dashboard: title: 'Nodepool: TripleO Test Cloud' rows: - title: Description height: 100px panels: - title: Description content: | **This dashboard is managed by [Grafyaml](http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/grafyaml.html).** If you would like to make changes to this dashboard, please see the grafana directory in [project-config](https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/grafana/nodepool-tripleo-test-cloud.yaml). type: text - title: Nodes showTitle: true height: 150px panels: - title: Building span: 3 sparkline: full: true show: true targets: - target: sumSeries(stats.gauges.nodepool.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.nodes.building) type: singlestat valueName: current - title: Ready span: 3 sparkline: full: true show: true targets: - target: sumSeries(stats.gauges.nodepool.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.nodes.ready) type: singlestat valueName: current - title: In Use span: 3 sparkline: full: true show: true targets: - target: sumSeries(stats.gauges.nodepool.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.nodes.used) type: singlestat valueName: current - title: Deleting span: 3 sparkline: full: true show: true targets: - target: sumSeries(stats.gauges.nodepool.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.nodes.delete) type: singlestat valueName: current - title: API Operations showTitle: true height: 250px panels: - title: Create Server type: graph span: 4 leftYAxisLabel: "time" y_formats: - s - none targets: - target: alias(scale(stats.timers.nodepool.task.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.ServerCreate.mean, '0.001'), 'RH1') - title: Delete Server type: graph span: 4 leftYAxisLabel: "time" y_formats: - s - none targets: - target: alias(scale(stats.timers.nodepool.task.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.ServerDelete.mean, '0.001'), 'RH1') - title: Get Server type: graph span: 4 leftYAxisLabel: "time" y_formats: - s - none targets: - target: alias(scale(stats.timers.nodepool.task.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.ServerGet.mean, '0.001'), 'RH1') - title: List Servers type: graph span: 4 leftYAxisLabel: "time" y_formats: - s - none targets: - target: alias(scale(stats.timers.nodepool.task.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.ServerList.mean, '0.001'), 'RH1') - title: List Ports type: graph span: 4 leftYAxisLabel: "time" y_formats: - s - none targets: - target: alias(scale(stats.timers.nodepool.task.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.PortList.mean, '0.001'), 'RH1') - title: Create Floating IP type: graph span: 4 leftYAxisLabel: "time" y_formats: - s - none targets: - target: alias(scale(stats.timers.nodepool.task.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.NeutronFloatingIPCreate.mean, '0.001'), 'RH1') - title: Delete Floating IP type: graph span: 4 leftYAxisLabel: "time" y_formats: - s - none targets: - target: alias(scale(stats.timers.nodepool.task.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.NeutronFloatingIPDelete.mean, '0.001'), 'RH1') - title: List Floating IPs type: graph span: 4 leftYAxisLabel: "time" y_formats: - s - none targets: - target: alias(scale(stats.timers.nodepool.task.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.NeutronFloatingIPList.mean, '0.001'), 'RH1') - title: Node Launches showTitle: true height: 250px panels: - title: Ready Node Launch Attempts type: graph span: 4 nullPointMode: null as zero leftYAxisLabel: "events / min" targets: - target: alias(smartSummarize(stats_counts.nodepool.launch.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.ready, '1m'), 'RH1') - title: Error Node Launch Attempts type: graph span: 4 nullPointMode: null as zero leftYAxisLabel: "events / min" targets: - target: alias(smartSummarize(sumSeries(stats_counts.nodepool.launch.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.error.*), '1m'), 'RH1') - title: Time to Ready type: graph span: 4 leftYAxisLabel: "time" y_formats: - s - none targets: - target: alias(scale(stats.timers.nodepool.launch.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.ready.mean, '0.001'), 'RH1') - title: Test Nodes (RH1) type: graph span: 4 stack: true tooltip: value_type: individual leftYAxisLabel: "nodes" targets: - target: alias(stats.gauges.nodepool.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.nodes.building, 'Building') - target: alias(stats.gauges.nodepool.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.nodes.ready, 'Available') - target: alias(stats.gauges.nodepool.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.nodes.used, 'In Use') - target: alias(stats.gauges.nodepool.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.nodes.delete, 'Deleting') - target: alias(stats.gauges.nodepool.provider.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.max_servers, 'Max') seriesOverrides: - alias: Max stack: False - title: Job Runtimes showTitle: true height: 250px panels: - title: gate-tempest-dsvm-full type: graph span: 6 leftYAxisLabel: "time" y_formats: - s - none targets: - target: alias(scale(stats.timers.nodepool.job.gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ubuntu-xenial.master.ubuntu-xenial.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.runtime.mean, '0.001'), 'RH1') - title: gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full type: graph span: 6 leftYAxisLabel: "time" y_formats: - s - none targets: - target: alias(scale(stats.timers.nodepool.job.gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ubuntu-xenial.master.ubuntu-xenial.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.runtime.mean, '0.001'), 'RH1')