- job: name: project-config-compare-xml node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty' builders: - revoke-sudo - gerrit-git-prep - shell: ./tools/run-compare-xml.sh publishers: - zuul-swift-upload-console-log - job: name: project-config-gerrit node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty' builders: - revoke-sudo - gerrit-git-prep - tox: envlist: 'gerrit' publishers: - zuul-swift-upload-console-log - job: name: gate-project-config-irc-access node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty' builders: - revoke-sudo - gerrit-git-prep - tox: envlist: 'irc' publishers: - zuul-swift-upload-console-log - job: name: gate-project-config-layout node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty' builders: - revoke-sudo - gerrit-git-prep - tox: envlist: 'zuul' publishers: - zuul-swift-upload-console-log - job: name: gate-project-config-jenkins-project node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty' builders: - revoke-sudo - gerrit-git-prep - tox: envlist: 'jenkins-project' publishers: - zuul-swift-upload-console-log - job: name: gate-system-config-nodepool node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty' builders: - revoke-sudo - gerrit-git-prep - tox: envlist: 'nodepool' publishers: - zuul-swift-upload-console-log - job: name: gate-project-config-projects-yaml node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty' builders: - revoke-sudo - gerrit-git-prep - tox: envlist: projects publishers: - zuul-swift-upload-console-log - builder: name: infra-puppet-apply builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash -xe /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner --cache-dir /opt/git git://git.openstack.org openstack-infra/system-config cd openstack-infra/system-config ./tools/apply-test.sh - job-template: name: 'gate-infra-puppet-apply-{ostype}' node: '{ostype}' builders: - infra-puppet-apply publishers: - zuul-swift-upload-logs-with-console: upload_source: 'openstack-infra/system-config/applytest/*' - job-template: name: 'gate-infra-puppet-apply-dsvm-{ostype}' node: 'devstack-{ostype}' builders: - infra-puppet-apply publishers: - zuul-swift-upload-logs-with-console: upload_source: 'applytest/*' - job-template: name: 'gate-openstackci-beaker-{ostype}-dsvm' node: 'devstack-{ostype}' builders: - link-logs - zuul-clone: project: openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci - puppet-prepare-node - allow-local-ssh-root - shell: | sudo gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri --verbose - revoke-sudo - shell: | cd openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci mkdir .bundled_gems export GEM_HOME=`pwd`/.bundled_gems bundle install export BEAKER_set=nodepool-{ostype} export BEAKER_debug=yes export BEAKER_color=no bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance wrappers: - build-timeout: timeout: 60 - timestamps publishers: - zuul-swift-upload-console-log - job: name: propose-project-config-update node: proposal builders: - link-logs - branch-git-prep: branch: master - shell: ./tools/propose_projects_yaml_update.sh publishers: - console-log - job: name: irc-meetings-publish node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty' builders: - revoke-sudo - gerrit-git-prep - tox: envlist: 'ical' publishers: - zuul-swift-upload-logs-with-console: upload_source: 'output/*' - scp: site: 'eavesdrop.openstack.org' files: - target: '' source: 'output/index.html' copy-after-failure: false - scp: site: 'eavesdrop.openstack.org' files: - target: '' source: 'output/irc-meetings.ical' copy-after-failure: false - scp: site: 'eavesdrop.openstack.org' files: - target: 'calendars/' source: 'output/calendars/*' copy-after-failure: false - job: name: gate-irc-meetings-tox-ical node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty' builders: - revoke-sudo - gerrit-git-prep - tox: envlist: 'ical' publishers: - postbuildscript: builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash -x # We don't want this file to conflict with the log index if test -f output/index.html; then mv output/index.html output/site-index.html fi - zuul-swift-upload-logs-with-console: upload_source: 'output/*'