#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Copyright 2020 Thierry Carrez <thierry@openstack.org> # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import os import sys import time import github import requests from requests.packages import urllib3 import yaml # Turn of warnings about bad SSL config. # https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings urllib3.disable_warnings() DESC_SUFFIX = ' Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.' ARCHIVE_ORG = 'openstack-archive' DEFAULT_TEAM_ID = 73197 PR_CLOSING_TEXT = ( "Thank you for your contribution!\n\n" "This GitHub repository is just a mirror of %(url)s, where development " "really happens. Pull requests proposed on GitHub are automatically " "closed.\n\n" "If you are interested in pushing this code upstream, please note " "that OpenStack development uses Gerrit for change proposal and code " "review.\n\n" "If you have never contributed to OpenStack before, please see:\n" "https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/code-and-documentation/" "quick-start.html" "\n\nFeel free to reach out to the First Contact SIG by sending an " "email to the openstack-discuss list with the tag '[First Contact]' " "in the subject line. To email the mailing list, you must first " "subscribe which can be done here:\n" "http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-discuss" ) def homepage(repo): return 'https://opendev.org/' + repo def reponame(org, fullname): owner, name = fullname.split('/') if org.login != owner: raise ValueError(f'{fullname} does not match target org ({org.login})') return name def load_from_project_config(project_config, org='openstack'): print('Loading project config...') pc = {} proj_yaml_filename = os.path.join(project_config, 'gerrit/projects.yaml') with open(proj_yaml_filename, 'r') as proj_yaml: for project in yaml.safe_load(proj_yaml): if project['project'].startswith(org + '/'): desc = project.get('description', '') if desc and desc[-1:] != '.': desc += '.' desc += DESC_SUFFIX pc[project['project']] = desc print(f'\rLoaded {len(pc)} project descriptions from configuration.') return pc def list_repos_in_zuul(project_config, tenant='openstack', org='openstack'): print('Loading Zuul repos...') repos = set() main_yaml_filename = os.path.join(project_config, 'zuul/main.yaml') with open(main_yaml_filename, 'r') as main_yaml: for t in yaml.safe_load(main_yaml): if 'tenant' in t and t['tenant']['name'] == tenant: for ps, pt in t['tenant']['source']['gerrit'].items(): for elem in pt: if type(elem) is dict: for k, v in elem.items(): if k.startswith(org + '/'): repos.add(k) else: if elem.startswith(org + '/'): repos.add(elem) print(f'Loaded {len(repos)} repositories from Gerrit.') return repos def list_repos_in_governance(governance, org='openstack'): print('Loading governance repos...') repos = set() proj_yaml_filename = os.path.join(governance, 'reference/projects.yaml') with open(proj_yaml_filename, 'r') as proj_yaml: for pname, project in yaml.safe_load(proj_yaml).items(): for dname, deliv in project.get('deliverables', dict()).items(): for r in deliv['repos']: if r.startswith(org + '/'): repos.add(r) extrafiles = ['sigs-repos.yaml', 'technical-committee-repos.yaml', 'user-committee-repos.yaml'] for extrafile in extrafiles: yaml_filename = os.path.join(governance, 'reference', extrafile) if not os.path.exists(yaml_filename): print(f'Skipping {extrafile} as it no longer exists') continue with open(yaml_filename, 'r') as extra_yaml: for pname, project in yaml.safe_load(extra_yaml).items(): for r in project: if r['repo'].startswith(org + '/'): repos.add(r['repo']) print(f'Loaded {len(repos)} repositories from governance.') return repos def load_github_repositories(org): print('Loading GitHub repository list from GitHub...') gh_repos = {} for repo in org.get_repos(): gh_repos[repo.full_name] = repo print(f'Loaded {len(gh_repos)} repositories from GitHub. ') return gh_repos def transfer_repository(repofullname, newowner=ARCHIVE_ORG): # Transfer repository is not yet supported by PyGitHub, so call directly token = os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN'] url = f'https://api.github.com/repos/{repofullname}/transfer' res = requests.post(url, headers={'Authorization': f'token {token}'}, json={'new_owner': newowner}) if res.status_code != 202: raise github.GithubException(res.status_code, res.text) def archive_repository(archive_org, shortname): repository = archive_org.get_repo(shortname) repository.edit(archived=True) def create_repository(org, repofullname, desc, homepage): name = reponame(org, repofullname) org.create_repo(name=name, description=desc, homepage=homepage, has_issues=False, has_projects=False, has_wiki=False, team_id=DEFAULT_TEAM_ID) def update_repository(org, repofullname, desc, homepage): name = reponame(org, repofullname) repository = org.get_repo(name) repository.edit(description=desc, homepage=homepage) def close_pull_request(org, repofullname, github_pr): github_pr.create_issue_comment( PR_CLOSING_TEXT % {'url': homepage(repofullname)}) github_pr.edit(state="closed") def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( 'project_config', help='directory containing the project-config repository') parser.add_argument( 'governance', help='directory containing the governance repository') parser.add_argument( '--dryrun', default=False, help='do not actually do anything', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args(args) try: gh = github.Github(os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN']) org = gh.get_organization('openstack') archive_org = gh.get_organization(ARCHIVE_ORG) except KeyError: print('Aborting: missing GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable') sys.exit(1) if args.dryrun: print('Running in dry run mode, no action will be actually taken') # Load data from Gerrit and GitHub gerrit_descriptions = load_from_project_config(args.project_config) in_governance = list_repos_in_governance(args.governance) in_zuul = list_repos_in_zuul(args.project_config) if in_governance != in_zuul: print("\nWarning, projects defined in Zuul do not match governance:") print("\nIn Governance but not in Zuul (should be cleaned up):") for repo in in_governance.difference(in_zuul): print(repo) print("\nIn Zuul but not in Governance (retirement in progress?):") for repo in in_zuul.difference(in_governance): print(repo) print() github_repos = load_github_repositories(org) in_github = set(github_repos.keys()) print("\nUpdating repository descriptions:") for repo in in_github.intersection(in_zuul): if ((github_repos[repo].description != gerrit_descriptions[repo]) or (github_repos[repo].homepage != homepage(repo))): print(repo, end=' - ', flush=True) if args.dryrun: print('nothing done (--dryrun)') else: update_repository(org, repo, gerrit_descriptions[repo], homepage(repo)) print('description updated') time.sleep(1) print("\nArchiving repositories that are in GitHub but not in Zuul:") for repo in in_github.difference(in_zuul): print(repo, end=' - ', flush=True) if args.dryrun: print('nothing done (--dryrun)') else: transfer_repository(repo) print(f'moved to {ARCHIVE_ORG}', end=' - ', flush=True) time.sleep(10) archive_repository(archive_org, reponame(org, repo)) print('archived') time.sleep(1) print("\nCreating repos that are in Zuul & governance but not in Github:") for repo in (in_zuul.intersection(in_governance)).difference(in_github): print(repo, end=' - ', flush=True) if args.dryrun: print('nothing done (--dryrun)') else: create_repository(org, repo, gerrit_descriptions[repo], homepage(repo)) print('created') time.sleep(1) print("\nIterating through all Github repositories to close PRs:") for repo, gh_repository in github_repos.items(): for req in gh_repository.get_pulls("open"): print(f'Closing PR#{req.number} in {repo}', end=' - ', flush=True) if args.dryrun: print('nothing done (--dryrun)') else: close_pull_request(org, repo, req) print('closed') time.sleep(1) print("Done.") if __name__ == '__main__': main()