'cn3_numa0_pf0', 'cn3_numa1_pf1']
expect_provider_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_provider_ids, provider_ids)
# OK, now we're going to add a required trait to the mix. The only
# provider that is decorated with the HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE trait is
# the second physical function on the third compute host. So we should
# only get the third compute node back if we require that trait
geneve_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
# required_traits parameter is a dict of trait name to internal ID
req_traits = {,
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
self.assertEqual(1, len(tree_root_ids))
cn_names = ['cn3']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(cn_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, set(tree_root_ids))
# let's validate providers in tree as well
provider_ids = trees.rps
# NOTE(tetsuro): Actually we also get providers without traits here.
# This is reported as bug#1771707 and from users' view the bug is now
# fixed out of this get_trees_matching_all() function by checking
# traits later again in _check_traits_for_alloc_request().
# But ideally, we'd like to have only pf1 from cn3 here using SQL
# query in get_trees_matching_all() function for optimization.
# provider_names = cn_names + ['cn3_numa1_pf1']
provider_names = cn_names + ['cn3_numa0_pf0', 'cn3_numa1_pf1']
expect_provider_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_provider_ids, provider_ids)
# Add in a required trait that no provider has associated with it and
# verify that there are no returned allocation candidates
avx2_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.HW_CPU_X86_AVX2)
# required_traits parameter is a dict of trait name to internal ID
req_traits = {,,
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
self.assertEqual(0, len(tree_root_ids))
# If we add the AVX2 trait as forbidden, not required, then we
# should get back the original cn3
req_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {,
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
self.assertEqual(1, len(tree_root_ids))
cn_names = ['cn3']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(cn_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, set(tree_root_ids))
# let's validate providers in tree as well
provider_ids = trees.rps
# NOTE(tetsuro): Actually we also get providers without traits here.
# This is reported as bug#1771707 and from users' view the bug is now
# fixed out of this get_trees_matching_all() function by checking
# traits later again in _check_traits_for_alloc_request().
# But ideally, we'd like to have only pf1 from cn3 here using SQL
# query in get_trees_matching_all() function for optimization.
# provider_names = cn_names + ['cn3_numa1_pf1']
provider_names = cn_names + ['cn3_numa0_pf0', 'cn3_numa1_pf1']
expect_provider_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_provider_ids, provider_ids)
# Consume all the VFs in first and third compute nodes and verify
# no more providers are returned
cn1_pf0 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn1_pf0, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
cn1_pf1 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn1_pf1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
cn3_pf0 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn3_pf0, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
cn3_pf1 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn3_pf1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
self.assertEqual([], trees)
def test_get_trees_with_traits(self):
"""Creates a few provider trees having different traits and tests the
_get_trees_with_traits() utility function to ensure that only the
root provider IDs of matching traits are returned.
# We are setting up 6 trees of providers with following traits:
# compute node (cn)
# / \
# pf 0 pf 1
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# | | cn | pf0 | pf1 |
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# |tree2|STORAGE_DISK_SSD| | |
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# |tree3|HW_CPU_X86_AVX2 | | |
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# |tree4| |HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL | |
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# |tree7| | | |
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
rp_ids = set()
for x in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'):
name = 'cn' + x
cn = self._create_provider(name)
name = 'cn' + x + '_pf0'
pf0 = self._create_provider(name, parent=cn.uuid)
name = 'cn' + x + '_pf1'
pf1 = self._create_provider(name, parent=cn.uuid)
rp_ids |= set([,,])
if x == '1':
tb.set_traits(cn, os_traits.HW_CPU_X86_AVX2)
tb.set_traits(pf1, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
if x == '2':
tb.set_traits(cn, os_traits.STORAGE_DISK_SSD)
if x == '3':
tb.set_traits(cn, os_traits.HW_CPU_X86_AVX2,
if x == '4':
tb.set_traits(pf0, os_traits.HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL,
if x == '5':
tb.set_traits(pf0, os_traits.HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL)
tb.set_traits(pf1, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
if x == '6':
tb.set_traits(pf0, os_traits.HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL)
tb.set_traits(pf1, os_traits.HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL)
avx2_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.HW_CPU_X86_AVX2)
ssd_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.STORAGE_DISK_SSD)
geneve_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
ssl_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL)
# Case1: required on root
required_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {}
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn1', 'cn3']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case1': required on root with forbidden traits
# Let's validate that cn3 dissapears
required_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {,
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn1']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case2: multiple required on root
required_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {}
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn3']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case3: required on child
required_traits = {
forbidden_traits = {}
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn1', 'cn4', 'cn5']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case3': required on child with forbidden traits
# Let's validate that cn4 dissapears
required_traits = {
forbidden_traits = {
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn1', 'cn5']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case4: multiple required on child
required_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {}
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn4', 'cn5']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case5: required on root and child
required_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {}
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn1']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
class AllocationCandidatesTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
"""Tests a variety of scenarios with both shared and non-shared resource
providers that the AllocationCandidates.get_by_requests() method returns a
@ -2241,249 +2671,6 @@ class AllocationCandidatesTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
self._validate_provider_summary_resources({}, alloc_cands)
self._validate_provider_summary_traits({}, alloc_cands)
def _get_rp_ids_matching_names(self, names):
"""Utility function to look up resource provider IDs from a set of
supplied provider names directly from the API DB.
names = map(six.text_type, names)
sel =[])
sel = sel.where(
with self.placement_db.get_engine().connect() as conn:
rp_ids = set([r[0] for r in conn.execute(sel)])
return rp_ids
# TODO(tetsuro): refactor and split this function into smaller pieces
def test_trees_matching_all(self):
"""Creates a few provider trees having different inventories and
allocations and tests the get_trees_matching_all_resources() utility
function to ensure that only the root provider IDs of matching provider
trees are returned.
# NOTE(jaypipes): get_trees_matching_all() expects a dict of resource
# class internal identifiers, not string names
resources = {
orc.STANDARDS.index(orc.VCPU): 2,
orc.STANDARDS.index(orc.MEMORY_MB): 256,
orc.STANDARDS.index(orc.SRIOV_NET_VF): 1,
req_traits = {}
forbidden_traits = {}
member_of = []
sharing = {}
tree_root_id = None
# Before we even set up any providers, verify that the short-circuits
# work to return empty lists
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
self.assertEqual([], trees)
# We are setting up 3 trees of providers that look like this:
# compute node (cn)
# / \
# / \
# numa cell 0 numa cell 1
# | |
# | |
# pf 0 pf 1
cn_names = []
for x in ('1', '2', '3'):
name = 'cn' + x
cn_name = name
cn = self._create_provider(name)
tb.add_inventory(cn, orc.VCPU, 16)
tb.add_inventory(cn, orc.MEMORY_MB, 32768)
name = 'cn' + x + '_numa0'
numa_cell0 = self._create_provider(name, parent=cn.uuid)
name = 'cn' + x + '_numa1'
numa_cell1 = self._create_provider(name, parent=cn.uuid)
name = 'cn' + x + '_numa0_pf0'
pf0 = self._create_provider(name, parent=numa_cell0.uuid)
tb.add_inventory(pf0, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
name = 'cn' + x + '_numa1_pf1'
pf1 = self._create_provider(name, parent=numa_cell1.uuid)
tb.add_inventory(pf1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
# Mark only the second PF on the third compute node as having
# GENEVE offload enabled
if x == '3':
tb.set_traits(pf1, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
# Doesn't really make a whole lot of logical sense, but allows
# us to test situations where the same trait is associated with
# multiple providers in the same tree and one of the providers
# has inventory we will use...
tb.set_traits(cn, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
# trees is an instance of `RPCandidateList`.
# extract root provider ids from here.
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(cn_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# let's validate providers in tree as well
provider_ids = trees.rps
provider_names = cn_names + ['cn1_numa0_pf0', 'cn1_numa1_pf1',
'cn2_numa0_pf0', 'cn2_numa1_pf1',
'cn3_numa0_pf0', 'cn3_numa1_pf1']
expect_provider_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_provider_ids, provider_ids)
# Let's see if the tree_root_id filter works
tree_root_id = self.get_provider_id_by_name('cn1')
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
self.assertEqual(1, len(tree_root_ids))
# let's validate providers in tree as well
provider_ids = trees.rps
provider_names = ['cn1', 'cn1_numa0_pf0', 'cn1_numa1_pf1']
expect_provider_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_provider_ids, provider_ids)
tree_root_id = None
# OK, now consume all the VFs in the second compute node and verify
# only the first and third computes are returned as root providers from
# get_trees_matching_all()
cn2_pf0 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn2_pf0, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
cn2_pf1 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn2_pf1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
self.assertEqual(2, len(tree_root_ids))
# cn2 had all its VFs consumed, so we should only get cn1 and cn3's IDs
# as the root provider IDs.
cn_names = ['cn1', 'cn3']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(cn_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, set(tree_root_ids))
# let's validate providers in tree as well
provider_ids = trees.rps
provider_names = cn_names + ['cn1_numa0_pf0', 'cn1_numa1_pf1',
'cn3_numa0_pf0', 'cn3_numa1_pf1']
expect_provider_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_provider_ids, provider_ids)
# OK, now we're going to add a required trait to the mix. The only
# provider that is decorated with the HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE trait is
# the second physical function on the third compute host. So we should
# only get the third compute node back if we require that trait
geneve_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
# required_traits parameter is a dict of trait name to internal ID
req_traits = {,
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
self.assertEqual(1, len(tree_root_ids))
cn_names = ['cn3']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(cn_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, set(tree_root_ids))
# let's validate providers in tree as well
provider_ids = trees.rps
# NOTE(tetsuro): Actually we also get providers without traits here.
# This is reported as bug#1771707 and from users' view the bug is now
# fixed out of this get_trees_matching_all() function by checking
# traits later again in _check_traits_for_alloc_request().
# But ideally, we'd like to have only pf1 from cn3 here using SQL
# query in get_trees_matching_all() function for optimization.
# provider_names = cn_names + ['cn3_numa1_pf1']
provider_names = cn_names + ['cn3_numa0_pf0', 'cn3_numa1_pf1']
expect_provider_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_provider_ids, provider_ids)
# Add in a required trait that no provider has associated with it and
# verify that there are no returned allocation candidates
avx2_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.HW_CPU_X86_AVX2)
# required_traits parameter is a dict of trait name to internal ID
req_traits = {,,
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
self.assertEqual(0, len(tree_root_ids))
# If we add the AVX2 trait as forbidden, not required, then we
# should get back the original cn3
req_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {,
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
tree_root_ids = trees.trees
self.assertEqual(1, len(tree_root_ids))
cn_names = ['cn3']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(cn_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, set(tree_root_ids))
# let's validate providers in tree as well
provider_ids = trees.rps
# NOTE(tetsuro): Actually we also get providers without traits here.
# This is reported as bug#1771707 and from users' view the bug is now
# fixed out of this get_trees_matching_all() function by checking
# traits later again in _check_traits_for_alloc_request().
# But ideally, we'd like to have only pf1 from cn3 here using SQL
# query in get_trees_matching_all() function for optimization.
# provider_names = cn_names + ['cn3_numa1_pf1']
provider_names = cn_names + ['cn3_numa0_pf0', 'cn3_numa1_pf1']
expect_provider_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_provider_ids, provider_ids)
# Consume all the VFs in first and third compute nodes and verify
# no more providers are returned
cn1_pf0 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn1_pf0, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
cn1_pf1 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn1_pf1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
cn3_pf0 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn3_pf0, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
cn3_pf1 = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx,
self.allocate_from_provider(cn3_pf1, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
trees = rp_obj.get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing,
member_of, tree_root_id)
self.assertEqual([], trees)
def test_simple_tree_with_shared_provider(self):
"""Tests that we properly winnow allocation requests when including
shared and nested providers
@ -2627,187 +2814,3 @@ class AllocationCandidatesTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
self._validate_provider_summary_resources(expected, alloc_cands)
def test_get_trees_with_traits(self):
"""Creates a few provider trees having different traits and tests the
_get_trees_with_traits() utility function to ensure that only the
root provider IDs of matching traits are returned.
# We are setting up 6 trees of providers with following traits:
# compute node (cn)
# / \
# pf 0 pf 1
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# | | cn | pf0 | pf1 |
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# |tree2|STORAGE_DISK_SSD| | |
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# |tree3|HW_CPU_X86_AVX2 | | |
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# |tree4| |HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL | |
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
# |tree7| | | |
# +-----+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+
rp_ids = set()
for x in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'):
name = 'cn' + x
cn = self._create_provider(name)
name = 'cn' + x + '_pf0'
pf0 = self._create_provider(name, parent=cn.uuid)
name = 'cn' + x + '_pf1'
pf1 = self._create_provider(name, parent=cn.uuid)
rp_ids |= set([,,])
if x == '1':
tb.set_traits(cn, os_traits.HW_CPU_X86_AVX2)
tb.set_traits(pf1, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
if x == '2':
tb.set_traits(cn, os_traits.STORAGE_DISK_SSD)
if x == '3':
tb.set_traits(cn, os_traits.HW_CPU_X86_AVX2,
if x == '4':
tb.set_traits(pf0, os_traits.HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL,
if x == '5':
tb.set_traits(pf0, os_traits.HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL)
tb.set_traits(pf1, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
if x == '6':
tb.set_traits(pf0, os_traits.HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL)
tb.set_traits(pf1, os_traits.HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL)
avx2_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.HW_CPU_X86_AVX2)
ssd_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.STORAGE_DISK_SSD)
geneve_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
ssl_t = trait_obj.Trait.get_by_name(
self.ctx, os_traits.HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL)
# Case1: required on root
required_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {}
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn1', 'cn3']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case1': required on root with forbidden traits
# Let's validate that cn3 dissapears
required_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {,
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn1']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case2: multiple required on root
required_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {}
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn3']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case3: required on child
required_traits = {
forbidden_traits = {}
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn1', 'cn4', 'cn5']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case3': required on child with forbidden traits
# Let's validate that cn4 dissapears
required_traits = {
forbidden_traits = {
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn1', 'cn5']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case4: multiple required on child
required_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {}
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn4', 'cn5']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)
# Case5: required on root and child
required_traits = {,
forbidden_traits = {}
rp_tuples_with_trait = rp_obj._get_trees_with_traits(
self.ctx, rp_ids, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
tree_root_ids = set([p[1] for p in rp_tuples_with_trait])
provider_names = ['cn1']
expect_root_ids = self._get_rp_ids_matching_names(provider_names)
self.assertEqual(expect_root_ids, tree_root_ids)