
712 lines
32 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
from gabbi import fixture
import os_resource_classes as orc
import os_traits as ot
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import fixture as config_fixture
from oslo_log.fixture import logging_error
from oslo_policy import opts as policy_opts
from oslo_utils.fixture import uuidsentinel as uuids
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from oslotest import output
from placement import conf
from placement import context
from placement import deploy
from placement.objects import project as project_obj
from placement.objects import resource_class as rc_obj
from placement.objects import user as user_obj
from placement import policies
from placement.tests import fixtures
from placement.tests.functional.db import test_base as tb
from placement.tests.functional.fixtures import capture
from placement.tests.unit import policy_fixture
# This global conf is not a global olso_config.cfg.CONF. It's a global
# used locally to work around a limitation in the way that gabbi instantiates
# the WSGI application being tested.
CONF = None
def setup_app():
global CONF
return deploy.loadapp(CONF)
class APIFixture(fixture.GabbiFixture):
"""Setup the required backend fixtures for a basic placement service."""
def start_fixture(self):
global CONF
# Set up stderr and stdout captures by directly driving the
# existing nova fixtures that do that. This captures the
# output that happens outside individual tests (for
# example database migrations).
self.standard_logging_fixture = capture.Logging()
self.output_stream_fixture = output.CaptureOutput()
self.logging_error_fixture = (
# Filter ignorable warnings during test runs.
self.warnings_fixture = capture.WarningsFixture()
# Do not use global CONF
self.conf_fixture = config_fixture.Config(cfg.ConfigOpts())
self.conf_fixture.config(group='api', auth_strategy='noauth2')
self.placement_db_fixture = fixtures.Database(
self.conf_fixture, set_config=True)
self.context = context.RequestContext()
# Set default policy opts, otherwise the deploy module can
# NoSuchOptError.
# Make sure default_config_files is an empty list, not None.
# If None /etc/placement/placement.conf is read and confuses results.
self.conf_fixture.conf([], default_config_files=[])
# Turn on a policy fixture.
self.policy_fixture = policy_fixture.PolicyFixture(
os.environ['RP_UUID'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['RP_NAME'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['PROJECT_ID'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['USER_ID'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['PROJECT_ID_ALT'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['USER_ID_ALT'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['INSTANCE_UUID'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['MIGRATION_UUID'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['CONSUMER_UUID'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['PARENT_PROVIDER_UUID'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['ALT_PARENT_PROVIDER_UUID'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
CONF = self.conf_fixture.conf
def stop_fixture(self):
global CONF
CONF = None
class AllocationFixture(APIFixture):
"""An APIFixture that has some pre-made Allocations.
+----- same user----+ alt_user
| | |
+----+----------+ +------+-----+ +-----+---------+
| consumer1 | | consumer2 | | alt_consumer |
| DISK_GB:1000 | | VCPU: 6 | | VCPU: 1 |
| | | | | DISK_GB:20 |
+-------------+-+ +------+-----+ +-+-------------+
| | |
| rp |
| VCPU: 10 |
| DISK_GB:2048 |
def start_fixture(self):
super(AllocationFixture, self).start_fixture()
# For use creating and querying allocations/usages
os.environ['ALT_USER_ID'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
project_id = os.environ['PROJECT_ID']
user_id = os.environ['USER_ID']
alt_user_id = os.environ['ALT_USER_ID']
user = user_obj.User(self.context, external_id=user_id)
alt_user = user_obj.User(self.context, external_id=alt_user_id)
project = project_obj.Project(self.context, external_id=project_id)
# Stealing from the super
rp_name = os.environ['RP_NAME']
rp_uuid = os.environ['RP_UUID']
# Create the rp with VCPU and DISK_GB inventory
rp = tb.create_provider(self.context, rp_name, uuid=rp_uuid)
tb.add_inventory(rp, 'DISK_GB', 2048,
step_size=10, min_unit=10, max_unit=1000)
tb.add_inventory(rp, 'VCPU', 10, max_unit=10)
# Create a first consumer for the DISK_GB allocations
consumer1 = tb.ensure_consumer(self.context, user, project)
tb.set_allocation(self.context, rp, consumer1, {'DISK_GB': 1000})
os.environ['CONSUMER_0'] = consumer1.uuid
# Create a second consumer for the VCPU allocations
consumer2 = tb.ensure_consumer(self.context, user, project)
tb.set_allocation(self.context, rp, consumer2, {'VCPU': 6})
os.environ['CONSUMER_ID'] = consumer2.uuid
# Create a consumer object for a different user
alt_consumer = tb.ensure_consumer(self.context, alt_user, project)
os.environ['ALT_CONSUMER_ID'] = alt_consumer.uuid
# Create a couple of allocations for a different user.
tb.set_allocation(self.context, rp, alt_consumer,
{'DISK_GB': 20, 'VCPU': 1})
# The ALT_RP_XXX variables are for a resource provider that has
# not been created in the Allocation fixture
os.environ['ALT_RP_UUID'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['ALT_RP_NAME'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
class SharedStorageFixture(APIFixture):
"""An APIFixture that has two compute nodes, one with local storage and one
without, both associated by aggregate to two providers of shared storage.
Both compute nodes have respectively two numa node resource providers, each
of which has a pf resource provider.
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
| sharing storage (ss) | | sharing storage (ss2) |
| DISK_GB:2000 |----+---| DISK_GB:2000 |
| traits: MISC_SHARES... | | | traits: MISC_SHARES... |
+-------------------------+ | +-------------------------+
| aggregate
+--------------------------+ | +------------------------+
| compute node (cn1) |---+---| compute node (cn2) |
| CPU: 24 | | CPU: 24 |
| MEMORY_MB: 128*1024 | | MEMORY_MB: 128*1024 |
| traits: HW_CPU_X86_SSE, | | DISK_GB: 2000 |
| HW_CPU_X86_SSE2 | | |
+--------------------------+ +------------------------+
| | | |
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+
| numa1_1 | | numa1_2 | | numa2_1 | | numa2_2 |
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+
| | | |
| pf1_1 || pf1_2 || pf2_1 || pf2_2 |
def start_fixture(self):
super(SharedStorageFixture, self).start_fixture()
agg_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
cn1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn1', agg_uuid)
cn2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn2', agg_uuid)
ss = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'ss', agg_uuid)
ss2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'ss2', agg_uuid)
numa1_1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'numa1_1', parent=cn1.uuid)
numa1_2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'numa1_2', parent=cn1.uuid)
numa2_1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'numa2_1', parent=cn2.uuid)
numa2_2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'numa2_2', parent=cn2.uuid)
pf1_1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'pf1_1', parent=numa1_1.uuid)
pf1_2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'pf1_2', parent=numa1_2.uuid)
pf2_1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'pf2_1', parent=numa2_1.uuid)
pf2_2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'pf2_2', parent=numa2_2.uuid)
os.environ['AGG_UUID'] = agg_uuid
os.environ['CN1_UUID'] = cn1.uuid
os.environ['CN2_UUID'] = cn2.uuid
os.environ['SS_UUID'] = ss.uuid
os.environ['SS2_UUID'] = ss2.uuid
os.environ['NUMA1_1_UUID'] = numa1_1.uuid
os.environ['NUMA1_2_UUID'] = numa1_2.uuid
os.environ['NUMA2_1_UUID'] = numa2_1.uuid
os.environ['NUMA2_2_UUID'] = numa2_2.uuid
os.environ['PF1_1_UUID'] = pf1_1.uuid
os.environ['PF1_2_UUID'] = pf1_2.uuid
os.environ['PF2_1_UUID'] = pf2_1.uuid
os.environ['PF2_2_UUID'] = pf2_2.uuid
# Populate compute node inventory for VCPU and RAM
for cn in (cn1, cn2):
tb.add_inventory(cn, orc.VCPU, 24,
tb.add_inventory(cn, orc.MEMORY_MB, 128 * 1024,
tb.set_traits(cn1, 'HW_CPU_X86_SSE', 'HW_CPU_X86_SSE2')
tb.add_inventory(cn2, orc.DISK_GB, 2000,
reserved=100, allocation_ratio=1.0)
for shared in (ss, ss2):
# Populate shared storage provider with DISK_GB inventory and
# mark it shared among any provider associated via aggregate
tb.add_inventory(shared, orc.DISK_GB, 2000,
reserved=100, allocation_ratio=1.0)
tb.set_traits(shared, 'MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE')
# Populate PF inventory for VF
for pf in (pf1_1, pf1_2, pf2_1, pf2_2):
tb.add_inventory(pf, orc.SRIOV_NET_VF,
8, allocation_ratio=1.0)
class NUMAAggregateFixture(APIFixture):
"""An APIFixture that has two compute nodes without a resource themselves.
They are associated by aggregate to a provider of shared storage and both
compute nodes have two numa node resource providers with CPUs. One of the
numa node is associated to another sharing storage by a different
| sharing storage (ss1) |
| DISK_GB:2000 |
| agg: [aggA] |
+---------------|--------------+ +--------------|--------------+
| +-------------+------------+ | | +------------+------------+ |
| | compute node (cn1) | | | |compute node (cn2) | |
| | agg: [aggA] | | | | agg: [aggA, aggB] | |
| +-----+-------------+------+ | | +----+-------------+------+ |
| | nested | nested | | | nested | nested |
| +-----+------+ +----+------+ | | +----+------+ +----+------+ |
| | numa1_1 | | numa1_2 | | | | numa2_1 | | numa2_2 | |
| | CPU: 24 | | CPU: 24 | | | | CPU: 24 | | CPU: 24 | |
| | agg:[aggC]| | | | | | | | | |
| +-----+------+ +-----------+ | | +-----------+ +-----------+ |
+-------|----------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| aggC
| sharing storage (ss2) |
| DISK_GB:2000 |
| agg: [aggC] |
def start_fixture(self):
super(NUMAAggregateFixture, self).start_fixture()
aggA_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
aggB_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
aggC_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
cn1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn1', aggA_uuid)
cn2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn2', aggA_uuid, aggB_uuid)
ss1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'ss1', aggA_uuid)
ss2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'ss2', aggC_uuid)
numa1_1 = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'numa1_1', aggC_uuid, parent=cn1.uuid)
numa1_2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'numa1_2', parent=cn1.uuid)
numa2_1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'numa2_1', parent=cn2.uuid)
numa2_2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'numa2_2', parent=cn2.uuid)
os.environ['AGGA_UUID'] = aggA_uuid
os.environ['AGGB_UUID'] = aggB_uuid
os.environ['AGGC_UUID'] = aggC_uuid
os.environ['CN1_UUID'] = cn1.uuid
os.environ['CN2_UUID'] = cn2.uuid
os.environ['SS1_UUID'] = ss1.uuid
os.environ['SS2_UUID'] = ss2.uuid
os.environ['NUMA1_1_UUID'] = numa1_1.uuid
os.environ['NUMA1_2_UUID'] = numa1_2.uuid
os.environ['NUMA2_1_UUID'] = numa2_1.uuid
os.environ['NUMA2_2_UUID'] = numa2_2.uuid
# Populate compute node inventory for VCPU and RAM
for numa in (numa1_1, numa1_2, numa2_1, numa2_2):
tb.add_inventory(numa, orc.VCPU, 24,
# Populate shared storage provider with DISK_GB inventory and
# mark it shared among any provider associated via aggregate
for ss in (ss1, ss2):
tb.add_inventory(ss, orc.DISK_GB, 2000,
reserved=100, allocation_ratio=1.0)
tb.set_traits(ss, 'MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE')
class NUMANetworkFixture(APIFixture):
"""An APIFixture representing compute hosts with characteristics such as:
* A root compute node provider with no resources (VCPU/MEMORY_MB in NUMA
providers, DISK_GB provided by a sharing provider).
* NUMA nodes, providing VCPU and MEMORY_MB resources (with interesting
min_unit and step_size values), decorated with the HW_NUMA_ROOT trait.
* Each NUMA node is associated with some devices.
* Two network agents, themselves devoid of resources, parenting different
kinds of network devices.
* A more "normal" compute node provider with VCPU/MEMORY_MB/DISK_GB
* Some NIC subtree roots, themselves devoid of resources, decorated with
the HW_NIC_ROOT trait, parenting PF providers, on different physical
networks, with VF resources.
| sharing storage (ss1) |
| DISK_GB:2000 |............(to cn2)......>>
| agg: [aggA] |
| compute node (cn1) |
| (no inventory) |
| agg: [aggA] |
| | | |
+---------+--------+ +---------+--------+ | |
| numa0 | | numa1 | | +-----------+------+
| HW_NUMA_ROOT | | HW_NUMA_ROOT, FOO| | | ovs_agent |
| VCPU: 4 (2 used) | | VCPU: 4 | | | VNIC_TYPE_NORMAL |
| MEMORY_MB: 2048 | | MEMORY_MB: 2048 | | +-----------+------+
| min_unit: 512 | | min_unit: 256 | | |
| step_size: 256 | | max_unit: 1024 | | |
+---+----------+---+ +---+----------+---+ +---+--------------+ |
| | | | | sriov_agent | |
+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ | VNIC_TYPE_DIRECT | |
|fpga0 | |pgpu0 | |fpga1_0| |fpga1_1| +---+--------------+ |
|FPGA:1 | |VGPU:8 | |FPGA:1 | |FPGA:1 | | |
+-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | +----+------+
+-----+------+ |br_int |
| | |PHYSNET0 |
|esn1 ||esn2 |+-----------+
| compute node (cn2) |
| VCPU: 8 (3 used) |
| MEMORY_MB: 2048 |
>>....(from ss1)........| min_unit: 1024 |
| step_size: 128 |
| DISK_GB: 1000 |
| traits: FOO |
| agg: [aggA] |
| | |
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
|nic1 | |nic2 | |nic3 |
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
| | |
+----+----+ +---------+---+-----+---------+ |
| | | | | | |
+--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+
|pf1_1| |pf1_2| |pf2_1| |pf2_2| |pf2_3| |pf2_4| |pf3_1|
|NET1 | |NET2 | |NET1 | |NET2 | |NET1 | |NET2 | |NET1 |
|VF:4 | |VF:4 | |VF:2 | |VF:2 | |VF:2 | |VF:2 | |VF:8 |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
def start_fixture(self):
super(NUMANetworkFixture, self).start_fixture()
aggA_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['AGGA_UUID'] = aggA_uuid
ss1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'ss1', aggA_uuid)
tb.set_traits(ss1, ot.MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE)
tb.add_inventory(ss1, orc.DISK_GB, 2000)
os.environ['SS1_UUID'] = ss1.uuid
# CN1
cn1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn1', aggA_uuid)
tb.set_traits(cn1, ot.COMPUTE_VOLUME_MULTI_ATTACH)
os.environ['CN1_UUID'] = cn1.uuid
numas = []
for i in (0, 1):
numa = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'numa%d' % i, parent=cn1.uuid)
traits = [ot.HW_NUMA_ROOT]
if i == 1:
tb.set_traits(numa, *traits)
tb.add_inventory(numa, orc.VCPU, 4)
os.environ['NUMA%d_UUID' % i] = numa.uuid
numas[0], orc.MEMORY_MB, 2048, min_unit=512, step_size=256)
numas[1], orc.MEMORY_MB, 2048, min_unit=256, max_unit=1024)
user, proj = tb.create_user_and_project(self.context, prefix='numafx')
consumer = tb.ensure_consumer(self.context, user, proj)
tb.set_allocation(self.context, numas[0], consumer, {orc.VCPU: 2})
fpga = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'fpga0', parent=numas[0].uuid)
# TODO(efried): Use standard FPGA resource class
tb.add_inventory(fpga, 'CUSTOM_FPGA', 1)
os.environ['FPGA0_UUID'] = fpga.uuid
pgpu = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'pgpu0', parent=numas[0].uuid)
tb.add_inventory(pgpu, orc.VGPU, 8)
os.environ['PGPU0_UUID'] = pgpu.uuid
for i in (0, 1):
fpga = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'fpga1_%d' % i, parent=numas[1].uuid)
# TODO(efried): Use standard FPGA resource class
tb.add_inventory(fpga, 'CUSTOM_FPGA', 1)
os.environ['FPGA1_%d_UUID' % i] = fpga.uuid
agent = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'sriov_agent', parent=cn1.uuid)
tb.set_traits(agent, 'CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE_DIRECT')
os.environ['SRIOV_AGENT_UUID'] = agent.uuid
for i in (1, 2):
dev = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'esn%d' % i, parent=agent.uuid)
tb.set_traits(dev, 'CUSTOM_PHYSNET%d' % i)
tb.add_inventory(dev, orc.NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC, 10000 * i)
os.environ['ESN%d_UUID' % i] = dev.uuid
agent = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'ovs_agent', parent=cn1.uuid)
tb.set_traits(agent, 'CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE_NORMAL')
os.environ['OVS_AGENT_UUID'] = agent.uuid
dev = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'br_int', parent=agent.uuid)
tb.set_traits(dev, 'CUSTOM_PHYSNET0')
tb.add_inventory(dev, orc.NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC, 1000)
os.environ['BR_INT_UUID'] = dev.uuid
# CN2
cn2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn2', aggA_uuid)
tb.add_inventory(cn2, orc.VCPU, 8)
tb.set_allocation(self.context, cn2, consumer, {orc.VCPU: 3})
cn2, orc.MEMORY_MB, 2048, min_unit=1024, step_size=128)
tb.add_inventory(cn2, orc.DISK_GB, 1000)
tb.set_traits(cn2, 'CUSTOM_FOO')
os.environ['CN2_UUID'] = cn2.uuid
nics = []
for i in (1, 2, 3):
nic = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'nic%d' % i, parent=cn2.uuid)
# TODO(efried): Use standard HW_NIC_ROOT trait
tb.set_traits(nic, 'CUSTOM_HW_NIC_ROOT')
os.environ['NIC%s_UUID' % i] = nic.uuid
# PFs for NIC1
for i in (1, 2):
suf = '1_%d' % i
pf = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'pf%s' % suf, parent=nics[0].uuid)
tb.set_traits(pf, 'CUSTOM_PHYSNET%d' % i)
# TODO(efried): Use standard generic VF resource class?
tb.add_inventory(pf, 'CUSTOM_VF', 4)
os.environ['PF%s_UUID' % suf] = pf.uuid
# PFs for NIC2
for i in (0, 1, 2, 3):
suf = '2_%d' % (i + 1)
pf = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'pf%s' % suf, parent=nics[1].uuid)
tb.set_traits(pf, 'CUSTOM_PHYSNET%d' % ((i % 2) + 1))
# TODO(efried): Use standard generic VF resource class?
tb.add_inventory(pf, 'CUSTOM_VF', 2)
os.environ['PF%s_UUID' % suf] = pf.uuid
# PF for NIC3
suf = '3_1'
pf = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'pf%s' % suf, parent=nics[2].uuid)
tb.set_traits(pf, 'CUSTOM_PHYSNET1')
# TODO(efried): Use standard generic VF resource class?
tb.add_inventory(pf, 'CUSTOM_VF', 8)
os.environ['PF%s_UUID' % suf] = pf.uuid
class NonSharedStorageFixture(APIFixture):
"""An APIFixture that has three compute nodes with local storage that do
not use shared storage.
def start_fixture(self):
super(NonSharedStorageFixture, self).start_fixture()
aggA_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
aggB_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
aggC_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
os.environ['AGGA_UUID'] = aggA_uuid
os.environ['AGGB_UUID'] = aggB_uuid
os.environ['AGGC_UUID'] = aggC_uuid
cn1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn1')
cn2 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn2')
cn3 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn3')
os.environ['CN1_UUID'] = cn1.uuid
os.environ['CN2_UUID'] = cn2.uuid
os.environ['CN3_UUID'] = cn3.uuid
# Populate compute node inventory for VCPU, RAM and DISK
for cn in (cn1, cn2, cn3):
tb.add_inventory(cn, 'VCPU', 24)
tb.add_inventory(cn, 'MEMORY_MB', 128 * 1024)
tb.add_inventory(cn, 'DISK_GB', 2000)
class CORSFixture(APIFixture):
"""An APIFixture that turns on CORS."""
def start_fixture(self):
super(CORSFixture, self).start_fixture()
# Turn on the CORS middleware by setting 'allowed_origin'.
class GranularFixture(APIFixture):
"""An APIFixture that sets up the following provider environment for
testing granular resource requests.
|cn_left ||cn_middle ||cn_right |
|VCPU: 8 ||VCPU: 8 ||VCPU: 8 |
|MEMORY_MB: 4096 ||MEMORY_MB: 4096 ||MEMORY_MB: 4096 |
|DISK_GB: 500 ||SRIOV_NET_VF: 8 ||DISK_GB: 500 |
|VGPU: 8 ||CUSTOM_NET_MBPS: 4000 ||VGPU: 8 |
|SRIOV_NET_VF: 8 ||traits: HW_CPU_X86_AVX, || - max_unit: 2 |
|CUSTOM_NET_MBPS: 4000 || HW_CPU_X86_AVX2,||traits: HW_CPU_X86_MMX, |
|traits: HW_CPU_X86_AVX, || HW_CPU_X86_SSE, || HW_GPU_API_DXVA,|
| HW_GPU_API_DXVA,|+=+=====+================++==+========+============+
| HW_NIC_DCB_PFC, | : : : : a
| CUSTOM_FOO +..+ +--------------------+ : g
+========================+ : a : : g
: g : : C
+========================+ : g : +===============+======+
|shr_disk_1 | : A : |shr_net |
|DISK_GB: 1000 +..+ : |SRIOV_NET_VF: 16 |
|traits: CUSTOM_DISK_SSD,| : : a |CUSTOM_NET_MBPS: 40000|
| MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGG...| : : g |traits: MISC_SHARES...|
+========================+ : : g +======================+
+=======================+ : : B
|shr_disk_2 +...+ :
|DISK_GB: 1000 | :
|traits: MISC_SHARES... +.........+
def start_fixture(self):
super(GranularFixture, self).start_fixture()
context=self.context, name='CUSTOM_NET_MBPS').create()
os.environ['AGGA'] = uuids.aggA
os.environ['AGGB'] = uuids.aggB
os.environ['AGGC'] = uuids.aggC
cn_left = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'cn_left', uuids.aggA)
os.environ['CN_LEFT'] = cn_left.uuid
tb.add_inventory(cn_left, 'VCPU', 8)
tb.add_inventory(cn_left, 'MEMORY_MB', 4096)
tb.add_inventory(cn_left, 'DISK_GB', 500)
tb.add_inventory(cn_left, 'VGPU', 8)
tb.add_inventory(cn_left, 'SRIOV_NET_VF', 8)
tb.add_inventory(cn_left, 'CUSTOM_NET_MBPS', 4000)
tb.set_traits(cn_left, 'HW_CPU_X86_AVX', 'HW_CPU_X86_AVX2',
cn_middle = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'cn_middle', uuids.aggA, uuids.aggB)
os.environ['CN_MIDDLE'] = cn_middle.uuid
tb.add_inventory(cn_middle, 'VCPU', 8)
tb.add_inventory(cn_middle, 'MEMORY_MB', 4096)
tb.add_inventory(cn_middle, 'SRIOV_NET_VF', 8)
tb.add_inventory(cn_middle, 'CUSTOM_NET_MBPS', 4000)
tb.set_traits(cn_middle, 'HW_CPU_X86_AVX', 'HW_CPU_X86_AVX2',
cn_right = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'cn_right', uuids.aggB, uuids.aggC)
os.environ['CN_RIGHT'] = cn_right.uuid
tb.add_inventory(cn_right, 'VCPU', 8)
tb.add_inventory(cn_right, 'MEMORY_MB', 4096)
tb.add_inventory(cn_right, 'DISK_GB', 500)
tb.add_inventory(cn_right, 'VGPU', 8, max_unit=2)
tb.set_traits(cn_right, 'HW_CPU_X86_MMX', 'HW_GPU_API_DXVA',
shr_disk_1 = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'shr_disk_1', uuids.aggA)
os.environ['SHR_DISK_1'] = shr_disk_1.uuid
tb.add_inventory(shr_disk_1, 'DISK_GB', 1000)
tb.set_traits(shr_disk_1, 'MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE',
shr_disk_2 = tb.create_provider(
self.context, 'shr_disk_2', uuids.aggA, uuids.aggB)
os.environ['SHR_DISK_2'] = shr_disk_2.uuid
tb.add_inventory(shr_disk_2, 'DISK_GB', 1000)
tb.set_traits(shr_disk_2, 'MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE')
shr_net = tb.create_provider(self.context, 'shr_net', uuids.aggC)
os.environ['SHR_NET'] = shr_net.uuid
tb.add_inventory(shr_net, 'SRIOV_NET_VF', 16)
tb.add_inventory(shr_net, 'CUSTOM_NET_MBPS', 40000)
tb.set_traits(shr_net, 'MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE')
class OpenPolicyFixture(APIFixture):
"""An APIFixture that changes all policy rules to allow non-admins."""
def start_fixture(self):
super(OpenPolicyFixture, self).start_fixture()
# Get all of the registered rules and set them to '@' to allow any
# user to have access. The nova policy "admin_or_owner" concept does
# not really apply to most of placement resources since they do not
# have a user_id/project_id attribute.
rules = {}
for rule in policies.list_rules():
name =
# Ignore "base" rules for role:admin.
if name in ['placement', 'admin_api']:
rules[name] = '@'
def stop_fixture(self):
super(OpenPolicyFixture, self).stop_fixture()