424 lines
19 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Symbols intended to be imported by both placement code and placement API
consumers. When placement is separated out, this module should be part of a
common library that both placement and its consumers can require."""
import re
import webob
from placement import errors
from placement import microversion
from placement.schemas import common
from placement import util
# Querystring-related constants
_QS_RESOURCES = 'resources'
_QS_REQUIRED = 'required'
_QS_MEMBER_OF = 'member_of'
_QS_IN_TREE = 'in_tree'
_QS_KEY_PATTERN = re.compile(
r"^(%s)(%s)?$" % ('|'.join(
_QS_KEY_PATTERN_1_33 = re.compile(
r"^(%s)(%s)?$" % ('|'.join(
# In newer microversion we no longer check for orphaned member_of
# and required because "providers providing no inventory to this
# request" are now legit with `same_subtree` queryparam accompanied.
def _fix_one_forbidden(traits):
forbidden = [trait for trait in traits if trait.startswith('!')]
required = traits - set(forbidden)
forbidden = set(trait.lstrip('!') for trait in forbidden)
conflicts = forbidden & required
return required, forbidden, conflicts
class RequestGroup(object):
def __init__(self, use_same_provider=True, resources=None,
required_traits=None, forbidden_traits=None, member_of=None,
in_tree=None, forbidden_aggs=None):
"""Create a grouping of resource and trait requests.
:param use_same_provider:
If True, (the default) this RequestGroup represents requests for
resources and traits which must be satisfied by a single resource
provider. If False, represents a request for resources and traits
in any resource provider in the same tree, or a sharing provider.
:param resources: A dict of { resource_class: amount, ... }
:param required_traits: A set of { trait_name, ... }
:param forbidden_traits: A set of { trait_name, ... }
:param member_of: A list of [ [aggregate_UUID],
[aggregate_UUID, aggregate_UUID] ... ]
:param in_tree: A UUID of a root or a non-root provider from whose
tree this RequestGroup must be satisfied.
self.use_same_provider = use_same_provider
self.resources = resources or {}
self.required_traits = required_traits or set()
self.forbidden_traits = forbidden_traits or set()
self.member_of = member_of or []
self.in_tree = in_tree
self.forbidden_aggs = forbidden_aggs or set()
def __str__(self):
ret = 'RequestGroup(use_same_provider=%s' % str(self.use_same_provider)
ret += ', resources={%s}' % ', '.join(
'%s:%d' % (rc, amount)
for rc, amount in sorted(list(self.resources.items())))
ret += ', traits=[%s]' % ', '.join(
sorted(self.required_traits) +
['!%s' % ft for ft in self.forbidden_traits])
ret += ', aggregates=[%s]' % ', '.join(
sorted('[%s]' % ', '.join(agglist)
for agglist in sorted(self.member_of)))
ret += ')'
return ret
def _parse_request_items(req, allow_forbidden, verbose_suffix):
ret = {}
pattern = _QS_KEY_PATTERN_1_33 if verbose_suffix else _QS_KEY_PATTERN
for key, val in req.GET.items():
match = pattern.match(key)
if not match:
# `prefix` is 'resources', 'required', 'member_of', or 'in_tree'
# `suffix` is a number in microversion < 1.33, a string 1-64
# characters long of [a-zA-Z0-9_-] in microversion >= 1.33, or None
prefix, suffix = match.groups()
suffix = suffix or ''
if suffix not in ret:
ret[suffix] = RequestGroup(use_same_provider=bool(suffix))
request_group = ret[suffix]
if prefix == _QS_RESOURCES:
request_group.resources = util.normalize_resources_qs_param(
elif prefix == _QS_REQUIRED:
request_group.required_traits = util.normalize_traits_qs_param(
val, allow_forbidden=allow_forbidden)
elif prefix == _QS_MEMBER_OF:
# special handling of member_of qparam since we allow multiple
# member_of params at microversion 1.24.
# NOTE(jaypipes): Yes, this is inefficient to do this when
# there are multiple member_of query parameters, but we do this
# so we can error out if someone passes an "orphaned" member_of
# request group.
# TODO(jaypipes): Do validation of query parameters using
# JSONSchema
request_group.member_of, request_group.forbidden_aggs = (
util.normalize_member_of_qs_params(req, suffix))
elif prefix == _QS_IN_TREE:
request_group.in_tree = util.normalize_in_tree_qs_params(
return ret
def _check_for_one_resources(by_suffix, resourceless_suffixes):
if len(resourceless_suffixes) == len(by_suffix):
msg = ('There must be at least one resources or resources[$S] '
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
msg, comment=errors.QUERYPARAM_MISSING_VALUE)
def _check_resourceless_suffix(subtree_suffixes, resourceless_suffixes):
bad_suffixes = [suffix for suffix in resourceless_suffixes
if suffix not in subtree_suffixes]
if bad_suffixes:
msg = ("Resourceless suffixed group request should be specified "
"in `same_subtree` query param: bad group(s) - "
"%(suffixes)s.") % {'suffixes': bad_suffixes}
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
msg, comment=errors.QUERYPARAM_BAD_VALUE)
def _check_actual_suffix(subtree_suffixes, by_suffix):
bad_suffixes = [suffix for suffix in subtree_suffixes
if suffix not in by_suffix]
if bad_suffixes:
msg = ("Real suffixes should be specified in `same_subtree`: "
"%(bad_suffixes)s not found in %(suffixes)s.") % {
'bad_suffixes': bad_suffixes,
'suffixes': list(by_suffix.keys())}
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
msg, comment=errors.QUERYPARAM_BAD_VALUE)
def _check_for_orphans(by_suffix):
# Ensure any group with 'required' or 'member_of' also has 'resources'.
orphans = [('required%s' % suff) for suff, group in by_suffix.items()
if group.required_traits and not group.resources]
if orphans:
msg = (
'All traits parameters must be associated with resources. '
'Found the following orphaned traits keys: %s')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg % ', '.join(orphans))
orphans = [('member_of%s' % suff) for suff, group in by_suffix.items()
if not group.resources and (
group.member_of or group.forbidden_aggs)]
if orphans:
msg = ('All member_of parameters must be associated with '
'resources. Found the following orphaned member_of '
'keys: %s')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg % ', '.join(orphans))
# All request groups must have resources (which is almost, but not
# quite, verified by the orphan checks above).
if not all(grp.resources for grp in by_suffix.values()):
msg = "All request groups must specify resources."
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
# The above would still pass if there were no request groups
if not by_suffix:
msg = (
"At least one request group (`resources` or `resources{$S}`) "
"is required.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
def _fix_forbidden(by_suffix):
conflicting_traits = []
for suff, group in by_suffix.items():
group.required_traits, group.forbidden_traits, conflicts = (
if conflicts:
conflicting_traits.append('required%s: (%s)'
% (suff, ', '.join(conflicts)))
if conflicting_traits:
msg = (
'Conflicting required and forbidden traits found in the '
'following traits keys: %s')
# TODO(efried): comment=errors.QUERYPARAM_BAD_VALUE
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
msg % ', '.join(conflicting_traits))
def dict_from_request(cls, req, rqparams):
"""Parse suffixed resources, traits, and member_of groupings out of a
querystring dict found in a webob Request.
The input req contains a query string of the form:
These are parsed in groups according to the arbitrary suffix of the key.
For each group, a RequestGroup instance is created containing that
group's resources, required traits, and member_of. For the (single)
group with no suffix, the RequestGroup.use_same_provider attribute is
False; for the granular groups it is True.
If a trait in the required parameter is prefixed with ``!`` this
indicates that that trait must not be present on the resource
providers in the group. That is, the trait is forbidden. Forbidden
traits are processed only if the microversion supports.
The return is a dict, keyed by the suffix of these RequestGroup
instances (or the empty string for the unidentified group).
As an example, if qsdict represents the query string:
&member_of=in:8592a199-7d73-4465-8df6-ab00a6243c82,ddbd9226-d6a6-475e-a85f-0609914dd058 # noqa
...the return value will be:
{ '': RequestGroup(
"VCPU": 2,
"MEMORY_MB": 1024,
"DISK_GB" 50,
'1': RequestGroup(
'2': RequestGroup(
:param req: webob.Request object
:param rqparams: RequestWideParams object
:return: A dict, keyed by suffix, of RequestGroup instances.
:raises `webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest` if any value is malformed, or if
the suffix of a resourceless request is not in the
want_version = req.environ[microversion.MICROVERSION_ENVIRON]
# Control whether we handle forbidden traits.
allow_forbidden = want_version.matches((1, 22))
# Control whether we want verbose suffixes
verbose_suffix = want_version.matches((1, 33))
# dict of the form: { suffix: RequestGroup } to be returned
by_suffix = cls._parse_request_items(
req, allow_forbidden, verbose_suffix)
if want_version.matches(SAME_SUBTREE_VERSION):
resourceless_suffixes = set(
suffix for suffix, grp in by_suffix.items()
if not grp.resources)
subtree_suffixes = set().union(*rqparams.same_subtrees)
cls._check_for_one_resources(by_suffix, resourceless_suffixes)
subtree_suffixes, resourceless_suffixes)
cls._check_actual_suffix(subtree_suffixes, by_suffix)
# Make adjustments for forbidden traits by stripping forbidden out
# of required.
if allow_forbidden:
return by_suffix
class RequestWideParams(object):
"""GET /allocation_candidates params that apply to the request as a whole.
This is in contrast with individual request groups (list of RequestGroup
def __init__(self, limit=None, group_policy=None,
anchor_required_traits=None, anchor_forbidden_traits=None,
"""Create a RequestWideParams.
:param limit: An integer, N, representing the maximum number of
allocation candidates to return. If
CONF.placement.randomize_allocation_candidates is True this
will be a random sampling of N of the available results. If
False then the first N results, in whatever order the database
picked them, will be returned. In either case if there are
fewer than N total results, all the results will be returned.
:param group_policy: String indicating how RequestGroups with
use_same_provider=True should interact with each other. If the
value is "isolate", we will filter out allocation requests
where any such RequestGroups are satisfied by the same RP.
:param anchor_required_traits: Set of trait names which the anchor of
each returned allocation candidate must possess, regardless of
any RequestGroup filters.
:param anchor_forbidden_traits: Set of trait names which the anchor of
each returned allocation candidate must NOT possess, regardless
of any RequestGroup filters.
:param same_subtrees: A list of sets of request group suffix strings
where each set of strings represents the suffixes from one
same_subtree query param. If provided, all of the resource
providers satisfying the specified request groups must be
rooted at one of the resource providers satisfying the request
self.limit = limit
self.group_policy = group_policy
self.anchor_required_traits = anchor_required_traits
self.anchor_forbidden_traits = anchor_forbidden_traits
self.same_subtrees = same_subtrees or []
def from_request(cls, req):
# TODO(efried): Make it an error to specify limit more than once -
# maybe when we make group_policy optional.
limit = req.GET.getall('limit')
# JSONschema has already confirmed that limit has the form
# of an integer.
if limit:
limit = int(limit[0])
# TODO(efried): Make it an error to specify group_policy more than once
# - maybe when we make it optional.
group_policy = req.GET.getall('group_policy') or None
# Schema ensures we get either "none" or "isolate"
if group_policy:
group_policy = group_policy[0]
anchor_required_traits = None
anchor_forbidden_traits = None
root_required = req.GET.getall('root_required')
if root_required:
if len(root_required) > 1:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
"Query parameter 'root_required' may be specified only "
"once.", comment=errors.ILLEGAL_DUPLICATE_QUERYPARAM)
anchor_required_traits, anchor_forbidden_traits, conflicts = (
root_required[0], allow_forbidden=True)))
if conflicts:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
'Conflicting required and forbidden traits found in '
'root_required: %s' % ', '.join(conflicts),
same_subtree = req.GET.getall('same_subtree')
# Construct a list of sets of request group suffixes strings.
same_subtrees = []
if same_subtree:
for val in same_subtree:
suffixes = set(substr.strip() for substr in val.split(','))
if '' in suffixes:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
'Empty string (unsuffixed group) can not be specified '
'in `same_subtree` ',
return cls(