This takes a list of projects from stdin in the format of aeromancer anvil blazar and renames stackforge/aeromancer, stackforge/anvil, and stackforge/blazar to openstack/aeromancer, openstack/anvil, and openstack/blazar respectively in gerrit/projects.yaml, gerritbot/channels.yaml, zuul/layout.html, and every file in jenkins/jobs/ , as well as renaming acl files. A side effect of this process is that comments will be stripped from gerritbot/channels.yaml ; if you are committing the results of a run of this script, please re-add the comments manually unless we come up with a more elegant solution. This script also has test coverage for verification and documentation. Also included is a WIP list of renames in data/stackforge-renames, as per http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-infra/%23openstack-infra.2015-10-13.log.html#t2015-10-13T20:10:17 and a WIP list of retirements in data/stackforge-retirements, which is not used by the script in this change. Co-Authored-By: Augustina Ragwitz <aragwitz+lp@pobox.com> Change-Id: Iaf2a13d8b9b9a840d9fde07ec1ef65d1c9e90e8e
470 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
470 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import unittest
import sys
import yaml
import six
import mass_rename_projects
class TestMassRenameProjects(unittest.TestCase):
# Verify the files we're including in this change process
def test_filesToChange(self):
gotFilenames = mass_rename_projects.filesToChange.keys()
expectedFilenames = [
six.assertCountEqual(self, gotFilenames, expectedFilenames, "Check that we're modifying the expected files")
# TODO check projects yaml
def test_projects_yaml(self):
renamelist = [
'glance', # openstack project that doesn't need to be renamed
'fuel', # fake project but this text exists in places in the projects.yaml file
'fuel-tasklib', # stackforge project with groups and other nested attributes
'xstatic-jquery.tablesorter', # stackforge project with acl attribute
'anvil', # stackforge project, minimal attributes
'fake-project', # project name doesn't exist
'anvil-fake' # non-existant project with similar prefix
projectYaml = """
- project: stackforge/anvil
description: A set of python scripts and utilities to forge raw OpenStack into a productive tool!
- project: openstack/glance
docimpact-group: openstack-manuals
description: OpenStack Image Management (Glance)
- translate
- project: stackforge/fuel-stats
- fuel
description: Fuel anonymous statistics collector
docimpact-group: fuel
- project: stackforge/fuel-tasklib
description: Fuel tasks library.
docimpact-group: fuel
- fuel
- project: stackforge/xstatic-jquery.tablesorter
description: Tablesorter jQuery plugin packaged as XStatic.
acl-config: /home/gerrit2/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config
- project: stackforge/yaql
description: Yet another query language
data = yaml.load(projectYaml)
stacklist = mass_rename_projects.build_list("stackforge", renamelist)
result = mass_rename_projects.build_project_data(stacklist, data)
gotData = result.data
gotGitmoves = result.gitmoves
# check result
expectedData = [
'project': 'openstack/anvil',
'description': 'A set of python scripts and utilities to forge raw OpenStack into a productive tool!'
'project': 'openstack/fuel-tasklib',
'docimpact-group': 'fuel',
'description': 'Fuel tasks library.',
'groups': ['fuel']
'project': 'openstack/glance',
'docimpact-group': 'openstack-manuals',
'description': 'OpenStack Image Management (Glance)',
'options': ['translate']},
'project': 'stackforge/fuel-stats',
'docimpact-group': 'fuel',
'description': 'Fuel anonymous statistics collector',
'groups': ['fuel']
'project': 'openstack/xstatic-jquery.tablesorter',
'acl-config': '/home/gerrit2/acls/openstack/xstatic.config',
'description': 'Tablesorter jQuery plugin packaged as XStatic.'},
'project': 'stackforge/yaql',
'description': 'Yet another query language'
six.assertCountEqual(self, gotData, expectedData, "Check results of projects.yaml renames")
# check gitmoves, should only be stackforge projects
expectedGitmoves = {
'gerrit/acls/stackforge/anvil.config' : 'gerrit/acls/openstack/anvil.config',
'gerrit/acls/stackforge/xstatic.config' : 'gerrit/acls/openstack/xstatic.config',
'gerrit/acls/stackforge/fuel-tasklib.config': 'gerrit/acls/openstack/fuel-tasklib.config'
six.assertCountEqual(self, gotGitmoves, expectedGitmoves, "Check git command output for projects.yaml renames")
def test_channels_yaml(self):
channelsYaml = """
- patchset-created
- change-merged
- x-vrif-minus-2
- openstack/fuel-plugin-bigswitch
- openstack/fuel-plugin-block-device
- openstack/fuel-plugin-openbook
- openstack/fuel-plugin-purestorage-cinder
- openstack/fuel-plugin-scaleio
- openstack/fuel-plugin-wstunnel
- openstack/fuel-plugin-xenserver
- openstack/fuel-plugin-zabbix-agents
- stackforge/fuel-agent
- stackforge/fuel-astute
- stackforge/fuel-dev-tools
- stackforge/fuel-devops
- stackforge/fuel-docs
- stackforge/fuel-library
- stackforge/fuel-main
- stackforge/fuel-mirror
- stackforge/fuel-nailgun-agent
- stackforge/fuel-octane
- stackforge/fuel-ostf
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-availability-zones
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-calamari
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-calico
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-ceilometer-redis
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-cinder-netapp
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-cisco-aci
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-contrail
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-dbaas-trove
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-detach-database
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-detach-keystone
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-detach-rabbitmq
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-elasticsearch-kibana
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-external-emc
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-external-glusterfs
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-external-zabbix
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-glance-nfs
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-ha-fencing
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-influxdb-grafana
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-ironic
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-ldap
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-lma-collector
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-lma-infrastructure-alerting
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-mellanox
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-midonet
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-neutron-fwaas
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-neutron-lbaas
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-neutron-vpnaas
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-nova-nfs
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-nsxv
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-opendaylight
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-saltstack
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-solidfire-cinder
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-swiftstack
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-tintri-cinder
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-tls
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-vmware-dvs
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-vxlan
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-zabbix-monitoring-emc
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-zabbix-monitoring-extreme-networks
- stackforge/fuel-plugin-zabbix-snmptrapd
- stackforge/fuel-plugins
- stackforge/fuel-provision
- stackforge/fuel-qa
- stackforge/fuel-specs
- stackforge/fuel-stats
- stackforge/fuel-tasklib
- stackforge/fuel-upgrade
- stackforge/fuel-web
- stackforge/python-fuelclient
- master
- patchset-created
- change-merged
- x-vrif-minus-2
- stackforge/anvil
- master
- patchset-created
- change-merged
- x-vrif-minus-2
- openstack/glance
- openstack/glance-specs
- openstack/glance_store
- openstack/python-glanceclient
- master
- patchset-created
- change-merged
- x-vrif-minus-2
- openstack/django-openstack-auth-kerberos
- openstack/django_openstack_auth
- openstack/horizon
- openstack/manila-ui
- openstack/tuskar-ui
- stackforge/xstatic-angular
- stackforge/xstatic-angular-animate
- stackforge/xstatic-angular-bootstrap
- stackforge/xstatic-angular-cookies
- stackforge/xstatic-angular-fileupload
- stackforge/xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop
- stackforge/xstatic-angular-mock
- stackforge/xstatic-angular-sanitize
- stackforge/xstatic-angular-smart-table
- stackforge/xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker
- stackforge/xstatic-bootstrap-scss
- stackforge/xstatic-d3
- stackforge/xstatic-font-awesome
- stackforge/xstatic-hogan
- stackforge/xstatic-jasmine
- stackforge/xstatic-jquery-migrate
- stackforge/xstatic-jquery.bootstrap.wizard
- stackforge/xstatic-jquery.quicksearch
- stackforge/xstatic-jquery.tablesorter
- stackforge/xstatic-jsencrypt
- stackforge/xstatic-magic-search
- stackforge/xstatic-qunit
- stackforge/xstatic-rickshaw
- stackforge/xstatic-spin
- master
renamelist = [
'glance', # openstack project that doesn't need to be renamed
'fuel', # fake project but this text exists in places in the projects.yaml file
'fuel-tasklib', # stackforge project with groups and other nested attributes
'xstatic-jquery.tablesorter', # stackforge project with acl attribute
'anvil', # stackforge project, minimal attributes
'fake-project', # project name doesn't exist
'anvil-fake' # non-existant project with similar prefix
data = yaml.load(channelsYaml)
stacklist = mass_rename_projects.build_list("stackforge", renamelist)
gotData = mass_rename_projects.build_channel_data(stacklist, data)
# check result
expectedData = {
'fuel-tracker': {
'branches': [
'events': [
'projects': [
'openstack-glance': {
'branches': [
'events': [
'projects': [
'openstack-anvil': {
'branches': [
'events': [
'projects': [
'openstack-horizon': {
'branches': [
'events': [
'projects': [
six.assertCountEqual(self, gotData, expectedData, "Check result for channels.yaml renames")
# TODO check zuul layout
def test_zuul_layout(self):
renamelist = [
'glance', # openstack project that doesn't need to be renamed
'fuel', # fake project but this text exists in places in the projects.yaml file
'fuel-tasklib', # stackforge project with groups and other nested attributes
'xstatic-jquery.tablesorter', # stackforge project with acl attribute
'anvil', # stackforge project, minimal attributes
'fake-project', # project name doesn't exist
'anvil-fake' # non-existant project with similar prefix
# not currently needed because the actual script shells out to sed
layoutYaml = """
openlist = mass_rename_projects.build_list('openstack', renamelist) # zuul layout just uses the openlist as its data
expectedOpenlist = [
six.assertCountEqual(self, openlist, expectedOpenlist, "Check zuul layout data")
if __name__ == '__main__':