#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2017 SUSE Linux GmbH # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import yaml projects_yaml = 'zuul.d/projects.yaml' projects = yaml.safe_load(open(projects_yaml)) def normalize(s): "Normalize string for comparison." return s.lower().replace("_", "-") def check_projects_sorted(): """Check that the projects are in alphabetical order per section.""" print("\nChecking project list for alphabetical order") print("============================================") errors = False last = "" for entry in projects: current = entry['project']['name'] if (normalize(last) > normalize(current)): print(" ERROR: Wrong alphabetical order: %(last)s, %(current)s" % {"last": last, "current": current}) errors = True last = current if not errors: print("... all fine.") return errors def check_release_jobs(): """Minimal release job checks.""" release_templates = [ 'release-openstack-server', 'publish-to-pypi', 'publish-to-pypi-neutron', 'publish-to-pypi-horizon', 'puppet-release-jobs', 'nodejs4-publish-to-npm', 'nodejs6-publish-to-npm', 'xstatic-publish-jobs' ] errors = False print("\nChecking release jobs") print("======================") for entry in projects: project = entry['project'] name = project['name'] found = [tmpl for tmpl in project.get('templates', []) if tmpl in release_templates] if len(found) > 1: errors = True print(" ERROR: Found multiple release jobs for %s:" % name) for x in found: print(" %s" % x) print(" Use only one of them.") if not errors: print("... all fine.") return errors def blacklist_jobs(): """Check that certain jobs and templates are *not* used.""" # Currently only handles templates blacklist_templates = [ 'system-required' ] errors = False print("\nChecking for obsolete jobs and templates") print("=========================================") for entry in projects: project = entry['project'] name = project['name'] # The openstack catch all contains system-required, so skip that one. if name == "^openstack.*": continue if name.startswith("^(airship|"): continue found = [tmpl for tmpl in project.get('templates', []) if tmpl in blacklist_templates] if found: errors = True print(" ERROR: Found obsolete template for %s:" % name) for x in found: print(" %s" % x) print(" Remove it.") if not errors: print("... all fine.") return errors def check_pipeline(project, job_pipeline, pipeline_name): errors = False for job in job_pipeline: if isinstance(job, dict): for name in job: if ('voting' in job[name] and (not job[name]['voting'])): errors = True print(" Found non-voting job in %s:" % pipeline_name) print(" project: %s" % project['name']) print(" job: %s" % name) return errors def check_pipelines(project, pipeline_name): errors = False if pipeline_name in project and 'jobs' in project[pipeline_name]: errors = check_pipeline(project, project[pipeline_name]['jobs'], pipeline_name) return errors def check_voting(): errors = False print("\nChecking voting status of jobs") print("==============================") for entry in projects: project = entry['project'] errors |= check_pipelines(project, 'gate') errors |= check_pipelines(project, 'experimental') errors |= check_pipelines(project, 'post') errors |= check_pipelines(project, 'periodic') errors |= check_pipelines(project, 'periodic-stable') if errors: print(" Note the following about non-voting jobs in pipelines:") print(" * Never run non-voting jobs in gate pipeline, they just") print(" waste resources, remove such jobs.") print(" * Experimental, periodic, and post pipelines are always") print(" non-voting. The 'voting: false' line is redundant, remove") print(" it.") else: print("... all fine.") return errors def check_only_boilerplate(): """Check for redundant boilerplate with not jobs.""" errors = False print("\nChecking that every project has entries") print("======================") for entry in projects: project = entry['project'] if len(project.keys()) <= 1: name = project['name'] errors = True print(" Found project %s with no jobs configured." % name) if errors: print("Errors found!\n") print("Do not add projects with only names entry but no jobs,") print("remove the entry completely - unless you forgot to add jobs.") else: print("... all fine.") return errors def check_all(): errors = check_projects_sorted() errors = blacklist_jobs() or errors errors = check_release_jobs() or errors errors = check_voting() or errors errors = check_only_boilerplate() or errors if errors: print("\nFound errors in zuul.d/projects.yaml!\n") else: print("\nNo errors found in zuul.d/projects.yaml!\n") return errors if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(check_all())