# Executes a command registered inside of package.json. For more information on # how this works, see https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/run-script. This build assumes # that whatever is being run under the hood, it will pipe its output to the # ./reports directory in the projects' root directory. This output is # subsequently copied to static.openstack.org (the clickthrough target from # gerrit). - job-template: name: 'gate-{name}-npm-run-{command}' wrappers: - build-timeout: timeout: 40 - timestamps builders: - npm-install - xvfb-install - chrome-install - firefox-install - revoke-sudo - xvfb-start - gerrit-git-prep - npm-run: command: '{command}' - assert-no-extra-files publishers: - console-log - coverage-log - scp: site: 'static.openstack.org' files: - target: 'logs/$LOG_PATH' source: 'reports/**' keep-hierarchy: true copy-after-failure: true node: '{node}' # Builds a draft application and uploads it to docs-draft. To use this build, # your Gruntfile must declare a target named "build:draft" - job-template: name: 'gate-{name}-js-draft' wrappers: - build-timeout: timeout: 40 - timestamps builders: - npm-install - revoke-sudo - gerrit-git-prep - js-build: command: 'build:draft' envlist: 'grunt' project: '{name}' - assert-no-extra-files publishers: - console-log - coverage-log - scp: site: 'static.openstack.org' files: - target: 'logs/$LOG_PATH' source: 'reports/**' keep-hierarchy: true copy-after-failure: true # We're uploading the compiled app as a pre-release sanity check, # much like we do with docs builds. - target: 'docs-draft/$LOG_PATH' source: 'dist/**' keep-hierarchy: true copy-after-failure: false node: '{node}' # Builds a release tarball - job-template: name: '{name}-js-release-{branch-designator}' builders: - npm-install - revoke-sudo - gerrit-git-prep - js-build: command: 'build' envlist: 'grunt' - shell: | #!/bin/bash -xe /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/version-properties.sh source version.properties # Clean/create a tarball directory rm -rf tarballs mkdir -p tarballs # Create an archive tarball. tar -czf {name}-$PROJECT_VER.tar.gz dist/ cp {name}-$PROJECT_VER.tar.gz tarballs/{name}-latest.tar.gz mv {name}-$PROJECT_VER.tar.gz tarballs/ publishers: - console-log - coverage-log - scp: site: 'static.openstack.org' files: - target: 'logs/$LOG_PATH' source: 'reports/**' keep-hierarchy: true copy-after-failure: true - target: 'tarballs/{name}/' source: 'tarballs/*.tar.gz' keep-hierarchy: false copy-after-failure: false node: '{node}' - job-group: name: javascript-jobs jobs: - 'gate-{name}-npm-run-{command}': command: 'lint' - 'gate-{name}-npm-run-{command}': command: 'test'