============ API Versions ============ In order to bring new features to users over time, the Placement API supports microversioning. Microversions allow use of certain features on a per-request basis via the ``OpenStack-API-Version`` header. For example, to request microversion 1.10, specify the header:: OpenStack-API-Version: placement 1.10 For more details about Microversions, please reference: `Microversion Specification `_ .. note:: The maximum microversion supported by each release varies. Please reference: `REST API Version History `__ for API microversion history details. List Versions ============= .. rest_method:: GET / Fetch information about all known major versions of the placement API, including information about the minimum and maximum microversions. .. note:: At this time there is only one major version of the placement API: version 1.0. Normal Response Codes: 200 Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - versions: versions - id: version_id - min_version: version_min - max_version: version_max - status: version_status - links: version_links Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/root/get-root.json :language: javascript