#! /usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2011 OpenStack, LLC. # Copyright (c) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import collections import contextlib import os import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile requirement = None project = None def run_command(cmd): print(cmd) cmd_list = shlex.split(str(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise SystemError(err) return (out.strip(), err.strip()) class RequirementsList(object): def __init__(self, name, project): self.name = name self.reqs_by_file = {} self.project = project self.failed = False @property def reqs(self): return {k: v for d in self.reqs_by_file.values() for k, v in d.items()} def extract_reqs(self, content): reqs = collections.defaultdict(set) parsed = requirement.parse(content) for name, entries in parsed.items(): if not name: # Comments and other unprocessed lines continue list_reqs = [r for (r, line) in entries] # Strip the comments out before checking if there are duplicates list_reqs_stripped = [r._replace(comment='') for r in list_reqs] if len(list_reqs_stripped) != len(set(list_reqs_stripped)): print("Requirements file has duplicate entries " "for package %s : %r." % (name, list_reqs)) self.failed = True reqs[name].update(list_reqs) return reqs def process(self, strict=True): """Convert the project into ready to use data. - an iterable of requirement sets to check - each set has the following rules: - each has a list of Requirements objects - duplicates are not permitted within that list """ print("Checking %(name)s" % {'name': self.name}) # First, parse. for fname, content in self.project.get('requirements', {}).items(): print("Processing %(fname)s" % {'fname': fname}) if strict and not content.endswith('\n'): print("Requirements file %s does not " "end with a newline." % fname) self.reqs_by_file[fname] = self.extract_reqs(content) for name, content in project.extras(self.project).items(): print("Processing .[%(extra)s]" % {'extra': name}) self.reqs_by_file[name] = self.extract_reqs(content) def grab_args(): """Grab and return arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Check if project requirements have changed" ) parser.add_argument('--local', action='store_true', help='check local changes (not yet in git)') parser.add_argument('branch', nargs='?', default='master', help='target branch for diffs') parser.add_argument('--zc', help='what zuul cloner to call') parser.add_argument('--reqs', help='use a specified requirements tree') return parser.parse_args() @contextlib.contextmanager def tempdir(): try: reqroot = tempfile.mkdtemp() yield reqroot finally: shutil.rmtree(reqroot) def install_and_load_requirements(reqroot, reqdir): sha = run_command("git --git-dir %s/.git rev-parse HEAD" % reqdir)[0] print "requirements git sha: %s" % sha req_venv = os.path.join(reqroot, 'venv') req_pip = os.path.join(req_venv, 'bin/pip') req_lib = os.path.join(req_venv, 'lib/python2.7/site-packages') out, err = run_command("virtualenv " + req_venv) out, err = run_command(req_pip + " install " + reqdir) sys.path.append(req_lib) global project global requirement from openstack_requirements import project # noqa from openstack_requirements import requirement # noqa def _is_requirement_in_global_reqs(req, global_reqs): # Compare all fields except the extras field as the global # requirements should not have any lines with the extras syntax # example: oslo.db[xyz]<1.2.3 for req2 in global_reqs: if (req.package == req2.package and req.location == req2.location and req.specifiers == req2.specifiers and req.markers == req2.markers and req.comment == req2.comment): return True return False def main(): args = grab_args() branch = args.branch failed = False # build a list of requirements from the global list in the # openstack/requirements project so we can match them to the changes with tempdir() as reqroot: # Only clone requirements repo if no local repo is specified # on the command line. if args.reqs is None: reqdir = os.path.join(reqroot, "openstack/requirements") if args.zc is not None: zc = args.zc else: zc = '/usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner' out, err = run_command("%(zc)s " "--cache-dir /opt/git " "--workspace %(root)s " "git://git.openstack.org " "openstack/requirements" % dict(zc=zc, root=reqroot)) print out print err else: reqdir = args.reqs install_and_load_requirements(reqroot, reqdir) global_reqs = requirement.parse( open(reqdir + '/global-requirements.txt', 'rt').read()) for k, entries in global_reqs.items(): # Discard the lines: we don't need them. global_reqs[k] = set(r for (r, line) in entries) cwd = os.getcwd() # build a list of requirements in the proposed change, # and check them for style violations while doing so head = run_command("git rev-parse HEAD")[0] head_proj = project.read(cwd) head_reqs = RequirementsList('HEAD', head_proj) # Don't apply strict parsing rules to stable branches. # Reasoning is: # - devstack etc protect us from functional issues # - we're backporting to stable, so guarding against # aesthetics and DRY concerns is not our business anymore # - if in future we have other not-functional linty style # things to add, we don't want them to affect stable # either. head_strict = not branch.startswith('stable/') head_reqs.process(strict=head_strict) if not args.local: # build a list of requirements already in the target branch, # so that we can create a diff and identify what's being changed run_command("git remote update") run_command("git checkout remotes/origin/%s" % branch) branch_proj = project.read(cwd) # switch back to the proposed change now run_command("git checkout %s" % head) else: branch_proj = {'root': cwd} branch_reqs = RequirementsList(branch, branch_proj) # Don't error on the target branch being broken. branch_reqs.process(strict=False) # iterate through the changing entries and see if they match the global # equivalents we want enforced for fname, freqs in head_reqs.reqs_by_file.items(): print("Validating %(fname)s" % {'fname': fname}) for name, reqs in freqs.items(): counts = {} if (name in branch_reqs.reqs and reqs == branch_reqs.reqs[name]): # Unchanged [or a change that preserves a current value] continue if name not in global_reqs: failed = True print("Requirement %s not in openstack/requirements" % str(reqs)) continue if reqs == global_reqs[name]: continue for req in reqs: if req.extras: for extra in req.extras: counts[extra] = counts.get(extra, 0) + 1 else: counts[''] = counts.get('', 0) + 1 if not _is_requirement_in_global_reqs( req, global_reqs[name]): failed = True print("Requirement for package %s : %s does " "not match openstack/requirements value : %s" % ( name, str(req), str(global_reqs[name]))) for extra, count in counts.items(): if count != len(global_reqs[name]): failed = True print("Package %s%s requirement does not match " "number of lines (%d) in " "openstack/requirements" % ( name, ('[%s]' % extra) if extra else '', len(global_reqs[name]))) # report the results if failed or head_reqs.failed or branch_reqs.failed: sys.exit(1) print("Updated requirements match openstack/requirements.") if __name__ == '__main__': main()