Having the db migration scripts within the openstack-placement pypi distribution is desirable for deployment tools, such as openstack-ansible. It provides a known good location for the script, available with a pip install. There are several ways to distribute files with a python package. The method used here was chosen because it works both with tarballs and wheels (the files are already in the tarball, as a result of the way pbr works, but not in the wheel). Here's what's done: * The db migrate scripts are put in their own direcory, placement_db_tools, so that only they are packaged, not the other tools. * To preserve how grenade interacts with these files as well as not disrupt the docs, symlinks from tools to placement_db_tools have been created. * placement_db_tools is added to the list of packages included in the openstack-placement distro. This means that when 'pip install openstack-placement' happens, the python environment will then include placement and placement_db_tools directories. The end result is that the true path to the script can be found with: pkg_resources.resource_filename('placement_db_tools', 'mysql-migrate-db.sh') This has been noted in the to-stein.rst document. A different package was chosen to not muddy the waters of what is "actually placement". Similarly, the 'data_files' functionality provided by pbr was not used, because that requires the file be written to a location on the local filesystem, relative to the install prefix. Dirtying the filesystem outside the python lib with this sort of thing is inappropriate. Change-Id: Ie326ce8a2a0692d20793bc18be606e034fa94a44 Story: 2005535 Task: 30671
Symbolic link
1 line
46 B
Symbolic link
1 line
46 B
../placement_db_tools/postgresql-migrate-db.sh |