#!/usr/bin/env python

# Usage: normalize_acl.py acl.config [transformation [transformation [...]]]
# Transformations:
# all Apply all transformations.
# 0 - dry run (default, print to stdout rather than modifying file in place)
# 1 - strip/condense whitespace and sort (implied by any other transformation)
# 2 - get rid of unneeded create on refs/tags
# 3 - remove any project.stat{e,us} = active since it's a default or a typo
# 4 - strip default *.owner = group Administrators permissions
# 5 - sort the exclusiveGroupPermissions group lists
# 6 - replace openstack-ci-admins and openstack-ci-core with infra-core
# 7 - add at least one core team, if no team is defined with special suffixes
#     like core, admins, milestone or Users
# 8 - fix All-Projects inheritance shadowed by exclusiveGroupPermissions

import re
import sys

aclfile = sys.argv[1]

    transformations = sys.argv[2:]
    if transformations and transformations[0] == 'all':
        transformations = [str(x) for x in range(0, 9)]
except KeyError:
    transformations = []

def tokens(data):
    """Human-order comparison

    This handles embedded positive and negative integers, for sorting
    strings in a more human-friendly order."""
    data = data.replace('.', ' ').split()
    for n in range(len(data)):
            data[n] = int(data[n])
        except ValueError:
    return data

acl = {}
out = ''

valid_keys = {'abandon',

if '0' in transformations or not transformations:
    dry_run = True
    dry_run = False

aclfd = open(aclfile)
for line in aclfd:
    # condense whitespace to single spaces and get rid of leading/trailing
    line = re.sub('\s+', ' ', line).strip()
    # skip empty lines
    if not line:
    # this is a section heading
    if line.startswith('['):
        section = line.strip(' []')
        # use a list for this because some options can have the same "key"
        acl[section] = []
    # key=value lines
    elif '=' in line:
        # Check for valid keys
        key = line.split('=')[0].strip()
        if key not in valid_keys:
            raise Exception('Unrecognized key in line: "%s"' % line)
    # WTF
        raise Exception('Unrecognized line: "%s"' % line)

if '2' in transformations:
    for key in acl:
        if key.startswith('access "refs/tags/'):
            acl[key] = [
                x for x in acl[key]
                if not x.startswith('create = ')]

if '3' in transformations:
        acl['project'] = [x for x in acl['project'] if x not in
                          ('state = active', 'status = active')]
    except KeyError:

if '4' in transformations:
    for section in acl.keys():
        acl[section] = [x for x in acl[section] if x !=
                        'owner = group Administrators']

if '5' in transformations:
    for section in acl.keys():
        newsection = []
        for option in acl[section]:
            key, value = [x.strip() for x in option.split('=')]
            if key == 'exclusiveGroupPermissions':
                newsection.append('%s = %s' % (
                    key, ' '.join(sorted(value.split()))))
        acl[section] = newsection

if '6' in transformations:
    for section in acl.keys():
        newsection = []
        for option in acl[section]:
            for group in ('openstack-ci-admins', 'openstack-ci-core'):
                option = option.replace('group %s' % group, 'group infra-core')
        acl[section] = newsection

if '7' in transformations:
    special_projects = (
    special_teams = (
    for section in acl.keys():
        newsection = []
        for option in acl[section]:
            if ('refs/heads' in section and 'group' in option
                    and '-2..+2' in option
                    and not any(x in option for x in special_teams)
                    and not any(x in aclfile for x in special_projects)):
                option = '%s%s' % (option, '-core')
        acl[section] = newsection

if '8' in transformations:
    for section in acl.keys():
        newsection = []
        for option in acl[section]:
            key, value = [x.strip() for x in option.split('=')]
            if key == 'exclusiveGroupPermissions':
                exclusives = value.split()
                # It's safe for these to be duplicates since we de-dup later
                if 'abandon' in exclusives:
                    newsection.append('abandon = group Change Owner')
                    newsection.append('abandon = group Project Bootstrappers')
                if 'label-Code-Review' in exclusives:
                    newsection.append('label-Code-Review = -2..+2 '
                                      'group Project Bootstrappers')
                    newsection.append('label-Code-Review = -1..+1 '
                                      'group Registered Users')
                if 'label-Workflow' in exclusives:
                    newsection.append('label-Workflow = -1..+1 '
                                      'group Project Bootstrappers')
                    newsection.append('label-Workflow = -1..+0 '
                                      'group Change Owner')
        acl[section] = newsection

for section in sorted(acl.keys()):
    if acl[section]:
        out += '\n[%s]\n' % section
        lastoption = ''
        for option in sorted(acl[section], key=tokens):
            if option != lastoption:
                out += '%s\n' % option
            lastoption = option

if dry_run:
    aclfd = open(aclfile, 'w')