From de54bab6a82adbc6629311b0764212a47ed1ef3c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andreas Jaeger <>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2017 19:09:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove zuul/mapping and job

We're now at v3, no need to keep the mapping job and its data around
anymore - remove them.

Change-Id: Ic17bb17222068b1b5cf3ac57c4614af42a679961
 zuul.d/projects.yaml |   3 -
 zuul/mapping.yaml    | 197 -------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 200 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 zuul/mapping.yaml

diff --git a/zuul.d/projects.yaml b/zuul.d/projects.yaml
index ad9d7a7fc6..71d679f395 100644
--- a/zuul.d/projects.yaml
+++ b/zuul.d/projects.yaml
@@ -1014,9 +1014,6 @@
         - project-config-irc-access
         - project-config-nodepool
         - project-config-zuul-jobs-linters
-        - zuul-migrate:
-            files:
-              - zuul/mapping.yaml
         - legacy-bindep-fallback-centos-7:
             branches: master
diff --git a/zuul/mapping.yaml b/zuul/mapping.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e4966f92d9..0000000000
--- a/zuul/mapping.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# default-node tells the migration script which node the new base job
-# uses. The migration script reads label names from the nodepool config and
-# replaces node names in jobs with node variants.
-default-node: ubuntu-xenial
-# List of job mapping data. In each entry:
-# old
-#    matches v2 job names. If it starts with a ^ it's a regex. if it doesn't
-#    it's a direct string match
-# new
-#    the new job and can contain python format strings corresponding to
-#    named regex matches from old. It can also be a dict that will be used
-#    verbatim
-# vars
-#    variables to add to the new job and can contain format strings
-#    corresponding to named regex matches from old
-  - old: noop
-    new: noop
-  - old: tag-releases
-    new: tag-releases
-  - old: '^gate(?!-cross)-.*-python(?P<version>[0-9]{2})-ubuntu-xenial'
-    new: 'openstack-tox-py{version}'
-  - old: '^gate(?!-cross)-.*-python(?P<version>[0-9]{2})-ubuntu-trusty'
-    new:
-      'openstack-tox-py{version}':
-        nodeset: ubuntu-trusty
-  - old: '^gate-.*-pep8-ubuntu-xenial'
-    new: 'openstack-tox-pep8'
-  - old: '^gate-.*-pep8-ubuntu-trusty'
-    new:
-      openstack-tox-pep8:
-        nodeset: ubuntu-trusty
-  - old: '^gate-.*-compare-coverage-ubuntu-xenial'
-    new: 'openstack-tox-compare-cover'
-  - old: '^gate-.*-compare-coverage-ubuntu-trusty'
-    new:
-      openstack-tox-compare-cover:
-        nodeset: ubuntu-trusty
-  - old: '^.*-coverage-ubuntu-xenial'
-    new: 'openstack-tox-cover'
-  - old: '^.*-coverage-ubuntu-trusty'
-    new:
-      openstack-tox-cover:
-        nodeset: ubuntu-trusty
-  - old: '^gate-.*-linters-ubuntu-xenial'
-    new: 'openstack-tox-linters'
-  - old: '^gate-.*-bashate'
-    new: 'openstack-tox-bashate'
-  - old: '^gate-.*-pypy'
-    new: 'openstack-tox-pypy'
-  - old: '^.*-docs-unified-ubuntu-xenial'
-    new: publish-openstack-python-docs
-  - old: publish-infra-docs-index
-    new: publish-openstack-python-docs-infra-index
-  - old: '^gate-.*-infra-docs'
-    new: build-openstack-infra-docs
-  - old: '^.*-infra-docs'
-    new: publish-openstack-python-docs-infra
-  - old: '^gate-.*-docs.*'
-    new: build-openstack-sphinx-docs
-  - old: '^.*-branch-tarball'
-    new: publish-openstack-python-branch-tarball
-  - old: '^.*-tarball'
-    new: publish-openstack-python-tarball
-  - old: '^hook-.*-rtfd'
-    new: trigger-readthedocs
-  - old: publish-specs-site
-    new: publish-openstack-specs-site
-  - old: '^.*-publish-specs'
-    new: publish-openstack-specs
-  - old: propose-openstack-ansible-update-osa-test-scripts
-    new:
-      propose-updates:
-        vars:
-          update_target: openstack-ansible-tests
-  - old: propose-devstack-plugins-list
-    new:
-      propose-updates:
-        vars:
-          update_target: devstack-plugins-list
-  - old: propose-openstack-manuals-updates
-    new:
-      propose-updates:
-        vars:
-          update_target: openstack-manuals
-  - old: propose-puppet-openstack-constraints
-    new:
-      propose-updates:
-        vars:
-          update_target: puppet-openstack-constraints
-  - old: propose-requirements-updates
-    new:
-      propose-updates:
-        vars:
-          update_target: requirements
-  - old: '^propose-requirements-updates.*'
-    new:
-      propose-updates:
-        vars:
-          update_target: requirements-constraints
-  - old: propose-service-types-update
-    new:
-      propose-updates:
-        vars:
-          update_target: os-service-types
-  - old: publish-service-types-authority
-    new: publish-service-types-authority
-  - old: xstatic-check-version
-    new: xstatic-check-version
-  - old: irc-meetings-publish
-    new: publish-irc-meetings
-# List of project-template mapping data. In each entry:
-# old
-#    v2 project-template name. If a template is listed here, the old template
-#    will not be converted, and references to it will be replaced with new
-# new
-#    v3 project template to use in project pipeline config
-  - old: python-jobs
-    new: openstack-python-jobs
-  - old: python34-jobs
-    new: openstack-python34-jobs
-  - old: python35-jobs
-    new: openstack-python35-jobs
-  - old: python35-jobs-nv
-    new: openstack-python35-jobs-nonvoting
-  - old: pypy-jobs
-    new: openstack-pypy-jobs-nonvoting
-  - old: python-jobs-trusty
-    new: openstack-python-jobs-trusty
-  - old: publish-to-pypi
-    new: publish-to-pypi
-  - old: publish-to-pypi-quietly
-    new: publish-to-pypi-quietly
-  - old: xstatic-publish-jobs
-    new: publish-xstatic-to-pypi
-  - old: docs-on-rtfd
-    new: docs-on-readthedocs
-  - old: openstack-unified-publish-jobs
-    new: publish-openstack-python-docs
-  - old: infra-publish-jobs
-    new: publish-openstack-python-docs-infra
-  - old: openstack-server-release-jobs
-    new: release-openstack-server
-# Suffixes to strip from the final new name from the old ones
-  - nv
-# List of job names to exclude from shared queue consideration
-  - noop