- job-group: name: 'lib-forward-testing-{name}' jobs: - '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-{name}-{node}{suffix}': pipeline: gate node: ubuntu-xenial suffix: '' branch-override: default - job-group: name: 'stable-compat-jobs-{name}' jobs: - '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-{name}-{node}{suffix}': pipeline: gate node: ubuntu-xenial suffix: '-newton' branch-override: stable/newton - '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-{name}-{node}{suffix}': pipeline: gate node: ubuntu-xenial suffix: '-ocata' branch-override: stable/ocata - job-template: name: '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-cinder-v1-{node}{suffix}' node: '{node}' wrappers: - build-timeout: timeout: 180 - timestamps builders: - print-template-name: template-name: "{template-name}" - link-logs - net-info - devstack-checkout - local_conf: conf: | [[local|localrc]] TEMPEST_VOLUME_API_V1=True - shell: | #!/bin/bash -xe export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true export DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST=1 export DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_REGEX="volume" export BRANCH_OVERRIDE={branch-override} if [ "$BRANCH_OVERRIDE" != "default" ] ; then export OVERRIDE_ZUUL_BRANCH=$BRANCH_OVERRIDE fi cp devstack-gate/devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh ./safe-devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh ./safe-devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh publishers: - devstack-logs - console-log - job-template: name: '{pipeline}-tempest-plugin-sanity-{node}{suffix}' node: '{node}' wrappers: - build-timeout: timeout: 30 - timestamps builders: - zuul-git-prep - install-distro-packages - revoke-sudo - shell: | #!/bin/bash -eux cd $WORKSPACE # retrieve a list of projects having tempest plugins # generate-tempest-plugins-list.sh is an executable script. PROJECT_LIST="$(./tools/generate-tempest-plugins-list.sh)" # function to clone project using zuul-cloner function clone_project() {{ /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner --cache-dir /opt/git \ git://git.openstack.org \ openstack/"$1" }} # Clone projects having tempest plugins for project in $PROJECT_LIST; do clone_project $project done virtualenv $WORKSPACE/.venv export TVENV="$WORKSPACE/tools/with_venv.sh" $TVENV pip install . # Install other tempest plugins projects for project in $PROJECT_LIST; do $TVENV pip install $WORKSPACE/openstack/$project # Check for test-requirements.txt file in a project then install it. if [[ -e $WORKSPACE/openstack/$project/test-requirements.txt ]]; then $TVENV pip install -r $WORKSPACE/openstack/$project/test-requirements.txt fi done # Create tempest workspace $TVENV tempest init $WORKSPACE/tempest_sanity cd $WORKSPACE/tempest_sanity $TVENV tempest list-plugins $TVENV tempest run -l publishers: - console-log