We need to be explicit that we want the npm upload job to run on the release slave otherwise gearman will attempt to run it on the default slave label which will fail because that job won't be registered. To do this rename the job so that it matches existing convention which makes the regex easier to read/write. Then update the reuseable slave regex to include the job which will force it to run on release slave without offlining the slave. Change-Id: I26355680f2d8fc3fa5f514370d1586deb701c21c
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# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
def set_log_url(item, job, params):
if hasattr(item.change, 'refspec'):
path = "%s/%s/%s/%s/" % (
params['ZUUL_CHANGE'][-2:], params['ZUUL_CHANGE'],
params['ZUUL_PATCHSET'], params['ZUUL_PIPELINE'])
elif hasattr(item.change, 'ref'):
path = "%s/%s/%s/" % (
params['ZUUL_NEWREV'][:2], params['ZUUL_NEWREV'],
path = params['ZUUL_PIPELINE'] + '/'
params['BASE_LOG_PATH'] = path
params['LOG_PATH'] = path + '%s/%s/' % (job.name,
def reusable_node(item, job, params):
def devstack_params(item, job, params):
change = item.change
# Note we can't fallback on the default labels because
# jenkins uses 'devstack-precise || devstack-trusty'.
# This is necessary to get the gearman plugin to register
# gearman jobs with both node labels.
# Remove this when we are done doing prelimindary dib testing.
if 'icehouse-dibtest' in job.name:
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'devstack-precise-dib'
elif 'multinode' in job.name and 'dibtest' in job.name:
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'ubuntu-trusty-2-node'
elif 'dibtest' in job.name:
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'ubuntu-trusty'
elif ((hasattr(change, 'branch') and
change.branch == 'stable/icehouse') or
('icehouse' in job.name or
'precise' in job.name)):
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'devstack-precise'
elif 'centos7' in job.name:
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'devstack-centos7'
elif 'multinode' in job.name:
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'devstack-trusty-2-node'
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'devstack-trusty'
def default_params_precise(item, job, params):
if 'trusty' in job.name:
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'bare-trusty'
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'bare-precise'
def default_params_trusty(item, job, params):
change = item.change
# Note we can't fallback on the default labels because
# jenkins uses 'bare-precise || bare-trusty'.
# This is necessary to get the gearman plugin to register
# gearman jobs with both node labels.
if ((hasattr(change, 'branch') and
change.branch == 'stable/icehouse') or
('icehouse' in job.name or
'precise' in job.name)):
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'bare-precise'
elif job.name == 'bindep-nova-python27':
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'ubuntu-trusty'
params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'bare-trusty'
def set_node_options(item, job, params, default):
# Set up log url paramter for all jobs
set_log_url(item, job, params)
# Default to single use node. Potentially overriden below.
# Select node to run job on.
proposal_re = r'^.*(merge-release-tags|(propose|upstream)-(.*?)-(constraints-.*|updates?|update-liberty))$' # noqa
release_re = r'^.*-(forge|jenkinsci|mavencentral|pypi-(both|wheel)|npm)-upload$'
hook_re = r'^hook-(.*?)-(rtfd)$'
python26_re = r'^.*-(py(thon)?)?26.*$'
centos6_re = r'^.*-centos6.*$'
fedora_re = r'^.*-f2(1|2).*$'
tripleo_re = r'^.*-tripleo.*$'
kolla_image_re = r'^.*-kolla-build-images-.*$'
openstack_ansible_re = r'^.*-openstack-ansible-.*$'
devstack_re = r'^.*-dsvm.*$'
puppetunit_re = (
# jobs run on the proposal worker
if (re.match(proposal_re, job.name) or re.match(release_re, job.name) or
re.match(hook_re, job.name)):
reusable_node(item, job, params)
# Jobs needing python26
elif re.match(python26_re, job.name):
# Pass because job specified label is always correct.
# Kolla build image jobs always have the correct node label.
# Put before distro specific overrides as they list distros in
# the jobs names unrelated to where job should run.
elif re.match(kolla_image_re, job.name):
# Jobs needing centos6
elif re.match(centos6_re, job.name):
# Pass because job specified label is always correct.
# Jobs needing fedora 2[1|2]
elif re.match(fedora_re, job.name):
# Pass because job specified label is always correct.
# Jobs needing tripleo slaves
elif re.match(tripleo_re, job.name):
# Pass because job specified label is always correct.
# openstack-ansible jobs
elif re.match(openstack_ansible_re, job.name):
# Pass because job specified label is always correct.
# Puppet-OpenStack jobs
elif re.match(puppetunit_re, job.name):
# Jobs needing devstack slaves
elif re.match(devstack_re, job.name):
devstack_params(item, job, params)
elif default == 'trusty':
default_params_trusty(item, job, params)
default_params_precise(item, job, params)
def set_node_options_default_precise(item, job, params):
set_node_options(item, job, params, 'precise')
def set_node_options_default_trusty(item, job, params):
set_node_options(item, job, params, 'trusty')