Fix Normalize projects.yaml proposal

The proposals bot run on a tree that is in detached state. Current
git review fails to push from this any changes.

Create instead directly a branch and work on that.

This is the same change as done for other proposal jobs in

Change-Id: I3ca3cbb0c21efde28a43164c518405c0dea87a86
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Jaeger 2015-07-01 08:39:07 +02:00
parent d8b15436c8
commit cb89bb5354

@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ git config "OpenStack Proposal Bot"
git config ""
git config gitreview.username "proposal-bot"
# Initial state of repository is detached, create a branch to work
# from. Otherwise git review will complain.
git checkout -B proposals
# See if there is an open change in the openstack/requirements topic
# If so, get the change id for the existing change for use in the