Start the process of reporting some concurrency numbers by including a 500 x 10 'ab' run against the query URL used in each perfload job. There's duplication removal that could be done here, but we leave that until we've determined if this is working well. The PLACEMENT_URL is updated to use instead of localhost; ab will attempt to use the IPV6 version of localhost if that's the case, and we've not bound the placement server to that interface. The timeout on the placement-nested-perfload job has been raised to 1 hour as the default 30 minutes is leading to a timeout. If that's still not enough we'll explore lowering concurrency. We will quite likely need to adapt the mysql configuration if we intend to continue down this road. Change-Id: Ic0bf2ab666dab546dd7b03955473c246fd0f380a
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# Initial set of jobs that will be extended over time as
# we get things working.
- project:
# The integrated-gate-placement template adds the
# tempest-integrated-placement and grenade-py3 jobs.
# tempest-integrated-placement runs a subset of tempest tests which are
# relevant for placement, e.g. it does not run keystone tests.
- integrated-gate-placement
- publish-openstack-docs-pti
- openstack-cover-jobs
- openstack-lower-constraints-jobs
- openstack-python-jobs
- openstack-python3-train-jobs
- release-notes-jobs-python3
- openstack-tox-functional
- openstack-tox-functional-py36
- openstack-tox-functional-py37
- placement-nova-tox-functional-py37
- placement-nested-perfload:
voting: false
- placement-perfload:
voting: false
- tempest-integrated-placement:
# Alias 'gate-irrelevant-files' define the set of irrelevant-files
# for which integrated testing jobs not required to run. If
# changes are only to those files then, zuul can skip the
# integrated testing job to save the infra resources.
# 'gate-irrelevant-files' should be used for integrated gate
# jobs only not for any other jobs like functional, unit, doc
# jobs.
irrelevant-files: &gate-irrelevant-files
- ^api-.*$
- ^.*\.rst$
- ^.git.*$
- ^doc/.*$
- ^placement/tests/.*$
- ^releasenotes/.*$
- ^tools/.*$
- ^tox.ini$
- grenade-py3:
irrelevant-files: *gate-irrelevant-files
- tempest-ipv6-only:
irrelevant-files: *gate-irrelevant-files
- openstack-tox-functional
- openstack-tox-functional-py36
- openstack-tox-functional-py37
- placement-nova-tox-functional-py37
- tempest-integrated-placement:
irrelevant-files: *gate-irrelevant-files
- grenade-py3:
irrelevant-files: *gate-irrelevant-files
- tempest-ipv6-only:
irrelevant-files: *gate-irrelevant-files
- job:
name: placement-nova-tox-functional-py37
parent: nova-tox-functional-py37
description: |
Run the nova functional tests to confirm that we aren't breaking
the PlacementFixture.
# Skip the api and notification _sample_tests, and db-related tests
tox_extra_args: '^((?!(?:api|notification)_sample_tests|functional\.db\.).)*$'
- job:
name: placement-perfload
parent: base
description: |
A simple node on which to run placement with the barest of configs and
make performance related tests against it.
- opendev.org/openstack/placement
- ^.*\.rst$
- ^api-ref/.*$
- ^doc/.*$
- ^releasenotes/.*$
- ^.git.*$
- ^placement/tests/.*$
- ^tox.ini$
run: playbooks/perfload.yaml
post-run: playbooks/post.yaml
- job:
name: placement-nested-perfload
parent: placement-perfload
description: |
A simple node on which to run placement with the barest of configs and
make nested performance related tests against it.
timeout: 3600
run: playbooks/nested-perfload.yaml