All of the Nova configuration options' 'list_opts' functions have been updated to return dicts rather than lists of tuples. However, two dependency libraries still return dicts. Replace the general handling code for this with specific code in the two offending places. This gives a more actionable resolution. Blueprint centralize-config-options-ocata Change-Id: I5ce9ac2037e4374215a96e09e12b0873c31dd27e
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80 lines
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# Copyright 2015 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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# under the License.
This is the single point of entry to generate the sample configuration
file for Nova. It collects all the necessary info from the other modules
in this package. It is assumed that:
* every other module in this package has a 'list_opts' function which
return a dict where
* the keys are strings which are the group names
* the value of each key is a list of config options for that group
* the nova.conf package doesn't have further packages with config options
* this module is only used in the context of sample file generation
import collections
import importlib
import os
import pkgutil
LIST_OPTS_FUNC_NAME = "list_opts"
def _tupleize(dct):
"""Take the dict of options and convert to the 2-tuple format."""
return [(key, val) for key, val in dct.items()]
def list_opts():
opts = collections.defaultdict(list)
module_names = _list_module_names()
imported_modules = _import_modules(module_names)
_append_config_options(imported_modules, opts)
return _tupleize(opts)
def _list_module_names():
module_names = []
package_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
for _, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(path=[package_path]):
if modname == "opts" or ispkg:
return module_names
def _import_modules(module_names):
imported_modules = []
for modname in module_names:
mod = importlib.import_module("nova.conf." + modname)
if not hasattr(mod, LIST_OPTS_FUNC_NAME):
msg = "The module 'nova.conf.%s' should have a '%s' "\
"function which returns the config options." % \
raise Exception(msg)
return imported_modules
def _append_config_options(imported_modules, config_options):
for mod in imported_modules:
configs = mod.list_opts()
for key, val in configs.items():