Nothing is being translated in placement so, for the sake of being clean and tidy, this patch removes the framework for translation and the import of oslo.i18n. Originally the hope was we could remove the dependency on oslo.i18n and Babel entirely to save some disk space but many other oslo-related libs depend on oslo.i18n so they are present anyway. [1] [1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-March/004220.html Change-Id: Ia965d028b6f7c9f04d1f29beb12f4862585631d5
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Handlers for placement API.
Individual handlers are associated with URL paths in the
ROUTE_DECLARATIONS dictionary. At the top level each key is a Routes
compliant path. The value of that key is a dictionary mapping
individual HTTP request methods to a Python function representing a
simple WSGI application for satisfying that request.
The ``make_map`` method processes ROUTE_DECLARATIONS to create a
Routes.Mapper, including automatic handlers to respond with a
405 when a request is made against a valid URL with an invalid
import routes
import webob
from oslo_log import log as logging
from placement import exception
from placement.handlers import aggregate
from placement.handlers import allocation
from placement.handlers import allocation_candidate
from placement.handlers import inventory
from placement.handlers import reshaper
from placement.handlers import resource_class
from placement.handlers import resource_provider
from placement.handlers import root
from placement.handlers import trait
from placement.handlers import usage
from placement import util
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# URLs and Handlers
# NOTE(cdent): When adding URLs here, do not use regex patterns in
# the path parameters (e.g. {uuid:[0-9a-zA-Z-]+}) as that will lead
# to 404s that are controlled outside of the individual resources
# and thus do not include specific information on the why of the 404.
'/': {
'GET': root.home,
# NOTE(cdent): This allows '/placement/' and '/placement' to
# both work as the root of the service, which we probably want
# for those situations where the service is mounted under a
# prefix (as it is in devstack). While weird, an empty string is
# a legit key in a dictionary and matches as desired in Routes.
'': {
'GET': root.home,
'/resource_classes': {
'GET': resource_class.list_resource_classes,
'POST': resource_class.create_resource_class
'/resource_classes/{name}': {
'GET': resource_class.get_resource_class,
'PUT': resource_class.update_resource_class,
'DELETE': resource_class.delete_resource_class,
'/resource_providers': {
'GET': resource_provider.list_resource_providers,
'POST': resource_provider.create_resource_provider
'/resource_providers/{uuid}': {
'GET': resource_provider.get_resource_provider,
'DELETE': resource_provider.delete_resource_provider,
'PUT': resource_provider.update_resource_provider
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories': {
'GET': inventory.get_inventories,
'POST': inventory.create_inventory,
'PUT': inventory.set_inventories,
'DELETE': inventory.delete_inventories
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class}': {
'GET': inventory.get_inventory,
'PUT': inventory.update_inventory,
'DELETE': inventory.delete_inventory
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/usages': {
'GET': usage.list_usages
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates': {
'GET': aggregate.get_aggregates,
'PUT': aggregate.set_aggregates
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/allocations': {
'GET': allocation.list_for_resource_provider,
'/allocations': {
'POST': allocation.set_allocations,
'/allocations/{consumer_uuid}': {
'GET': allocation.list_for_consumer,
'PUT': allocation.set_allocations_for_consumer,
'DELETE': allocation.delete_allocations,
'/allocation_candidates': {
'GET': allocation_candidate.list_allocation_candidates,
'/traits': {
'GET': trait.list_traits,
'/traits/{name}': {
'GET': trait.get_trait,
'PUT': trait.put_trait,
'DELETE': trait.delete_trait,
'/resource_providers/{uuid}/traits': {
'GET': trait.list_traits_for_resource_provider,
'PUT': trait.update_traits_for_resource_provider,
'DELETE': trait.delete_traits_for_resource_provider
'/usages': {
'GET': usage.get_total_usages,
'/reshaper': {
'POST': reshaper.reshape,
def dispatch(environ, start_response, mapper):
"""Find a matching route for the current request.
If no match is found, raise a 404 response.
If there is a matching route, but no matching handler
for the given method, raise a 405.
result = mapper.match(environ=environ)
if result is None:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(
# We can't reach this code without action being present.
handler = result.pop('action')
environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = ((), result)
return handler(environ, start_response)
def handle_405(environ, start_response):
"""Return a 405 response when method is not allowed.
If _methods are in routing_args, send an allow header listing
the methods that are possible on the provided URL.
_methods = util.wsgi_path_item(environ, '_methods')
headers = {}
if _methods:
# Ensure allow header is a python 2 or 3 native string (thus
# not unicode in python 2 but stay a string in python 3)
# In the process done by Routes to save the allowed methods
# to its routing table they become unicode in py2.
headers['allow'] = str(_methods)
# Use Exception class as WSGI Application. We don't want to raise here.
response = webob.exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed(
'The method specified is not allowed for this resource.',
headers=headers, json_formatter=util.json_error_formatter)
return response(environ, start_response)
def make_map(declarations):
"""Process route declarations to create a Route Mapper."""
mapper = routes.Mapper()
for route, targets in declarations.items():
allowed_methods = []
for method in targets:
mapper.connect(route, action=targets[method],
allowed_methods = ', '.join(allowed_methods)
mapper.connect(route, action=handle_405, _methods=allowed_methods)
return mapper
class PlacementHandler(object):
"""Serve Placement API.
Dispatch to handlers defined in ROUTE_DECLARATIONS.
def __init__(self, **local_config):
self._map = make_map(ROUTE_DECLARATIONS)
self.config = local_config['config']
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# set a reference to the oslo.config ConfigOpts on the RequestContext
context = environ['placement.context']
context.config = self.config
# Check that an incoming request with a content-length header
# that is an integer > 0 and not empty, also has a content-type
# header that is not empty. If not raise a 400.
clen = environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH')
if clen and (int(clen) > 0) and not environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE'):
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
'content-type header required when content-length > 0',
except ValueError as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
'content-length header must be an integer',
return dispatch(environ, start_response, self._map)
# Trap the NotFound exceptions raised by the objects used
# with the API and transform them into webob.exc.HTTPNotFound.
except exception.NotFound as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(
exc, json_formatter=util.json_error_formatter)
except exception.PolicyNotAuthorized as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(
# Remaining uncaught exceptions will rise first to the Microversion
# middleware, where any WebOb generated exceptions will be caught and
# transformed into legit HTTP error responses (with microversion
# headers added), and then to the FaultWrapper middleware which will
# catch anything else and transform them into 500 responses.
# NOTE(cdent): There should be very few uncaught exceptions which are
# not WebOb exceptions at this stage as the handlers are contained by
# the wsgify decorator which will transform those exceptions to
# responses itself.