#!/bin/bash -x WORK_DIR=$1 PLACEMENT_URL="" LOG=placement-perf.txt LOG_DEST=${WORK_DIR}/logs # The gabbit used to create one nested provider tree. It takes # inputs from LOADER to create a unique tree. GABBIT=gate/gabbits/nested-perfload.yaml LOADER=gate/perfload-nested-loader.sh # The query to be used to get a list of allocation candidates. If # $GABBIT is changed, this may need to change. TRAIT="COMPUTE_VOLUME_MULTI_ATTACH" TRAIT1="CUSTOM_FOO" PLACEMENT_QUERY="resources=DISK_GB:10&required=${TRAIT}&resources_COMPUTE=VCPU:1,MEMORY_MB:256&required_COMPUTE=${TRAIT1}&resources_FPGA=FPGA:1&group_policy=none&same_subtree=_COMPUTE,_FPGA" # Number of nested trees to create. ITERATIONS=1000 # Number of times to write allocations and then time again. ALLOCATIONS_TO_WRITE=10 # Apache Benchmark Concurrency AB_CONCURRENT=10 # Apache Benchmark Total Requests AB_COUNT=500 # The number of providers in each nested tree. This will need to # change whenever the resource provider topology created in $GABBIT # is changed. PROVIDER_TOPOLOGY_COUNT=7 # Expected total number of providers, used to check that creation # was a success. TOTAL_PROVIDER_COUNT=$((ITERATIONS * PROVIDER_TOPOLOGY_COUNT)) trap "sudo cp -p $LOG $LOG_DEST" EXIT function time_candidates { ( echo "##### TIMING GET /allocation_candidates?${PLACEMENT_QUERY} twice" time curl -s -H 'x-auth-token: admin' -H 'openstack-api-version: placement latest' "${PLACEMENT_URL}/allocation_candidates?${PLACEMENT_QUERY}" > /dev/null time curl -s -H 'x-auth-token: admin' -H 'openstack-api-version: placement latest' "${PLACEMENT_URL}/allocation_candidates?${PLACEMENT_QUERY}" > /dev/null ) 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } function ab_bench { ( echo "#### Running apache benchmark" ab -c $AB_CONCURRENT -n $AB_COUNT -H 'x-auth-token: admin' -H 'openstack-api-version: placement latest' "${PLACEMENT_URL}/allocation_candidates?${PLACEMENT_QUERY}" ) 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG } function write_allocation { # Take the first allocation request and send it back as a well-formed allocation curl -s -H 'x-auth-token: admin' -H 'openstack-api-version: placement latest' "${PLACEMENT_URL}/allocation_candidates?${PLACEMENT_QUERY}&limit=5" \ | jq --arg proj $(uuidgen) --arg user $(uuidgen) '.allocation_requests[0] + {consumer_generation: null, project_id: $proj, user_id: $user, consumer_type: "TEST"}' \ | curl -f -s -S -H 'x-auth-token: admin' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'openstack-api-version: placement latest' \ -X PUT -d @- "${PLACEMENT_URL}/allocations/$(uuidgen)" # curl -f will fail silently on server errors and return code 22 # When used with -s, --silent, -S makes curl show an error message if it fails # If we failed to write an allocation, skip measurements and log a message rc=$? if [[ $rc -eq 22 ]]; then echo "Failed to write allocation due to a server error. See logs/placement-api.log for additional detail." exit 1 elif [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to write allocation, curl returned code: $rc. See job-output.txt for additional detail." exit 1 fi } function load_candidates { time_candidates for iter in $(seq 1 $ALLOCATIONS_TO_WRITE); do echo "##### Writing allocation ${iter}" | tee -a $LOG write_allocation time_candidates done } function check_placement { local rp_count local code code=0 python3 -m venv .perfload . .perfload/bin/activate # install gabbi pip install gabbi # Create $TOTAL_PROVIDER_COUNT nested resource provider trees, # each tree having $PROVIDER_TOPOLOGY_COUNT resource providers. # LOADER is called $ITERATIONS times in parallel using 50% of # the number of processors on the host. echo "##### Creating $TOTAL_PROVIDER_COUNT providers" | tee -a $LOG seq 1 $ITERATIONS | parallel -P 50% $LOADER $PLACEMENT_URL $GABBIT set +x rp_count=$(curl -H 'x-auth-token: admin' ${PLACEMENT_URL}/resource_providers |json_pp|grep -c '"name"') # If we failed to create the required number of rps, skip measurements and # log a message. if [[ $rp_count -ge $TOTAL_PROVIDER_COUNT ]]; then load_candidates ab_bench else ( echo "Unable to create expected number of resource providers. Expected: ${COUNT}, Got: $rp_count" echo "See job-output.txt.gz and logs/placement-api.log for additional detail." ) | tee -a $LOG code=1 fi set -x deactivate exit $code } check_placement