
290 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import os_traits
from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_db import api as oslo_db_api
from oslo_db import exception as db_exc
from oslo_log import log as logging
import sqlalchemy as sa
from placement.db.sqlalchemy import models
from placement import db_api
from placement import exception
_RP_TBL = models.ResourceProvider.__table__
_RP_TRAIT_TBL = models.ResourceProviderTrait.__table__
_TRAIT_TBL = models.Trait.__table__
_TRAIT_LOCK = 'trait_sync'
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Trait(object):
# All the user-defined traits must begin with this prefix.
def __init__(self, context, id=None, name=None, updated_at=None,
self._context = context = id = name
self.updated_at = updated_at
self.created_at = created_at
# FIXME(cdent): Duped from resource_class.
def _from_db_object(context, target, source):
target._context = context = source['id'] = source['name']
target.updated_at = source['updated_at']
target.created_at = source['created_at']
return target
def _create_in_db(context, updates):
trait = models.Trait()
return trait
def create(self):
if is not None:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create',
reason='already created')
if not
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create',
reason='name is required')
# FIXME(cdent): duped from resource class
updates = {}
for field in ['name', 'updated_at', 'created_at']:
value = getattr(self, field, None)
if value:
updates[field] = value
db_trait = self._create_in_db(self._context, updates)
except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:
raise exception.TraitExists(
self._from_db_object(self._context, self, db_trait)
def get_by_name(cls, context, name):
db_trait = context.trait_cache.all_from_string(name)
return cls._from_db_object(context, cls(context), db_trait)
def _destroy_in_db(context, _id, name):
num = context.session.query(models.ResourceProviderTrait).filter(
models.ResourceProviderTrait.trait_id == _id).count()
if num:
raise exception.TraitInUse(name=name)
res = context.session.query(models.Trait).filter_by(
if not res:
raise exception.TraitNotFound(name=name)
def destroy(self):
if not
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='destroy',
reason='name is required')
if not
raise exception.TraitCannotDeleteStandard(
if is None:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='destroy',
reason='ID attribute not found')
def ensure_sync(ctx):
"""Ensures that the os_traits library is synchronized to the traits db.
If _TRAITS_SYNCED is False then this process has not tried to update the
traits db. Do so by calling _trait_sync. Since the placement API server
could be multi-threaded, lock around testing _TRAITS_SYNCED to avoid
duplicating work.
Different placement API server processes that talk to the same database
will avoid issues through the power of transactions.
:param ctx: `placement.context.RequestContext` that may be used to grab a
DB connection.
# If another thread is doing this work, wait for it to complete.
# When that thread is done _TRAITS_SYNCED will be true in this
# thread and we'll simply return.
with lockutils.lock(_TRAIT_LOCK):
def get_all(context, filters=None):
db_traits = _get_all_from_db(context, filters)
return [Trait(context, **data) for data in db_traits]
def get_all_by_resource_provider(context, rp):
"""Returns a list containing Trait objects for any trait
associated with the supplied resource provider.
db_traits = get_traits_by_provider_id(context,
return [Trait(context, **data) for data in db_traits]
def get_traits_by_provider_id(context, rp_id):
rp_traits_id = _RP_TRAIT_TBL.c.resource_provider_id
trait_id = _RP_TRAIT_TBL.c.trait_id
trait_cache = context.trait_cache
sel =[trait_id]).where(rp_traits_id == rp_id)
return [
for r in context.session.execute(sel).fetchall()]
def get_traits_by_provider_tree(ctx, root_ids):
"""Returns a dict, keyed by provider IDs for all resource providers
in all trees indicated in the ``root_ids``, of string trait names
associated with that provider.
:raises: ValueError when root_ids is empty.
:param ctx: placement.context.RequestContext object
:param root_ids: list of root resource provider IDs
if not root_ids:
raise ValueError("Expected root_ids to be a list of root resource "
"provider internal IDs, but got an empty list.")
rpt = sa.alias(_RP_TBL, name='rpt')
rptt = sa.alias(_RP_TRAIT_TBL, name='rptt')
rpt_rptt = sa.join(rpt, rptt, == rptt.c.resource_provider_id)
sel =[rptt.c.resource_provider_id, rptt.c.trait_id])
sel = sel.select_from(rpt_rptt)
sel = sel.where(rpt.c.root_provider_id.in_(
sa.bindparam('root_ids', expanding=True)))
res = collections.defaultdict(list)
for r in ctx.session.execute(sel, {'root_ids': list(root_ids)}):
return res
def ids_from_names(ctx, names):
"""Given a list of string trait names, returns a dict, keyed by those
string names, of the corresponding internal integer trait ID.
:raises: ValueError when names is empty.
:param ctx: placement.context.RequestContext object
:param names: list of string trait names
:raise TraitNotFound: if any named trait doesn't exist in the database.
if not names:
raise ValueError("Expected names to be a list of string trait "
"names, but got an empty list.")
return {name: ctx.trait_cache.id_from_string(name) for name in names}
def _get_all_from_db(context, filters):
# If no filters are required, returns everything from the cache.
if not filters:
return context.trait_cache.get_all()
return _get_all_filtered_from_db(context, filters)
def _get_all_filtered_from_db(context, filters):
query = context.session.query(models.Trait)
if 'name_in' in filters:
query = query.filter(
[str(n) for n in filters['name_in']]
if 'prefix' in filters:
query = query.filter(['prefix'] + '%')))
if 'associated' in filters:
if filters['associated']:
query = query.join(
models.ResourceProviderTrait, == models.ResourceProviderTrait.trait_id
query = query.outerjoin(
models.ResourceProviderTrait, == models.ResourceProviderTrait.trait_id
).filter(models.ResourceProviderTrait.trait_id == sa.null())
return query.all()
@oslo_db_api.wrap_db_retry(max_retries=5, retry_on_deadlock=True)
# Bug #1760322: If the caller raises an exception, we don't want the trait
# sync rolled back; so use an .independent transaction
def _trait_sync(ctx):
"""Sync the os_traits symbols to the database.
Reads all symbols from the os_traits library, checks if any of them do
not exist in the database and bulk-inserts those that are not. This is
done once per web-service process, at startup.
:param ctx: `placement.context.RequestContext` that may be used to grab a
DB connection.
# Create a set of all traits in the os_traits library.
std_traits = set(os_traits.get_traits())
sel =[])
res = ctx.session.execute(sel).fetchall()
# Create a set of all traits in the db that are not custom
# traits.
db_traits = set(
r[0] for r in res
if not os_traits.is_custom(r[0])
# Determine those traits which are in os_traits but not
# currently in the database, and insert them.
need_sync = std_traits - db_traits
ins = _TRAIT_TBL.insert()
batch_args = [
{'name': str(trait)}
for trait in need_sync
if batch_args:
ctx.session.execute(ins, batch_args)
LOG.debug("Synced traits from os_traits into API DB: %s",
except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:
pass # some other process sync'd, just ignore