- hosts: all pre_tasks: # This is tempoarary until v2 is gone and we can rework things - name: Update origin remote to enable notes fetching command: "git remote set-url origin https://{{ item.canonical_name }}" args: chdir: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/src/{{ item.canonical_name }}" with_items: "{{ zuul.projects.values() | list }}" # ANSIBLE0006: git remote is not supported by ansible module tags: - skip_ansible_lint roles: - role: configure-git git_config: user.name: OpenStack Release Bot user.email: infra-root@openstack.org user.signingkey: infra-root@openstack.org gitreview.username: release - bindep - copy-release-tools-scripts - add-sshkey - add-launchpad-credentials - add-gpgkey