diff --git a/gerrit/projects.yaml b/gerrit/projects.yaml
index 71fd3fd690..e7cf6e77c5 100755
--- a/gerrit/projects.yaml
+++ b/gerrit/projects.yaml
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
   description: Cookiecutter templates for new specs repos
 - project: openstack-infra/activity-board
   use-storyboard: true
-  description: Tech community metrics dash of the OpenStack community based on the Metrics Grimoire toolset
+  description: Tech community metrics dash of the OpenStack community based on the
+    Metrics Grimoire toolset
   upstream: git://github.com/Bitergia/openstack-dashboard.git
 - project: openstack-infra/ansible-puppet
   use-storyboard: true
@@ -749,7 +750,8 @@
   upstream: git://github.com/jaypipes/openstack-api
   homepage: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/API_Working_Group
 - project: openstack/barbican
-  description: Barbican is a ReST API designed for the secure storage, provisioning and management of secrets, including in OpenStack environments.
+  description: Barbican is a ReST API designed for the secure storage, provisioning
+    and management of secrets, including in OpenStack environments.
   upstream: git://github.com/cloudkeep/barbican.git
 - project: openstack/barbican-specs
   description: Blueprints for the barbican project
@@ -775,7 +777,8 @@
     - python-cliff
 - project: openstack/debtcollector
-  description: A collection of python patterns that help you collect your technical debt in a non-destructive manner
+  description: A collection of python patterns that help you collect your technical
+    debt in a non-destructive manner
   upstream: git://github.com/harlowja/debtcollector.git
     - oslo
@@ -792,7 +795,8 @@
 - project: openstack/django_openstack_auth
     - django-openstack-auth
-  description: A Django authentication backend for use with the OpenStack Keystone Identity backend.
+  description: A Django authentication backend for use with the OpenStack Keystone
+    Identity backend.
   upstream: git://github.com/gabrielhurley/django_openstack_auth.git
 - project: openstack/docs-specs
@@ -933,7 +937,8 @@
     - oslo
   docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
-  description: Part of OpenStack's Oslo project. New Oslo APIs go through an incubation phase in this repository before being released as part of a proper Python library.
+  description: Part of OpenStack's Oslo project. New Oslo APIs go through an incubation
+    phase in this repository before being released as part of a proper Python library.
 - project: openstack/oslo-specs
     - oslo
@@ -1071,7 +1076,9 @@
     - tempest
 - project: openstack/requirements
 - project: openstack/sahara
-  description: Sahara aims to provide users with simple means to provision a Hadoop cluster by specifying several parameters like Hadoop version, cluster topology, nodes hardware details and a few more.
+  description: Sahara aims to provide users with simple means to provision a Hadoop
+    cluster by specifying several parameters like Hadoop version, cluster topology,
+    nodes hardware details and a few more.
   acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/sahara.config
 - project: openstack/sahara-dashboard
@@ -1116,7 +1123,8 @@
     - direct-release
 - project: openstack/tempest-lib
-  description: A library to assist in creating functional or integrated test suites for OpenStack projects.
+  description: A library to assist in creating functional or integrated test suites
+    for OpenStack projects.
   upstream: git://github.com/mtreinish/tempest-lib.git
     - tempest
@@ -1176,10 +1184,12 @@
 - project: stackforge-attic/murano-repository
 - project: stackforge-attic/murano-tests
 - project: stackforge/anchor
-  description: An Ephemeral PKI system that can act as a trust anchor for OpenStack PKI operations
+  description: An Ephemeral PKI system that can act as a trust anchor for OpenStack
+    PKI operations
   upstream: git://github.com/hyakuhei/anchor.git
 - project: stackforge/anvil
-  description: A set of python scripts and utilities to forge raw OpenStack into a productive tool!
+  description: A set of python scripts and utilities to forge raw OpenStack into a
+    productive tool!
   upstream: git://github.com/yahoo/Openstack-Anvil.git
 - project: stackforge/aviator
   description: An OpenStack client library for Ruby
@@ -1502,7 +1512,8 @@
   description: Run tests in a docker container
   upstream: git://github.com/emonty/dox.git
 - project: stackforge/dragonflow
-  description: Dragonflow - Stateless Distributed Virtual Router Controller Add-on for OpenStack Neutron.
+  description: Dragonflow - Stateless Distributed Virtual Router Controller Add-on
+    for OpenStack Neutron.
 - project: stackforge/driverlog
   description: Vendor drivers for OpenStack
   upstream: git://github.com/Mirantis/oscp.git
@@ -1517,7 +1528,8 @@
   description: Automatic Heat template generation
   upstream: git://github.com/cloudwatt/flame.git
 - project: stackforge/freezer
-  description: OpenStack Swift incremental backup and restore automation tool for file system, MongoDB, MySQL. LVM snapshot and encryption support.
+  description: OpenStack Swift incremental backup and restore automation tool for
+    file system, MongoDB, MySQL. LVM snapshot and encryption support.
   upstream: git://git.code.sf.net/p/openstack-freezer/freezer
 - project: stackforge/fuel-astute
@@ -1549,7 +1561,9 @@
 - project: stackforge/fuel-main
     - fuel
-  description: Fuel is the control plane for installing and managing OpenStack. It is capable of doing bare metal provisioning of physical nodes, installing OpenStack on them, and much more.
+  description: Fuel is the control plane for installing and managing OpenStack. It
+    is capable of doing bare metal provisioning of physical nodes, installing OpenStack
+    on them, and much more.
   upstream: git://github.com/Mirantis/fuel-main.git
   acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/fuel.config
   docimpact-group: fuel
@@ -1726,7 +1740,10 @@
   description: Group Based Policy UI
   acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/group-based-policy.config
 - project: stackforge/healthnmon
-  description: Healthnmon aims to deliver 'Cloud Resource Monitor', an extensible service to OpenStack Cloud Operating system by providing monitoring service for Cloud Resources and Infrastructure with a pluggable framework for 'Inventory Management', 'Alerts and notifications' and 'Utilization Data.'
+  description: Healthnmon aims to deliver 'Cloud Resource Monitor', an extensible
+    service to OpenStack Cloud Operating system by providing monitoring service for
+    Cloud Resources and Infrastructure with a pluggable framework for 'Inventory Management',
+    'Alerts and notifications' and 'Utilization Data.'
   upstream: git://github.com/healthnmon/healthnmon.git
 - project: stackforge/horizon-salt-formula
   description: SaltStack formula used for installing OpenStack Horizon
@@ -1744,7 +1761,8 @@
   description: SaltStack formula used for installing OpenStack Keystone
   acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/salt-formula.config
 - project: stackforge/kickstack
-  description: Rapid OpenStack deployment with puppet-dashboard, The Foreman, or any other Puppet ENC
+  description: Rapid OpenStack deployment with puppet-dashboard, The Foreman, or any
+    other Puppet ENC
   upstream: git://github.com/hastexo/kickstack
 - project: stackforge/kolla
   description: Kolla - Deploying OpenStack using Docker
@@ -1766,7 +1784,8 @@
 - project: stackforge/magnum
   description: Containers Service for OpenStack
 - project: stackforge/merlin
-  description: Framework for building UIs for OpenStack projects dealing with complex input data
+  description: Framework for building UIs for OpenStack projects dealing with complex
+    input data
 - project: stackforge/milk
   description: ETC cloud API framework project
   upstream: git://github.com/sarob/milk.git
@@ -1899,7 +1918,8 @@
     - networking-cisco
 - project: stackforge/networking-edge-vpn
-  description: A framework to create an edge VPN service and bridge Neutron networks to it.
+  description: A framework to create an edge VPN service and bridge Neutron networks
+    to it.
 - project: stackforge/networking-hyperv
   description: Hyper-V L2 Agent and drivers for ML2.
   upstream: git://github.com/cloudbase/networking-hyperv.git
@@ -1922,7 +1942,8 @@
 - project: stackforge/networking-ovn
   description: Neutron integration with OVN
 - project: stackforge/networking-ovs-dpdk
-  description: A Collection of Agents and Drivers to support managing DPDK accelerated Open vSwitch with neutron.
+  description: A Collection of Agents and Drivers to support managing DPDK accelerated
+    Open vSwitch with neutron.
   upstream: git://github.com/SeanMooney/networking-ovs-dpdk.git
 - project: stackforge/networking-plumgrid
   description: PLUMgrid driver for OpenStack Neutron
@@ -1930,7 +1951,8 @@
 - project: stackforge/networking-vsphere
   description: A set of Neutron drivers and agents to manage vSphere clusters.
 - project: stackforge/neutron-powervm
-  description: ML2 compatible PowerVM Shared Ethernet Adapter agent for OpenStack Neutron
+  description: ML2 compatible PowerVM Shared Ethernet Adapter agent for OpenStack
+    Neutron
   upstream: https://github.com/pypowervm/neutron-powervm
 - project: stackforge/neutron-salt-formula
   description: SaltStack formula used for installing OpenStack Neutron
@@ -1952,10 +1974,12 @@
   description: Image building tool for OpenStack.
   upstream: git://github.com/redhat-openstack/image-building-poc.git
 - project: stackforge/occi-os
-  description: OCCI-OS provides a python egg which can be easily deployed in OpenStack and will thereby add OCCI support and interface to OpenStack.
+  description: OCCI-OS provides a python egg which can be easily deployed in OpenStack
+    and will thereby add OCCI support and interface to OpenStack.
   upstream: git://github.com/tmetsch/occi-os.git
 - project: stackforge/octavia
-  description: An operator-grade reference implementation for Load Balancing as a Service (LBaaS)
+  description: An operator-grade reference implementation for Load Balancing as a
+    Service (LBaaS)
 - project: stackforge/opencafe
   upstream: https://github.com/samu4924/opencafe
   description: Common Automation Framework Engine. Core driver for CloudCAFE
@@ -2012,11 +2036,13 @@
   description: Vagrant environment providing a Packstack installation.
   upstream: git://github.com/b1-systems/packstack-vagrant.git
 - project: stackforge/pecan
-  description: A WSGI object-dispatching web framework, designed to be lean and fast with few dependencies.
+  description: A WSGI object-dispatching web framework, designed to be lean and fast
+    with few dependencies.
   upstream: git://github.com/dreamhost/pecan.git
   homepage: http://pecanpy.org
 - project: stackforge/poppy
-  description: A modular, vendor-neutral API, that wraps provisioning instructions for all CDN vendors that support it.
+  description: A modular, vendor-neutral API, that wraps provisioning instructions
+    for all CDN vendors that support it.
   upstream: git://github.com/rackerlabs/cdn.git
 - project: stackforge/powervc-driver
   description: A set of drivers and utilities to integrate PowerVC into OpenStack.
@@ -2025,7 +2051,8 @@
   upstream: https://github.com/jamezpolley/psr.git
   acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/tripleo-incubator.config
 - project: stackforge/proliantutils
-  description: Utility library for managing HP Proliant servers (used in Ironic iLO drivers).
+  description: Utility library for managing HP Proliant servers (used in Ironic iLO
+    drivers).
   upstream: https://github.com/rameshg87/proliantutils.git
 - project: stackforge/puppet-ceilometer
   description: OpenStack Ceilometer Puppet Module
@@ -2092,7 +2119,8 @@
   acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/puppet-modules.config
   upstream: git://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-openstack.git
 - project: stackforge/puppet-openstack-cloud
-  description: Flexible Puppet implementation capable of configuring a scalable OpenStack Cloud
+  description: Flexible Puppet implementation capable of configuring a scalable OpenStack
+    Cloud
   upstream: git://github.com/redhat-openstack/puppet-openstack-cloud.git
 - project: stackforge/puppet-openstack-specs
   description: Puppet for OpenStack Design Specifications
@@ -2180,7 +2208,8 @@
 - project: stackforge/python-libraclient
   description: Client library for libra API.
 - project: stackforge/python-magnetodbclient
-  description: Python client for MagnetoDB, the key-value database service for OpenStack cloud.
+  description: Python client for MagnetoDB, the key-value database service for OpenStack
+    cloud.
   upstream: git://github.com/aostapenko/python-magnetodbclient
 - project: stackforge/python-magnumclient
   description: Python client for containers service
@@ -2208,7 +2237,8 @@
   description: 'Unified SDK for OpenStack. See: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/UnifiedSDK'
   upstream: https://github.com/jnoller/openstacksdk.git
 - project: stackforge/python-opentsdbclient
-  description: A simple REST client to communicate with OpenTSDB (needed for Gnocchi to use OpenTSDB as a backend)
+  description: A simple REST client to communicate with OpenTSDB (needed for Gnocchi
+    to use OpenTSDB as a backend)
 - project: stackforge/python-rackclient
   description: Client library for RACK API
   upstream: https://github.com/ctc-g/python-rackclient.git
@@ -2228,7 +2258,9 @@
     - tacker
 - project: stackforge/rack
-  description: Provides the ability that can control OpenStack as program resource with an application. It enables you to implement a large scale distributed system in a variety of programming languages on OpenStack.
+  description: Provides the ability that can control OpenStack as program resource
+    with an application. It enables you to implement a large scale distributed system
+    in a variety of programming languages on OpenStack.
   upstream: https://github.com/ctc-g/rack
 - project: stackforge/radar
   description: dashboard for ci reporting
@@ -2265,7 +2297,8 @@
   description: Distributed data-plane performance testing tool
   upstream: git://github.com/Mirantis/shaker
 - project: stackforge/solum
-  description: 'An OpenStack related project designed to make cloud services easier to consume and integrate into your application development process. See: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Solum'
+  description: 'An OpenStack related project designed to make cloud services easier
+    to consume and integrate into your application development process. See: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Solum'
   upstream: git://github.com/rackerlabs/solum
 - project: stackforge/solum-dashboard
   description: 'Horizon plugin for Solum. See: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Solum'
@@ -2277,7 +2310,8 @@
   description: Solum Design Specifications
   upstream: git://github.com/rackerlabs/solum-specs
 - project: stackforge/sphinxcontrib-docbookrestapi
-  description: Sphinx extension that generates documentation for api-site from RST files.
+  description: Sphinx extension that generates documentation for api-site from RST
+    files.
   upstream: git://github.com/enovance/sphinxcontrib-docbookrestapi.git
 - project: stackforge/sqlalchemy-migrate
   description: Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
@@ -2328,7 +2362,8 @@
   acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/stacktach.config
   upstream: https://github.com/stacktach/stackdistiller.git
 - project: stackforge/stacktach-timex
-  description: A time expressions library implementing a mini-language for manipulating datetimes.
+  description: A time expressions library implementing a mini-language for manipulating
+    datetimes.
   acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/stacktach.config
   upstream: https://github.com/stacktach/timex.git
 - project: stackforge/stacktach-winchester
@@ -2346,20 +2381,24 @@
   description: Ceph backend for Swift
   upstream: git://github.com/enovance/swift-ceph-backend.git
 - project: stackforge/swift3
-  description: Swift3 Middleware for OpenStack Swift, allowing access to OpenStack swift via the Amazon S3 API.
+  description: Swift3 Middleware for OpenStack Swift, allowing access to OpenStack
+    swift via the Amazon S3 API.
   upstream: git://github.com/fujita/swift3.git
 - project: stackforge/swiftonfile
-  description: Swift Object Server implementation that enables objects created using the Swift API to be accessed as files on a POSIX filesystem.
+  description: Swift Object Server implementation that enables objects created using
+    the Swift API to be accessed as files on a POSIX filesystem.
   upstream: git://github.com/swiftonfile/swiftonfile.git
 - project: stackforge/swiftpolicy
-  description: SwiftPolicy Middleware for OpenStack Swift allows to use a JSON policy file to handle swift authorizations.
+  description: SwiftPolicy Middleware for OpenStack Swift allows to use a JSON policy
+    file to handle swift authorizations.
   upstream: git://github.com/cloudwatt/swiftpolicy.git
 - project: stackforge/swiftsync
   description: Swift mass syncronizer
   upstream: git://github.com/enovance/swiftsync.git
   acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/swiftsync.config
 - project: stackforge/tacker
-  description: 'tacker: specifications a servicevm/device life cycle manager. See https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ServiceVM'
+  description: 'tacker: specifications a servicevm/device life cycle manager. See
+    https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ServiceVM'
 - project: stackforge/tacker-specs
   description: Blueprints for tacker
@@ -2370,7 +2409,8 @@
     - openstack-telcowg
 - project: stackforge/tomograph
-  description: Library to help distributed applications send trace information to metrics backends like Zipkin and Statsd.
+  description: Library to help distributed applications send trace information to
+    metrics backends like Zipkin and Statsd.
   upstream: https://github.com/timjr/tomograph.git
 - project: stackforge/tricircle
@@ -2402,7 +2442,9 @@
   upstream: https://github.com/slokesh184/windows-diskimage-builder.git
   acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/diskimage-builder.config
 - project: stackforge/wsme
-  description: Web Service Made Easy (WSME) simplify the writing of REST web services by providing simple yet powerful typing which removes the need to directly manipulate the request and the response objects.
+  description: Web Service Made Easy (WSME) simplify the writing of REST web services
+    by providing simple yet powerful typing which removes the need to directly manipulate
+    the request and the response objects.
   upstream: git://github.com/ryanpetrello/wsme.git
 - project: stackforge/xenapi-os-testing
   description: Scripts to enable running of tempest tests in a nested Xen instance
diff --git a/tools/normalize_projects_yaml.py b/tools/normalize_projects_yaml.py
index 981c6cc5cb..cd7572b0d1 100644
--- a/tools/normalize_projects_yaml.py
+++ b/tools/normalize_projects_yaml.py
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def main():
     with open('gerrit/projects.yaml', 'w') as out:
         out.write(yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False,
-                            Dumper=IndentedDumper, width=800))
+                            Dumper=IndentedDumper, width=80))
 if __name__ == '__main__':