- job-template: name: '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-networking-ovn{branch-designator}' node: '{node}' wrappers: - build-timeout: timeout: 125 - timestamps builders: - link-logs - net-info - devstack-checkout - shell: | #!/bin/bash -xe export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true export DEVSTACK_GATE_TIMEOUT=120 export DEVSTACK_GATE_NEUTRON=1 # For now, simply enable bringing stack.sh up with OVN, we can't # test anything until OVN is more functional, but this job will # ensure OVN at least comes up with devstack export DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST=0 # Enable only a very minimal set of services for OVN export OVERRIDE_ENABLED_SERVICES=ovn,q-svc,q-dhcp,q-l3,key,mysql,rabbit export BRANCH_OVERRIDE={branch-override} if [ "$BRANCH_OVERRIDE" != "default" ] ; then export OVERRIDE_ZUUL_BRANCH=$BRANCH_OVERRIDE fi # Because we are testing a non standard project, add # our project repository. This makes zuul do the right # reference magic for testing changes. export PROJECTS="stackforge/networking-ovn $PROJECTS" # Note the actual url here is somewhat irrelevant because it # caches in nodepool, however make it a valid url for # documentation purposes. export DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG="enable_plugin networking-ovn git://git.openstack.org/stackforge/networking-ovn" # Keep localrc to be able to set some vars in pre_test_hook export KEEP_LOCALRC=1 cp devstack-gate/devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh ./safe-devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh ./safe-devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh publishers: - devstack-logs - console-log