Chris Dent d38844e390 Implement allocation candidate mappings
In microversion 1.34 add a 'mappings' key to each allocation
request. Its value is dict keyed by resource group suffixes
with values of a list of resource providers satisfying that

To preserve symmetry, the mappings key may be sent back when
writing allocations so the schema for POST and PUT allocations
and POST /reshaper are updated.

api history, api-ref and reno are added

Change-Id: Ie78ed7e050416d4ccb62697ba608131038bb4303
Story: 2005575
Task: 33536
2019-06-12 21:19:14 +00:00

577 lines
23 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Placement API handlers for setting and deleting allocations."""
import collections
import uuid
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import webob
from placement import errors
from placement import exception
from placement.handlers import util as data_util
from placement import microversion
from placement.objects import allocation as alloc_obj
from placement.objects import resource_provider as rp_obj
from placement.policies import allocation as policies
from placement.schemas import allocation as schema
from placement import util
from placement import wsgi_wrapper
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _last_modified_from_allocations(allocations, want_version):
"""Given a set of allocation objects, returns the last modified timestamp.
# NOTE(cdent): The last_modified for an allocation will always be
# based off the created_at column because allocations are only
# ever inserted, never updated.
last_modified = None
# Only calculate last-modified if we are using a microversion that
# supports it.
get_last_modified = want_version and want_version.matches((1, 15))
for allocation in allocations:
if get_last_modified:
last_modified = util.pick_last_modified(last_modified, allocation)
last_modified = last_modified or timeutils.utcnow(with_timezone=True)
return last_modified
def _serialize_allocations_for_consumer(allocations, want_version):
"""Turn a list of allocations into a dict by resource provider uuid.
'allocations': {
RP_UUID_1: {
'generation': GENERATION,
'resources': {
'DISK_GB': 4,
'VCPU': 2
RP_UUID_2: {
'generation': GENERATION,
'resources': {
'DISK_GB': 6,
'VCPU': 3
# project_id and user_id are added with microverion 1.12
'project_id': PROJECT_ID,
'user_id': USER_ID,
# Generation for consumer >= 1.28
'consumer_generation': 1
allocation_data = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for allocation in allocations:
key = allocation.resource_provider.uuid
if 'resources' not in allocation_data[key]:
allocation_data[key]['resources'] = {}
resource_class = allocation.resource_class
allocation_data[key]['resources'][resource_class] = allocation.used
generation = allocation.resource_provider.generation
allocation_data[key]['generation'] = generation
result = {'allocations': allocation_data}
if allocations and want_version.matches((1, 12)):
# We're looking at a list of allocations by consumer id so project and
# user are consistent across the list
consumer = allocations[0].consumer
project_id = consumer.project.external_id
user_id = consumer.user.external_id
result['project_id'] = project_id
result['user_id'] = user_id
show_consumer_gen = want_version.matches((1, 28))
if show_consumer_gen:
result['consumer_generation'] = consumer.generation
return result
def _serialize_allocations_for_resource_provider(allocations,
"""Turn a list of allocations into a dict by consumer id.
{'resource_provider_generation': GENERATION,
'resources': {
'DISK_GB': 4,
'VCPU': 2
# Generation for consumer >= 1.28
'consumer_generation': 0
'resources': {
'DISK_GB': 6,
'VCPU': 3
# Generation for consumer >= 1.28
'consumer_generation': 0
show_consumer_gen = want_version.matches((1, 28))
allocation_data = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for allocation in allocations:
key = allocation.consumer.uuid
if 'resources' not in allocation_data[key]:
allocation_data[key]['resources'] = {}
resource_class = allocation.resource_class
allocation_data[key]['resources'][resource_class] = allocation.used
if show_consumer_gen:
consumer_gen = None
if allocation.consumer is not None:
consumer_gen = allocation.consumer.generation
allocation_data[key]['consumer_generation'] = consumer_gen
result = {'allocations': allocation_data}
result['resource_provider_generation'] = resource_provider.generation
return result
# TODO(cdent): Extracting this is useful, for reuse by reshaper code,
# but having it in this file seems wrong, however, since it uses
# _new_allocations it's being left here for now. We need a place for shared
# handler code, but is already too big and too diverse.
def create_allocation_list(context, data, consumers):
"""Create a list of Allocations based on provided data.
:param context: The placement context.
:param data: A dictionary of multiple allocations by consumer uuid.
:param consumers: A dictionary, keyed by consumer UUID, of Consumer objects
:return: A list of Allocation objects.
:raises: `webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest` if a resource provider included in the
allocations does not exist.
allocation_objects = []
for consumer_uuid in data:
allocations = data[consumer_uuid]['allocations']
consumer = consumers[consumer_uuid]
if allocations:
rp_objs = _resource_providers_by_uuid(context, allocations.keys())
for resource_provider_uuid in allocations:
resource_provider = rp_objs[resource_provider_uuid]
resources = allocations[resource_provider_uuid]['resources']
new_allocations = _new_allocations(context,
# The allocations are empty, which means wipe them out.
# Internal to the allocation object this is signalled by a
# used value of 0.
allocations = alloc_obj.get_all_by_consumer_id(
context, consumer_uuid)
for allocation in allocations:
allocation.used = 0
return allocation_objects
def inspect_consumers(context, data, want_version):
"""Look at consumer data in allocations and create consumers as needed.
Keep a record of the consumers that are created in case they need
to be removed later.
If an exception is raised by ensure_consumer, commonly HTTPConflict but
also anything else, the newly created consumers will be deleted and the
exception reraised to the caller.
:param context: The placement context.
:param data: A dictionary of multiple allocations by consumer uuid.
:param want_version: the microversion matcher.
:return: A tuple of a dict of all consumer objects (by consumer uuid)
and a list of those consumer objects which are new.
# First, ensure that all consumers referenced in the payload actually
# exist. And if not, create them. Keep a record of auto-created consumers
# so we can clean them up if the end allocation replace_all() fails.
consumers = {} # dict of Consumer objects, keyed by consumer UUID
new_consumers_created = []
for consumer_uuid in data:
project_id = data[consumer_uuid]['project_id']
user_id = data[consumer_uuid]['user_id']
consumer_generation = data[consumer_uuid].get('consumer_generation')
consumer, new_consumer_created = data_util.ensure_consumer(
context, consumer_uuid, project_id, user_id,
consumer_generation, want_version)
if new_consumer_created:
consumers[consumer_uuid] = consumer
except Exception:
# If any errors (for instance, a consumer generation conflict)
# occur when ensuring consumer records above, make sure we delete
# any auto-created consumers.
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
return consumers, new_consumers_created
def list_for_consumer(req):
"""List allocations associated with a consumer."""
context = req.environ['placement.context']
consumer_id = util.wsgi_path_item(req.environ, 'consumer_uuid')
want_version = req.environ[microversion.MICROVERSION_ENVIRON]
# NOTE(cdent): There is no way for a 404 to be returned here,
# only an empty result. We do not have a way to validate a
# consumer id.
allocations = alloc_obj.get_all_by_consumer_id(context, consumer_id)
output = _serialize_allocations_for_consumer(allocations, want_version)
last_modified = _last_modified_from_allocations(allocations, want_version)
allocations_json = jsonutils.dumps(output)
response = req.response
response.status = 200
response.body = encodeutils.to_utf8(allocations_json)
response.content_type = 'application/json'
if want_version.matches((1, 15)):
response.last_modified = last_modified
response.cache_control = 'no-cache'
return response
def list_for_resource_provider(req):
"""List allocations associated with a resource provider."""
# TODO(cdent): On a shared resource provider (for example a
# giant disk farm) this list could get very long. At the moment
# we have no facility for limiting the output. Given that we are
# using a dict of dicts for the output we are potentially limiting
# ourselves in terms of sorting and filtering.
context = req.environ['placement.context']
want_version = req.environ[microversion.MICROVERSION_ENVIRON]
uuid = util.wsgi_path_item(req.environ, 'uuid')
# confirm existence of resource provider so we get a reasonable
# 404 instead of empty list
rp = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(context, uuid)
except exception.NotFound as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(
"Resource provider '%(rp_uuid)s' not found: %(error)s" %
{'rp_uuid': uuid, 'error': exc})
allocs = alloc_obj.get_all_by_resource_provider(context, rp)
output = _serialize_allocations_for_resource_provider(
allocs, rp, want_version)
last_modified = _last_modified_from_allocations(allocs, want_version)
allocations_json = jsonutils.dumps(output)
response = req.response
response.status = 200
response.body = encodeutils.to_utf8(allocations_json)
response.content_type = 'application/json'
if want_version.matches((1, 15)):
response.last_modified = last_modified
response.cache_control = 'no-cache'
return response
def _resource_providers_by_uuid(ctx, rp_uuids):
"""Helper method that returns a dict, keyed by resource provider UUID, of
ResourceProvider objects.
:param ctx: The placement context.
:param rp_uuids: iterable of UUIDs for providers to fetch.
:raises: `webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest` if any of the UUIDs do not refer to
an existing resource provider.
res = {}
for rp_uuid in rp_uuids:
# TODO(jaypipes): Clearly, this is not efficient to do one query for
# each resource provider UUID in the allocations instead of doing a
# single query for all the UUIDs. However, since
# rp_obj.get_all_by_filters() is way too complicated for
# this purpose and doesn't raise NotFound anyway, we'll do this.
# Perhaps consider adding a rp_obj.get_all_by_uuids() later on?
res[rp_uuid] = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(ctx, rp_uuid)
except exception.NotFound:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
"Allocation for resource provider '%(rp_uuid)s' "
"that does not exist." % {'rp_uuid': rp_uuid})
return res
def _new_allocations(context, resource_provider, consumer, resources):
"""Create new allocation objects for a set of resources
Returns a list of Allocation objects
:param context: The placement context.
:param resource_provider: The resource provider that has the resources.
:param consumer: The Consumer object consuming the resources.
:param resources: A dict of resource classes and values.
allocations = []
for resource_class in resources:
allocation = alloc_obj.Allocation(
return allocations
def delete_consumers(consumers):
"""Helper function that deletes any consumer object supplied to it
:param consumers: iterable of Consumer objects to delete
for consumer in consumers:
LOG.debug("Deleted auto-created consumer with consumer UUID "
"%s after failed allocation", consumer.uuid)
except Exception as err:
LOG.warning("Got an exception when deleting auto-created "
"consumer with UUID %s: %s", consumer.uuid, err)
def _set_allocations_for_consumer(req, schema):
context = req.environ['placement.context']
consumer_uuid = util.wsgi_path_item(req.environ, 'consumer_uuid')
if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(consumer_uuid):
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
'Malformed consumer_uuid: %(consumer_uuid)s' %
{'consumer_uuid': consumer_uuid})
consumer_uuid = str(uuid.UUID(consumer_uuid))
data = util.extract_json(req.body, schema)
allocation_data = data['allocations']
# Normalize allocation data to dict.
want_version = req.environ[microversion.MICROVERSION_ENVIRON]
if not want_version.matches((1, 12)):
allocations_dict = {}
# Allocation are list-ish, transform to dict-ish
for allocation in allocation_data:
resource_provider_uuid = allocation['resource_provider']['uuid']
allocations_dict[resource_provider_uuid] = {
'resources': allocation['resources']
allocation_data = allocations_dict
allocation_objects = []
# Consumer object saved in case we need to delete the auto-created consumer
# record
consumer = None
# Whether we created a new consumer record
created_new_consumer = False
if not allocation_data:
# The allocations are empty, which means wipe them out. Internal
# to the allocation object this is signalled by a used value of 0.
# We still need to verify the consumer's generation, though, which
# we do in _ensure_consumer()
# NOTE(jaypipes): This will only occur 1.28+. The JSONSchema will
# prevent an empty allocations object from being passed when there is
# no consumer generation, so this is safe to do.
context, consumer_uuid, data.get('project_id'),
data.get('user_id'), data.get('consumer_generation'), want_version)
allocations = alloc_obj.get_all_by_consumer_id(context, consumer_uuid)
for allocation in allocations:
allocation.used = 0
# If the body includes an allocation for a resource provider
# that does not exist, raise a 400.
rp_objs = _resource_providers_by_uuid(context, allocation_data.keys())
consumer, created_new_consumer = data_util.ensure_consumer(
context, consumer_uuid, data.get('project_id'),
data.get('user_id'), data.get('consumer_generation'),
for resource_provider_uuid, allocation in allocation_data.items():
resource_provider = rp_objs[resource_provider_uuid]
new_allocations = _new_allocations(context,
def _create_allocations(alloc_list):
alloc_obj.replace_all(context, alloc_list)
LOG.debug("Successfully wrote allocations %s", alloc_list)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
if created_new_consumer:
# InvalidInventory is a parent for several exceptions that
# indicate either that Inventory is not present, or that
# capacity limits have been exceeded.
except exception.NotFound as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
"Unable to allocate inventory for consumer %(consumer_uuid)s: "
"%(error)s" % {'consumer_uuid': consumer_uuid, 'error': exc})
except exception.InvalidInventory as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(
'Unable to allocate inventory: %(error)s' % {'error': exc})
except exception.ConcurrentUpdateDetected as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(
'Inventory and/or allocations changed while attempting to '
'allocate: %(error)s' % {'error': exc},
req.response.status = 204
req.response.content_type = None
return req.response
@microversion.version_handler('1.0', '1.7')
def set_allocations_for_consumer(req):
return _set_allocations_for_consumer(req, schema.ALLOCATION_SCHEMA)
@wsgi_wrapper.PlacementWsgify # noqa
@microversion.version_handler('1.8', '1.11')
def set_allocations_for_consumer(req):
return _set_allocations_for_consumer(req, schema.ALLOCATION_SCHEMA_V1_8)
@wsgi_wrapper.PlacementWsgify # noqa
@microversion.version_handler('1.12', '1.27')
def set_allocations_for_consumer(req):
return _set_allocations_for_consumer(req, schema.ALLOCATION_SCHEMA_V1_12)
@wsgi_wrapper.PlacementWsgify # noqa
@microversion.version_handler('1.28', '1.33')
def set_allocations_for_consumer(req):
return _set_allocations_for_consumer(req, schema.ALLOCATION_SCHEMA_V1_28)
@wsgi_wrapper.PlacementWsgify # noqa
def set_allocations_for_consumer(req):
return _set_allocations_for_consumer(req, schema.ALLOCATION_SCHEMA_V1_34)
def set_allocations(req):
context = req.environ['placement.context']
want_version = req.environ[microversion.MICROVERSION_ENVIRON]
want_schema = schema.POST_ALLOCATIONS_V1_13
if want_version.matches((1, 28)):
want_schema = schema.POST_ALLOCATIONS_V1_28
if want_version.matches((1, 34)):
want_schema = schema.POST_ALLOCATIONS_V1_34
data = util.extract_json(req.body, want_schema)
consumers, new_consumers_created = inspect_consumers(
context, data, want_version)
# Create a sequence of allocation objects to be used in one
# alloc_obj.replace_all() call, which will mean all the changes
# happen within a single transaction and with resource provider
# and consumer generations (if applicable) check all in one go.
allocations = create_allocation_list(context, data, consumers)
def _create_allocations(alloc_list):
alloc_obj.replace_all(context, alloc_list)
LOG.debug("Successfully wrote allocations %s", alloc_list)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
except exception.NotFound as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
"Unable to allocate inventory %(error)s" % {'error': exc})
except exception.InvalidInventory as exc:
# InvalidInventory is a parent for several exceptions that
# indicate either that Inventory is not present, or that
# capacity limits have been exceeded.
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(
'Unable to allocate inventory: %(error)s' % {'error': exc})
except exception.ConcurrentUpdateDetected as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(
'Inventory and/or allocations changed while attempting to '
'allocate: %(error)s' % {'error': exc},
req.response.status = 204
req.response.content_type = None
return req.response
def delete_allocations(req):
context = req.environ['placement.context']
consumer_uuid = util.wsgi_path_item(req.environ, 'consumer_uuid')
allocations = alloc_obj.get_all_by_consumer_id(context, consumer_uuid)
if allocations:
alloc_obj.delete_all(context, allocations)
# NOTE(pumaranikar): Following NotFound exception added in the case
# when allocation is deleted from allocations list by some other
# activity. In that case, delete_all() will throw a NotFound exception.
except exception.NotFound as exc:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(
"Allocation for consumer with id %(id)s not found. error: "
"%(error)s" % {'id': consumer_uuid, 'error': exc})
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(
"No allocations for consumer '%(consumer_uuid)s'" %
{'consumer_uuid': consumer_uuid})
LOG.debug("Successfully deleted allocations %s", allocations)
req.response.status = 204
req.response.content_type = None
return req.response