In a high concurrency environment, it is possible for the policy enforcer to be halfway ready, leading to policies not being loaded. See the linked story for more details on how that can happen. This change fixes that in two (redundant) ways: * policy is initialized in the web app at WSGI application creation, once, before the web service starts * The global that contains the _ENFORCER is not changed from None to assigned until policy is fully loaded. Because of the change in when init() happens, the unit test is changed to not assert the initial state of the enforcer. Change-Id: Iae0c5c3ccda7587087606c97c615b9e44e3a68f0 Story: 2005168 Task: 29905
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# under the License.
"""Policy Enforcement for placement API."""
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_policy import policy
from oslo_utils import excutils
from placement import exception
from placement import policies
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def reset():
"""Used to reset the global _ENFORCER between test runs."""
global _ENFORCER
def init(conf):
"""Init an Enforcer class. Sets the _ENFORCER global."""
global _ENFORCER
if not _ENFORCER:
# NOTE(mriedem): We have to explicitly pass in the
# [placement]/policy_file path because otherwise oslo_policy defaults
# to read the policy file from config option [oslo_policy]/policy_file
# which is used by nova. In other words, to have separate policy files
# for placement and nova, we have to use separate policy_file options.
_enforcer = policy.Enforcer(
conf, policy_file=conf.placement.policy_file)
_ENFORCER = _enforcer
def get_enforcer():
# This method is used by oslopolicy CLI scripts in order to generate policy
# files from overrides on disk and defaults in code. We can just pass an
# empty list and let oslo do the config lifting for us.
cfg.CONF([], project='placement')
return _get_enforcer(cfg.CONF)
def _get_enforcer(conf):
return _ENFORCER
def authorize(context, action, target, do_raise=True):
"""Verifies that the action is valid on the target in this context.
:param context: instance of placement.context.RequestContext
:param action: string representing the action to be checked
this should be colon separated for clarity, i.e.
:param target: dictionary representing the object of the action;
for object creation this should be a dictionary representing the
owner of the object e.g. ``{'project_id': context.project_id}``.
:param do_raise: if True (the default), raises PolicyNotAuthorized;
if False, returns False
:raises placement.exception.PolicyNotAuthorized: if verification fails and
do_raise is True.
:returns: non-False value (not necessarily "True") if authorized, and the
exact value False if not authorized and do_raise is False.
credentials = context.to_policy_values()
# NOTE(mriedem): The "action" kwarg is for the PolicyNotAuthorized exc.
return _ENFORCER.authorize(
action, target, credentials, do_raise=do_raise,
exc=exception.PolicyNotAuthorized, action=action)
except policy.PolicyNotRegistered:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.exception('Policy not registered')
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.debug('Policy check for %(action)s failed with credentials '
{'action': action, 'credentials': credentials})