diff --git a/zuul/layout.yaml b/zuul/layout.yaml index 5d4ae96f1e..d972b51d17 100755 --- a/zuul/layout.yaml +++ b/zuul/layout.yaml @@ -2047,12 +2047,13 @@ jobs: branch: ^(?!stable/(liberty|mitaka)).*$ # Only run the neutron LB job on nova if there are changes to nova/network/* + # or nova/virt/libvirt/vif.py since that uses os-vif for LB vif type. # TODO(mriedem): Run this proper on all changes once nova-network is dropped. - name: ^gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-linuxbridge-ubuntu-(trusty|xenial)$ skip-if: - project: ^openstack/nova$ all-files-match-any: - - ^(?!nova/network/.*).*$ + - ^(?!nova/network/.*)(?!nova/virt/libvirt/vif.py).*$ - project: ^openstack/neutron$ all-files-match-any: - ^.*\.rst$