diff --git a/nodepool/nl02.opendev.org.yaml b/nodepool/nl02.opendev.org.yaml
index 15b888d356..71447d32f0 100644
--- a/nodepool/nl02.opendev.org.yaml
+++ b/nodepool/nl02.opendev.org.yaml
@@ -180,92 +180,6 @@ providers:
             diskimage: centos-9-stream
             key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-  - name: airship-kna1
-    region-name: 'Kna1'
-    cloud: airship-citycloud
-    boot-timeout: 120
-    launch-timeout: 600
-    clean-floating-ips: true
-    rate: 0.25
-    diskimages: *provider_diskimages
-    pools:
-      - name: main
-        # Canary capacity (by memory less than half capacity of airship pool).
-        max-servers: 0
-        labels:
-          - name: centos-7
-            min-ram: 8000
-            flavor-name: '8C-8GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: centos-7
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          - name: centos-8-stream
-            min-ram: 8000
-            flavor-name: '8C-8GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: centos-8-stream
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          - name: centos-9-stream
-            min-ram: 8000
-            flavor-name: '8C-8GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: centos-9-stream
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          - name: debian-bullseye
-            min-ram: 8000
-            flavor-name: '8C-8GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: debian-bullseye
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          - name: debian-buster
-            min-ram: 8000
-            flavor-name: '8C-8GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: debian-buster
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          - name: fedora-35
-            min-ram: 8000
-            flavor-name: '8C-8GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: fedora-35
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          - name: gentoo-17-0-systemd
-            min-ram: 8000
-            flavor-name: '8C-8GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: gentoo-17-0-systemd
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          - name: opensuse-15
-            min-ram: 8000
-            flavor-name: '8C-8GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: opensuse-15
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          - name: ubuntu-bionic
-            min-ram: 8000
-            flavor-name: '8C-8GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: ubuntu-bionic
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          - name: ubuntu-focal
-            min-ram: 8000
-            flavor-name: '8C-8GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: ubuntu-focal
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          - name: ubuntu-xenial
-            min-ram: 8000
-            flavor-name: '8C-8GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: ubuntu-xenial
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          # TODO add nested virt labels once confirmed nested virt works
-          # to some degree.
-      - name: airship
-        # Jobs expected to run 1x 32GB instance + 3x 16GB instances with
-        # goal of running 4 jobs concurrently.
-        max-servers: 0
-        labels:
-          - name: ubuntu-bionic-expanded
-            min-ram: 16000
-            flavor-name: '8C-16GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: ubuntu-bionic
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
-          - name: ubuntu-bionic-32GB
-            min-ram: 32000
-            flavor-name: '8C-32GB-100GB'
-            diskimage: ubuntu-bionic
-            key-name: infra-root-keys-2020-05-13
   - name: inmotion-iad3
     region-name: 'iad3'
     cloud: inmotion
diff --git a/nodepool/nodepool.yaml b/nodepool/nodepool.yaml
index 7deedba0d8..ea40f09ca1 100644
--- a/nodepool/nodepool.yaml
+++ b/nodepool/nodepool.yaml
@@ -92,12 +92,6 @@ providers:
     rate: 0.001
     diskimages: *provider_diskimages
-  - name: airship-kna1
-    region-name: 'Kna1'
-    cloud: airship-citycloud
-    rate: 0.25
-    diskimages: []
   - name: inmotion-iad3
     region-name: 'iad3'
     cloud: inmotion