This takes a list of projects from stdin in the format of aeromancer anvil blazar and renames stackforge/aeromancer, stackforge/anvil, and stackforge/blazar to openstack/aeromancer, openstack/anvil, and openstack/blazar respectively in gerrit/projects.yaml, gerritbot/channels.yaml, zuul/layout.html, and every file in jenkins/jobs/ , as well as renaming acl files. A side effect of this process is that comments will be stripped from gerritbot/channels.yaml ; if you are committing the results of a run of this script, please re-add the comments manually unless we come up with a more elegant solution. This script also has test coverage for verification and documentation. Also included is a WIP list of renames in data/stackforge-renames, as per http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-infra/%23openstack-infra.2015-10-13.log.html#t2015-10-13T20:10:17 and a WIP list of retirements in data/stackforge-retirements, which is not used by the script in this change. Co-Authored-By: Augustina Ragwitz <aragwitz+lp@pobox.com> Change-Id: Iaf2a13d8b9b9a840d9fde07ec1ef65d1c9e90e8e
198 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable File
198 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This takes a list of projects from stdin in the format of
# aeromancer
# anvil
# blazar
# and renames stackforge/aeromancer, stackforge/anvil, and stackforge/blazar
# to openstack/aeromancer, openstack/anvil, and openstack/blazar respectively
# in
# gerrit/projects.yaml
# gerritbot/channels.yaml
# zuul/layout.yaml
# jenkins/jobs/*
# , as well as invoking a series of `git mv` and `git add` commands for
# renaming acl files and otherwise staging a single commit
import functools
import locale
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import yaml
from collections import OrderedDict
import projectconfig_yamllib as pcy
def build_list(prefix, renamelist):
return map(lambda x: "%s/%s" % (prefix, x), renamelist)
def load_yaml_data(filename):
data = yaml.load(open(filename)) # TODO raise error if open fails
return data
class ProjectData:
def __init__(self, data, gitmoves):
self.data = data
self.gitmoves = gitmoves
def build_project_data(stacklist, data):
gitmoves = {}
for project in data:
sproject = project['project']
oproject = sproject.replace('stackforge','openstack',1)
if sproject in stacklist:
project['project'] = oproject
old = project['acl-config']
new = old.replace('stackforge','openstack',1)
project['acl-config'] = new
gitmoves[old.replace('/home/gerrit2','gerrit')] = new.replace('/home/gerrit2','gerrit')
except KeyError:
aclfile = "gerrit/acls/%s.config" % sproject
if os.path.isfile(aclfile):
gitmoves[aclfile] = aclfile.replace('stackforge','openstack',1)
# this is mildly disgusting
sorteddata = sorted(data, key=lambda t: locale.strxfrm(t['project'].lower().replace("_", "}")))
return ProjectData(sorteddata, gitmoves)
def rename_in_projects_yaml(stacklist, data):
errors = False # TODO add error checking
newdata = build_project_data(stacklist,data).data
with open('gerrit/projects.yaml', 'w') as out: # TODO raise error if open fails
out.write(yaml.dump(newdata, default_flow_style=False,
Dumper=pcy.IndentedDumper, width=80))
return True
def load_channel_data(filename):
data = yaml.load(open(filename)) # TODO raise error if open fails
return data
def build_channel_data(stacklist, data):
for k,v in data.items():
newprojects = []
for i in v['projects']:
if i in stacklist:
v['projects'] = sorted(newprojects)
return data
def rename_in_channels_yaml(stacklist, ydata):
errors = False # TODO add error handling
data = build_channel_data(stacklist, ydata)
with open('gerritbot/channels.yaml', 'w') as out:
out.write('# This file is sorted alphabetically by channel name.\n')
first = True
for k, v in data.items():
if not first:
first = False
out.write(yaml.dump({k: v}, default_flow_style=False,
Dumper=pcy.IndentedDumper, width=80, indent=2))
return True
def rename_with_sed(zuullayout, targetfile, stacklist, openlist):
errors = False #TODO add error handling
h, fn = tempfile.mkstemp()
with os.fdopen(h, 'w') as out:
for f,t in zip(stacklist,openlist):
if zuullayout:
out.write("s#name: %s[[:space:]]*$#name: %s#;\n" % (f,t))
out.write("s#%s\\([ /]\\)#%s\\1#;\n" % (f,t))
out.write("s#%s$#%s#;\n" % (f,t))
subprocess.call(['sed', '-f', fn, '-i', targetfile])
return True
filesToChange = {
'gerrit/projects.yaml' : { 'data': False,
'func': rename_in_projects_yaml
'gerritbot/channels.yaml': { 'data': False,
'func': rename_in_channels_yaml
'zuul/layout.yaml' : { 'data': False,
'func': functools.partial(rename_with_sed, True, 'zuul/layout.yaml')
def main():
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_COLLATE, 'C')
yaml.add_representer(OrderedDict, pcy.project_representer,
if os.isatty(0):
sys.stderr.write('You appear to be typing in the list of projects by hand rather than\n')
sys.stderr.write('using file redirection or a pipe. If this is your intent, send an\n')
sys.stderr.write('EOF by typing Ctrl-D on a blank line after the complete list has\n')
sys.stderr.write('been entered.\n\n')
renamelist = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin.readlines()]
stacklist = build_list('stackforge', renamelist)
openlist = build_list('openstack', renamelist)
pdata = build_project_data(stacklist, load_yaml_data('gerrit/projects.yaml'))
filesToChange['zuul/layout.yaml']['data'] = openlist
# because Python isn't lazy
filesToChange['gerrit/projects.yaml']['data'] = pdata.data
filesToChange['gerritbot/channels.yaml']['data'] = load_yaml_data('gerritbot/channels.yaml')
for f in filesToChange:
sys.stderr.write("working on %s\n" % f)
filesToChange[f]['func'](stacklist, filesToChange[f]['data'])
subprocess.call(['git', 'add', f])
sys.stderr.write("updated %s\n" % f)
for t in os.listdir('jenkins/jobs'):
f = os.path.join('jenkins/jobs', t)
sys.stderr.write("working on %s\n" % f)
rename_with_sed(False, f, stacklist, openlist)
subprocess.call(['git', 'add', f])
sys.stderr.write("updated %s\n" % f)
for s,o in pdata.gitmoves.items():
sys.stderr.write("renaming %s to %s\n" % (s, o))
subprocess.call(['git', 'mv', s, o])
if __name__ == '__main__':