All of these invocations of the bindep role are passing what amount to the defaults. In zuul-jobs, doing bindep_dir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}" is important because it allows in-repo uses of those jobs to override how they work for things like triggering from one repo but running on another. The publication jobs in project-config do not need that level of flexibility, so just remove params and let defaults take over. As a follow up, we could also add defaults for zuul_work_dir - and honestly for bindep_dir - to the base job. That way we can always count on them being set to a sane default value, and they're still overrideable in a job. Change-Id: I5bcda84aefa4726d0a904e8bc9698c21ca07f9a5
24 lines
815 B
24 lines
815 B
- hosts: all
# This is tempoarary until v2 is gone and we can rework things
- name: Add origin remote to enable notes fetching
command: "git remote add origin https://{{ item.canonical_name }}"
chdir: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/src/{{ item.canonical_name }}"
with_items: "{{ zuul.projects.values() | list }}"
# ANSIBLE0006: git remote add is not supported by ansible module
- skip_ansible_lint
- role: configure-git
user.name: OpenStack Release Bot
user.email: infra-root@openstack.org
user.signingkey: infra-root@openstack.org
gitreview.username: release
- bindep
- legacy-copy-project-config-scripts
- add-sshkey
- add-launchpad-credentials
- add-gpgkey