# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from io import BytesIO import json from lxml import etree import os import re import requests try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser try: from urllib.parse import urljoin except ImportError: from urlparse import urljoin class IniConfig: """Object that stores zanata.ini configuration Read zanata.ini and make its values available. Attributes: inifile: The path to the ini file to load values from. """ def __init__(self, inifile): self.inifile = inifile self._load_config() def _load_config(self): """Load configuration from the zanata.ini file Parses the ini file and stores its data. """ if not os.path.isfile(self.inifile): raise ValueError('zanata.ini file not found.') config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: config.read(self.inifile) except configparser.Error: raise ValueError('zanata.ini could not be parsed, please check ' 'format.') for item in config.items('servers'): item_type = item[0].split('.')[1] if item_type in ('username', 'key', 'url'): setattr(self, item_type, item[1]) class ZanataRestService: def __init__(self, zconfig, content_type='application/xml', verify=True): self.url = zconfig.url if "charset" not in content_type: content_type = "%s;charset=utf8" % content_type self.headers = {'Accept': content_type, 'Content-Type': content_type, 'X-Auth-User': zconfig.username, 'X-Auth-Token': zconfig.key} self.verify = verify def _construct_url(self, url_fragment): return urljoin(self.url, url_fragment) def query(self, url_fragment, raise_errors=True): request_url = self._construct_url(url_fragment) try: r = requests.get(request_url, verify=self.verify, headers=self.headers) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ValueError('Connection error') if raise_errors and r.status_code != 200: raise ValueError('Got status code %s for %s' % (r.status_code, request_url)) if raise_errors and not r.content: raise ValueError('Did not receive any data from %s' % request_url) return r def push(self, url_fragment, data): request_url = self._construct_url(url_fragment) try: return requests.put(request_url, verify=self.verify, headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(data)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ValueError('Connection error') class ProjectConfig: """Object that stores zanata.xml per-project configuration. Write out a zanata.xml file for the project given the supplied values. Attributes: zconfig (IniConfig): zanata.ini values xmlfile (str): path to zanata.xml to read or write rules (list): list of two-ples with pattern and rules """ def __init__(self, zconfig, xmlfile, rules, verify, **kwargs): self.rest_service = ZanataRestService(zconfig, verify=verify) self.xmlfile = xmlfile self.rules = self._parse_rules(rules) for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) self._create_config() def _get_tag_prefix(self, root): """XML utility method Get the namespace of the XML file so we can use it to search for tags. """ return '{%s}' % etree.QName(root).namespace def _parse_rules(self, rules): """Parse a two-ple of pattern, rule. Returns a list of dictionaries with 'pattern' and 'rule' keys. """ return [{'pattern': rule[0], 'rule': rule[1]} for rule in rules] def _create_config(self): """Create zanata.xml Use the supplied parameters to create zanata.xml by downloading a base version of the file and adding customizations. """ xml = self._fetch_zanata_xml() self._add_configuration(xml) self._write_xml(xml) def _fetch_zanata_xml(self): """Get base zanata.xml Download a basic version of the configuration for the project using Zanata's REST API. """ r = self.rest_service.query( '/rest/projects/p/%s/iterations/i/%s/config' % (self.project, self.version)) project_config = r.content p = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) try: xml = etree.parse(BytesIO(project_config), p) except etree.ParseError: raise ValueError('Error parsing xml output') return xml def _add_configuration(self, xml): """ Insert additional configuration Add locale mapping rules to the base zanata.xml retrieved from the server. Args: xml (etree): zanata.xml file contents """ root = xml.getroot() s = etree.SubElement(root, 'src-dir') s.text = self.srcdir t = etree.SubElement(root, 'trans-dir') t.text = self.txdir rules = etree.SubElement(root, 'rules') for rule in self.rules: new_rule = etree.SubElement(rules, 'rule') new_rule.attrib['pattern'] = rule['pattern'] new_rule.text = rule['rule'] if self.excludes: excludes = etree.SubElement(root, 'excludes') excludes.text = self.excludes tag_prefix = self._get_tag_prefix(root) # Work around https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1219624 # by removing port number in URL if it's there url = root.find('%surl' % tag_prefix) url.text = re.sub(':443', '', url.text) def _write_xml(self, xml): """Write xml Write out xml to zanata.xml. """ try: xml.write(self.xmlfile, pretty_print=True) except IOError: raise ValueError('Error writing zanata.xml.')