diff --git a/nova/tests/functional/api/openstack/placement/db/test_base.py b/nova/tests/functional/api/openstack/placement/db/test_base.py
index e8e78bd23..1dc9a5d72 100644
--- a/nova/tests/functional/api/openstack/placement/db/test_base.py
+++ b/nova/tests/functional/api/openstack/placement/db/test_base.py
@@ -60,6 +60,31 @@ def set_traits(rp, *traits):
     return tlist
+def ensure_consumer(ctx, user, project, consumer_id=None):
+    # NOTE(efried): If not specified, use a random consumer UUID - we don't
+    # want to override any existing allocations from the test case.
+    consumer_id = consumer_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
+    try:
+        consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer.get_by_uuid(ctx, consumer_id)
+    except exception.NotFound:
+        consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer(
+            ctx, uuid=consumer_id, user=user, project=project)
+        consumer.create()
+    return consumer
+def set_allocation(ctx, rp, consumer, rc_used_dict):
+    alloc = [
+        rp_obj.Allocation(
+            ctx, resource_provider=rp, resource_class=rc,
+            consumer=consumer, used=used)
+        for rc, used in rc_used_dict.items()
+    ]
+    alloc_list = rp_obj.AllocationList(ctx, objects=alloc)
+    alloc_list.replace_all()
+    return alloc_list
 class PlacementDbBaseTestCase(base.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -83,25 +108,10 @@ class PlacementDbBaseTestCase(base.TestCase):
     def allocate_from_provider(self, rp, rc, used, consumer_id=None,
-        # NOTE(efried): If not specified, use a random consumer UUID - we don't
-        # want to override any existing allocations from the test case.
-        consumer_id = consumer_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
         if consumer is None:
-            try:
-                consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer.get_by_uuid(
-                    self.ctx, consumer_id)
-            except exception.NotFound:
-                consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer(
-                    self.ctx, uuid=consumer_id, user=self.user_obj,
-                    project=self.project_obj)
-                consumer.create()
-        alloc_list = rp_obj.AllocationList(
-            self.ctx, objects=[
-                rp_obj.Allocation(
-                    self.ctx, resource_provider=rp, resource_class=rc,
-                    consumer=consumer, used=used)]
-        )
-        alloc_list.replace_all()
+            consumer = ensure_consumer(
+                self.ctx, self.user_obj, self.project_obj, consumer_id)
+        alloc_list = set_allocation(self.ctx, rp, consumer, {rc: used})
         return alloc_list
     def _make_allocation(self, inv_dict, alloc_dict):
@@ -111,15 +121,10 @@ class PlacementDbBaseTestCase(base.TestCase):
         inv_list = rp_obj.InventoryList(objects=[disk_inv])
         consumer_id = alloc_dict['consumer_id']
-        try:
-            c = consumer_obj.Consumer.get_by_uuid(self.ctx, consumer_id)
-        except exception.NotFound:
-            c = consumer_obj.Consumer(
-                self.ctx, uuid=consumer_id, user=self.user_obj,
-                project=self.project_obj)
-            c.create()
+        consumer = ensure_consumer(
+            self.ctx, self.user_obj, self.project_obj, consumer_id)
         alloc = rp_obj.Allocation(self.ctx, resource_provider=rp,
-                consumer=c, **alloc_dict)
+                consumer=consumer, **alloc_dict)
         alloc_list = rp_obj.AllocationList(self.ctx, objects=[alloc])
         return rp, alloc
diff --git a/nova/tests/functional/api/openstack/placement/fixtures/gabbits.py b/nova/tests/functional/api/openstack/placement/fixtures/gabbits.py
index e542636b4..49f0e7a3d 100644
--- a/nova/tests/functional/api/openstack/placement/fixtures/gabbits.py
+++ b/nova/tests/functional/api/openstack/placement/fixtures/gabbits.py
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ from oslotest import output
 from nova.api.openstack.placement import context
 from nova.api.openstack.placement import deploy
 from nova.api.openstack.placement import exception
-from nova.api.openstack.placement.objects import consumer as consumer_obj
 from nova.api.openstack.placement.objects import project as project_obj
 from nova.api.openstack.placement.objects import resource_provider as rp_obj
 from nova.api.openstack.placement.objects import user as user_obj
@@ -123,9 +122,22 @@ class APIFixture(fixture.GabbiFixture):
 class AllocationFixture(APIFixture):
-    """An APIFixture that has some pre-made Allocations."""
+    """An APIFixture that has some pre-made Allocations.
-    # TODO(jaypipes): Simplify and restructure this fixture
+         +----- same user----+          alt_user
+         |                   |             |
+    +----+----------+ +------+-----+ +-----+---------+
+    | consumer1     | | consumer2  | | alt_consumer  |
+    |  DISK_GB:1000 | |   VCPU: 6  | |  VCPU: 1      |
+    |               | |            | |  DISK_GB:20   |
+    +-------------+-+ +------+-----+ +-+-------------+
+                  |          |         |
+                +-+----------+---------+-+
+                |     rp                 |
+                |      VCPU: 10          |
+                |      DISK_GB:2048      |
+                +------------------------+
+    """
     def start_fixture(self):
         super(AllocationFixture, self).start_fixture()
@@ -145,82 +157,29 @@ class AllocationFixture(APIFixture):
         # Stealing from the super
         rp_name = os.environ['RP_NAME']
         rp_uuid = os.environ['RP_UUID']
-        rp = rp_obj.ResourceProvider(
-            self.context, name=rp_name, uuid=rp_uuid)
-        rp.create()
+        # Create the rp with VCPU and DISK_GB inventory
+        rp = tb.create_provider(self.context, rp_name, uuid=rp_uuid)
+        tb.add_inventory(rp, 'DISK_GB', 2048,
+                         step_size=10, min_unit=10, max_unit=1000)
+        tb.add_inventory(rp, 'VCPU', 10, max_unit=10)
-        # Create a first consumer for the DISK_GB
-        consumer_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
-        consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer(
-            self.context, uuid=consumer_id, user=user, project=project)
-        consumer.create()
+        # Create a first consumer for the DISK_GB allocations
+        consumer1 = tb.ensure_consumer(self.context, user, project)
+        tb.set_allocation(self.context, rp, consumer1, {'DISK_GB': 1000})
-        # Create some DISK_GB inventory and allocations.
-        inventory = rp_obj.Inventory(
-            self.context, resource_provider=rp,
-            resource_class='DISK_GB', total=2048,
-            step_size=10, min_unit=10, max_unit=1000)
-        inventory.obj_set_defaults()
-        rp.add_inventory(inventory)
-        alloc = rp_obj.Allocation(
-            self.context, resource_provider=rp,
-            resource_class='DISK_GB',
-            consumer=consumer,
-            used=1000)
-        alloc_list = rp_obj.AllocationList(
-            self.context,
-            objects=[alloc]
-        )
-        alloc_list.replace_all()
-        # Create a second consumer for the VCPU
-        consumer_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
-        consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer(
-            self.context, uuid=consumer_id, user=user, project=project)
-        consumer.create()
+        # Create a second consumer for the VCPU allocations
+        consumer2 = tb.ensure_consumer(self.context, user, project)
+        tb.set_allocation(self.context, rp, consumer2, {'VCPU': 6})
         # This consumer is referenced from the gabbits
-        os.environ['CONSUMER_ID'] = consumer_id
-        # Create some VCPU inventory and allocations.
-        inventory = rp_obj.Inventory(
-            self.context, resource_provider=rp,
-            resource_class='VCPU', total=10,
-            max_unit=10)
-        inventory.obj_set_defaults()
-        rp.add_inventory(inventory)
-        alloc = rp_obj.Allocation(
-            self.context, resource_provider=rp,
-            resource_class='VCPU',
-            consumer=consumer,
-            used=6)
-        alloc_list = rp_obj.AllocationList(
-                self.context,
-                objects=[alloc])
-        alloc_list.replace_all()
+        os.environ['CONSUMER_ID'] = consumer2.uuid
         # Create a consumer object for a different user
-        alt_consumer_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
-        alt_consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer(
-            self.context, uuid=alt_consumer_id, user=alt_user,
-            project=project)
-        alt_consumer.create()
-        os.environ['ALT_CONSUMER_ID'] = alt_consumer_id
+        alt_consumer = tb.ensure_consumer(self.context, alt_user, project)
+        os.environ['ALT_CONSUMER_ID'] = alt_consumer.uuid
         # Create a couple of allocations for a different user.
-        alloc1 = rp_obj.Allocation(
-            self.context, resource_provider=rp,
-            resource_class='DISK_GB',
-            consumer=alt_consumer,
-            used=20)
-        alloc2 = rp_obj.Allocation(
-            self.context, resource_provider=rp,
-            resource_class='VCPU',
-            consumer=alt_consumer,
-            used=1)
-        alloc_list = rp_obj.AllocationList(
-                self.context,
-                objects=[alloc1, alloc2])
-        alloc_list.replace_all()
+        tb.set_allocation(self.context, rp, alt_consumer,
+                          {'DISK_GB': 20, 'VCPU': 1})
         # The ALT_RP_XXX variables are for a resource provider that has
         # not been created in the Allocation fixture